Game Review: Prey - A Brutally Honest Take

Game Review: Prey - A Brutally Honest Take

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Issue with Reboots and Sequels
  3. The Original Prey vs the New Prey
  4. The Allure of Spiritual Successors
  5. The Plot of Prey 2017
  6. Influences from Other Games
  7. Open-Ended Gameplay in Prey
  8. Resource Management in the Game
  9. Combat and Challenges
  10. The Characterization in Prey
  11. Prey as an Action RPG vs a Horror Game

Prey: A Unique Game Experience

In recent years, the gaming industry has been flooded with reboots, sequels, and spiritual successors. The lack of Originality and creativity has become a growing concern among gamers. One such example is the game Prey. The original Prey, released in 2006, had little to do with the new game that shares its name. This raises the question of why developers feel the need to slap on pre-existing names to new IPs. In this article, we will explore the world of Prey, from its plot and gameplay to its influences and characterization. Join us as we Delve into this unique gaming experience.

The Issue with Reboots and Sequels

The gaming industry has seen an influx of reboots and sequels in recent years. While some may argue that it's a way to capitalize on nostalgia, others find it to be a creative bankruptcy. Gamers are now facing the dilemma of calling out the "sequel police" whenever an old game is rebooted without any substantial changes. This trend is starting to affect the gaming community, as it brings into question the integrity of game developers and their willingness to explore new ideas.

The Original Prey vs the New Prey

The original Prey, released in 2006, and the new Prey share little in common beyond the name. While both games revolve around alien invasions, the similarities end there. It becomes evident that the new Prey is more of a spiritual successor to System Shock 2 rather than a continuation of the original Prey. This raises another concern about the need for so many spiritual successors in the gaming industry. How many spiritual successors does one game really need?

The Allure of Spiritual Successors

The concept of spiritual successors has become a popular trend in the gaming industry. Games like Prey draw inspiration from successful titles such as System Shock 2, Bioshock, Doom 3, and Dead Space. While this may appeal to fans of those games, it also raises questions about the originality and creativity of new game releases. Are developers too reliant on established franchises and ideas? Or should they be encouraged to explore new territories and take risks?

The Plot of Prey 2017

Prey 2017 follows the story of Morgan Yu, a scientist executive who finds themselves on a spaceship after an encounter with an alien entity. With no memory of what transpired, the player must navigate the ship, encounter survivors, and uncover the mystery behind the alien invasion. The game offers an immersive narrative-driven experience, filled with suspense, moral choices, and plenty of secrets to discover.

Influences from Other Games

Prey draws influences from various games, most notably System Shock 2 and Bioshock. The retro aesthetic reminiscent of the 70s, the character progression through foreign devices, and the moral choice mechanics all bear resemblances to these iconic titles. While these influences add depth to the gameplay, Prey still manages to offer a unique and engaging experience.

Open-Ended Gameplay in Prey

One of the standout features of Prey is its open-ended gameplay. The player is given the freedom to explore the entire ship, both its interior and exterior, through various airlocks. However, certain areas are inaccessible, adding a Sense of mystery and discovery to the game. Though monsters continually respawn, resource management plays a significant role in determining how extensively players explore the ship.

Resource Management in the Game

Resource management plays a crucial role in Prey. Ammunition is scarce, forcing players to carefully consider their choices when engaging in combat. The ability to transform everyday items into resources adds an interesting twist to the gameplay. Players must decide whether to conserve resources or risk venturing out in search of more, balancing the risk versus reward.

Combat and Challenges

Combat in Prey is fast-paced and chaotic, reminiscent of games like Bioshock. Players must adapt quickly to the unpredictable enemy behaviors and their unique abilities. Whether it's fighting off mimics that can disguise themselves as objects or evading projectile attacks from other enemies, combat requires both strategy and quick reflexes. The game's challenges keep players on their toes, providing a thrilling and immersive experience.

The Characterization in Prey

Characterization in Prey has both its strengths and weaknesses. While the game presents interesting survivors on the Talos 1 spaceship, their reactions to the alien menace sometimes lack authenticity. Instead of displaying the terror and desperation one would expect in such a situation, they often come across as simply having a bad day at work. This inconsistency in characterization can detract from the immersion and impact of the game's narrative.

Prey as an Action RPG vs a Horror Game

Prey is often categorized as an action RPG. However, it falls short of delivering an effective horror experience. The well-lit environment of the spaceship and the lack of genuine fear-inducing moments hinder the game's ability to Create a truly terrifying atmosphere. While Prey succeeds as a self-contained action RPG, it fails to capture the essence of a horror game, disappointing those seeking a more suspenseful and haunting gameplay experience.


  • Prey raises concerns about the lack of originality in the gaming industry.
  • The new Prey is more of a spiritual successor to System Shock 2 than a continuation of the original game.
  • The game draws influences from System Shock 2, Bioshock, Doom 3, and Dead Space.
  • Prey offers an open-ended gameplay experience, allowing players to explore the entire ship.
  • Resource management is crucial in Prey, with ammunition being scarce.
  • Combat in Prey is fast-paced and requires a combination of strategy and quick reflexes.
  • The characterization in Prey has both strengths and weaknesses.
  • Prey falls short in delivering a truly terrifying horror experience.


Q: Is Prey a sequel to the original Prey game? A: No, the new Prey is more of a spiritual successor to System Shock 2.

Q: Are there horror elements in Prey? A: While Prey has elements of horror, it falls short of delivering a truly terrifying experience.

Q: Can You explore the entire spaceship in Prey? A: Yes, Prey offers an open-ended gameplay experience, allowing players to explore the entire ship.

Q: Is ammunition scarce in Prey? A: Yes, ammunition is scarce in Prey, forcing players to carefully manage their resources.

Q: Does Prey have a moral choice system? A: Yes, Prey incorporates a moral choice mechanic that gradually unfolds throughout the game.

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