How to understand different types of hosting for your business

The website is an important part of any business and it is definitely the easiest way to promote your services and products. The importance of visualization and content in general is highly important, but the back end is also crucial. With the selection of a reliable hosting solution, you can be sure of the reliability, security, and of course quick page loading.

To make the right choice, it is essential to understand the main difference between all the available hosting types. This article will help to determine the needed type so you will know whether rent dedicated server is something you really need.

Factors to consider when choosing a web hosting provider

There are no identical businesses and that’s why it will be hard to find the same hosting provider for different clients. The choice of the hosting solution is also a rather individual thing and here are a couple of recommendations to take into account:

-        Specify your budget ranges;

-        Determine an approximate traffic volume that you might have;

-        Choose the needed location where the majority of your audience is;

-        The scalability of the chosen hosting solution is important;

-        The availability of a professional support team;

-        Pay attention to the security measures.

Types of Hosting Solutions  

When you have determined the list of the major important criteria, you can start reviewing inform about the main types of web hosting solutions. There are a diversity of options to select from, but the main ones we will discuss in here.

Shared Hosting

The shared hosting solution is probably the most frequently used option mainly because of the price range. Of course, it is a cheap variant, but it can work perfectly fine for those who need minimal resources and don’t have high volumes of traffic.

This type of hosting offers access to one physical server that is used by multiple clients. The number of users depends on the select web provider. Usually, reliable companies have less users and the general number can start from 10 and end with 98 users. The drawback of this option is in the resources. In case, you have an increased volume of traffic your platform can go down.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting means that only one user can utilize all the resources of one server. All the resources are used for one project so the performance is exclusive. There are lots of advantages that come together with this hosting solution such as better security, more stable functioning, higher speed characteristics, and more.

The only minus in this option is the price. A dedicated server is the most expansive variant if compared with shared, VPS, or cloud hosting. It will perfectly suit businesses with higher budgets and those that need more resources and better security.


A Virtual Private Server is an ideal option for those who don’t want to overpay for the dedicated server and at the same time need more freedom than in the shared hosting solution. VPS will perfectly suit users with higher traffic volume, but those who don’t have a huge budget for the hosting solution.

This type of hosting functions in such a way that one physical server is divided between the users. Each user gets their own resources and better isolation from the neighbors. If no one interferes with your hosting then you are definitely getting a more secure and stable option.

Cloud hosting   

Lately, the popularity of this hosting solution has significantly increased mainly because of the better flexibility, security, and stable functioning. The minor disadvantage may be connected with the price, it is a little bit more expensive.

What to pay attention to when choosing a hosting solution?

If you want to launch your first website or just searching for another hosting plan, any way you should pay attention to:

-        Security. Try to find out whether the chosen plan includes DDoS protection or other important security measures.

-        Reliability. The best solution will have a minimum 99 percent uptime so consider this factor.

-        Available control panels. For those who are launching their first website, the convenience of a control panel is crucial.

-        Backups. Try to identify whether you need regular backups made by the hosting provider or you would like to control everything on your own.

-        Flexibility. The business could not be stable all the time. Sooner or later, there might be some changes so your hosting solution should be also flexible to the new circumstances.

Summing up  

The choice of the hosting solution is an important step for any business and you’d better select a suitable variant rather than deal with circumstances. Hope that the article was helpful and you have found the needed information regarding the types of available hosting solutions. Try to consider all the discussed criteria and you will definitely find the best solution.  

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