Generate Random Names Instantly with Excel!

Generate Random Names Instantly with Excel!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the List of Names
  3. Writing the Name Generation Function
  4. Adding the Button
  5. Recording the Macro
  6. Assigning the Macro to the Button
  7. Formatting the Name Generator
  8. Hiding the Name List
  9. Conclusion

Creating an Awesome Name Generator in Excel

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an impressive name generator in Excel. With just a click of a button, you will be able to generate a random name from a list of names. We will go step by step, starting from creating the list of names to formatting the name generator and hiding the name list. So let's get started!

  1. Creating the List of Names: To begin, we need a list of names that we want to include in the name generator. In this example, the list starts on row nine. It's important to note that these rows will be hidden later, so the list remains hidden from view.

  2. Writing the Name Generation Function: Next, we need to write a function that will generate the random name. We will nest the CHOOSE function inside the RANDBETWEEN function to accomplish this. The CHOOSE function will select a random name from the list of values provided.

  3. Adding the Button: To make the name generation process easier, we will add a button to the spreadsheet. To do this, go to the Developer tab and insert a form control button. You can then move and resize the button as desired.

  4. Recording the Macro: We will now record a macro that will run the name generation function when the button is clicked. To do this, go to the Developer tab and click on "Record Macro." Name the macro and click "OK." Perform the necessary actions, such as clicking the Calculate button, and then stop recording the macro.

  5. Assigning the Macro to the Button: Right-click on the button and select "Assign Macro." Choose the macro that we just recorded. Now, whenever we click the button, the name generation function will be executed.

  6. Formatting the Name Generator: To add a touch of style to our name generator, we can insert a shape, such as a rectangle, and format it as desired. We can also link the shape to display the generated name. This can be done by using the equals sign and selecting the cell containing the formula.

  7. Hiding the Name List: To ensure that the list of names remains hidden, we can hide the rows containing the names. Simply right-click on the rows and select "Hide." This will make it appear as if the list was never there.

  8. Conclusion: Congratulations! You have successfully created an awesome name generator in Excel. Now, with a simple click of a button, you can generate a random name. Feel free to explore further and make the generator more dynamic using additional Excel features. Thank you for following along, and don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment!


  • Learn how to Create an impressive name generator in Excel
  • Generate random names with just a click of a button
  • Create a list of names and write a name generation function
  • Add a button to run the name generation function
  • Record a macro to automate the process
  • Assign the macro to the button for easy execution
  • Format the name generator and link the generated name to a Shape
  • Hide the name list to maintain the mystery
  • Customize and enhance the generator to suit your needs


Q: How do I create a list of names in Excel? A: To create a list of names in Excel, enter the names in a column, starting from a specific row. You can then use this list in functions or macros to generate random names.

Q: Can I customize the formatting of the name generator? A: Yes, you can customize the formatting of the name generator to suit your preferences. You can change the shape, fill, outline, and other formatting options to make it visually appealing.

Q: How do I hide the name list? A: To hide the name list, select the rows containing the names, right-click, and choose "Hide." This will hide the rows from view, making it seem as if the list was never there.

Q: Can I make the name generator more dynamic? A: Yes, you can make the name generator more dynamic by incorporating additional Excel features, such as tables and formulas. This will allow for more flexibility and customization in generating names.

Q: Is there a way to generate multiple names at once? A: The tutorial focuses on generating one random name at a time, but you can modify the function and the macro to generate multiple names simultaneously if needed.

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