How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the 500 Internal Server Error
  3. Common Causes of the 500 Internal Server Error 3.1 Insufficient Server Resources 3.2 Outdated PHP Version 3.3 Conflicting Plugins
  4. How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error 4.1 Backup Your Website 4.2 Check Server Resources and PHP Version 4.3 Disable Conflicting Plugins 4.4 Use Code Snippets Plugin
  5. Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the 500 Internal Server Error 5.1 Install and Activate Code Snippets Plugin 5.2 Add a New Code to Bypass GD Editor 5.3 Clear the Cache 5.4 Test the Solution
  6. Conclusion

How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress


The 500 Internal Server Error is a common WordPress issue that occurs when trying to upload images or any media files to the WordPress media library or directly into posts and pages. This error can be frustrating and disrupt the normal functioning of your Website. In this article, we will discuss the causes of the 500 Internal Server Error and provide a step-by-step guide to fixing it.

Understanding the 500 Internal Server Error

The 500 Internal Server Error is an HTTP status code that indicates a server-side error while attempting to fulfill a request. When encountering this error, WordPress displays a message such as "Sorry, that didn't work. Please try again later" or "500 Internal Server Error." This error can occur due to various reasons and understanding them is crucial to finding an effective solution.

Common Causes of the 500 Internal Server Error

  1. Insufficient Server Resources: Limited server resources can lead to conflicts and cause the 500 Internal Server Error. It is essential to ensure that your hosting provider offers sufficient resources for your website.

  2. Outdated PHP Version: Running an outdated PHP version can result in compatibility issues and trigger the 500 Internal Server Error. Upgrading to the latest PHP version is recommended to resolve this issue.

  3. Conflicting Plugins: Incompatible or conflicting plugins can also generate the 500 Internal Server Error. A plugin conflict may arise due to outdated or poorly coded plugins on your WordPress website.

How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error

To fix the 500 Internal Server Error, follow these steps:

  1. Backup Your Website: Before making any changes to your website, it is crucial to Create a backup. This ensures that you can restore your website to its previous state in case of any issues.

  2. Check Server Resources and PHP Version: Verify that your hosting provider offers sufficient server resources for your website. Additionally, ensure that you are using the latest PHP version (preferably 7.4) for optimal compatibility.

  3. Disable Conflicting Plugins: Temporarily deactivate all plugins on your website and check if the error persists. If the error disappears after deactivating a specific plugin, that plugin is likely causing the issue.

  4. Use Code Snippets Plugin: Install and activate the Code Snippets plugin, which provides a safer way to add custom code to your website. This plugin enables you to bypass the GD Editor, resolving the 500 Internal Server Error.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the 500 Internal Server Error

Follow these steps to fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress:

  1. Install and Activate Code Snippets Plugin: Visit the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the "Plugins" section, and search for the "Code Snippets" plugin. Install and activate the plugin.

  2. Add a New Code to Bypass GD Editor: Access the Code Snippets settings from the left menu panel. Create a new code snippet using the provided options. Name the snippet "Bypass GD Editor."

  3. Clear the Cache: Clear the cache of your website to ensure the changes take effect.

  4. Test the Solution: Attempt to upload an image or media file to your WordPress website. If the 500 Internal Server Error no longer occurs, the solution was successful.


The 500 Internal Server Error can be a frustrating experience for WordPress users. However, by understanding the causes and following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, You can effectively resolve this error. Remember to ensure sufficient server resources, use the latest PHP version, and be cautious of conflicting plugins. By implementing these solutions, you can eliminate the 500 Internal Server Error and restore the smooth functioning of your WordPress website.

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