Streamline Document Comparison with LLMs and Kern AI Cognition

Streamline Document Comparison with LLMs and Kern AI Cognition

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of LLMs in Document Comparison 2.1 Understanding LLMs 2.2 Document Comparison Projects
  3. Building a Document Comparison spreadsheet 3.1 Questions and Documents Layout 3.2 Integration with Cognition Project
  4. Retrieval Augmented Generation Technique 4.1 Mini Search Engine for Data 4.2 Accurate and Specific Answers
  5. Benefits of Document Comparison with LLMs 5.1 Streamlining Large-scale Comparisons 5.2 Reduction in Processing Time
  6. Processing PDF Documents for Comparison 6.1 Uploading PDF Files or Using PDF Converters 6.2 Data Extraction and Formatting
  7. Utilizing Cognition for Logic and Integration 7.1 Customizable Strategies in Cognition 7.2 Workflow for Rag Approach
  8. Integration of Chatbot with Document Comparison 8.1 Different Strategies for Different Policies 8.2 Instructions for Chatbot Models 8.3 Dynamic Question Enrichment
  9. Choosing the Right LLM Model for Document Comparison 9.1 Factors to Consider: Security and Sensitivity 9.2 Monitoring and Improving Output Reliability
  10. Conclusion
  11. Resources

The Power of LLMs in Document Comparison

In today's world, where vast amounts of data are generated daily, the need to compare and analyze documents efficiently has become imperative for organizations. While LLMs (Large Language Models) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) have gained popularity for conversational purposes, their potential extends far beyond chat assistance. These models can be wielded as powerful tools for document comparison, revolutionizing the way organizations handle large volumes of information.

Understanding LLMs

LLMs are general-purpose language tools that can process and understand various types of textual data. As we explore the possibilities, document comparison emerges as a critical use case. Traditional document comparison processes can be time-consuming, taking weeks to complete. By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs, this timeline can be drastically reduced to mere hours, or even minutes.

Document Comparison Projects

Organizations dealing with intangible products, such as insurances, often encounter the challenge of comparing multiple documents. Global Guard, a hypothetical insurance company, serves as an example. With policies covering both European and global travel, comparing policy documents becomes a crucial task. By employing LLMs, the document comparison process becomes more efficient and accurate.

Building a Document Comparison Spreadsheet

To facilitate document comparison, a spreadsheet-style layout is employed. This layout includes predefined questions analyzing specific details of the documents. On the X-axis, the names of the different documents are listed, while on the Y-axis, the questions are set. This layout allows for easy access and accurate comparison of diverse documents.

Questions and Documents Layout

The document comparison project begins by identifying the questions to be asked about the documents. These questions, along with the document names, are organized in a spreadsheet. The flexibility of this approach allows for the addition of unlimited questions and documents.

Integration with Cognition Project

To operationalize the document comparison process, the Cognition platform is utilized. Cognition serves as a powerful tool to orchestrate the Rag (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) approach. Strategies are created within Cognition to suit the specific requirements of the document comparison project. These strategies facilitate data filtering, retrieval, and enrichment, ensuring seamless integration with LLMs like GPT.

Retrieval Augmented Generation Technique

The document comparison process employs the retrieval augmented generation technique. This technique involves building a mini Search Engine for the data, allowing for the identification of Relevant passages. When a question is posed about a specific document, the information found is then utilized to provide accurate and specific answers.

Mini Search Engine for Data

Using the document comparison spreadsheet as a foundation, a mini-search engine is created. This engine enables efficient retrieval of relevant information from the data pool. The integration with LLMs ensures that the gathered information is utilized in generating precise answers.

Accurate and Specific Answers

With the mini search engine in place, the retrieved data is passed to the LLMs for processing. The LLMs, such as GPT, utilize the information to provide accurate and specific answers. This approach enhances the reliability and efficiency of the document comparison process.

Benefits of Document Comparison with LLMs

Leveraging LLMs for document comparison offers numerous advantages for organizations dealing with large volumes of data.

Streamlining Large-Scale Comparisons

Traditional document comparison procedures can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. By harnessing the power of LLMs, organizations can streamline large-scale comparisons, saving time and effort.

Reduction in Processing Time

The efficiency of LLMs in processing and analyzing textual data enables organizations to reduce the time required for document comparison. Weeks-long procedures can now be accomplished within hours or minutes, significantly improving operational efficiency.

Processing PDF Documents for Comparison

To utilize the document comparison capabilities of LLMs, PDF documents need to be processed and converted into a suitable format.

Uploading PDF Files or Using PDF Converters

PDF files can be directly uploaded into the system for Document Extraction. Alternatively, PDF converters can be employed to convert the files into a format suitable for uploading, such as spreadsheets.

Data Extraction and Formatting

Once the PDF documents are uploaded or converted, the necessary data is extracted and formatted for easy integration into the document comparison project. This ensures seamless processing and analysis of the documents.

Utilizing Cognition for Logic and Integration

Cognition plays a crucial role in facilitating the logic and integration required for seamless document comparison.

Customizable Strategies in Cognition

Cognition allows for the creation of highly customizable strategies that fit the specific requirements of the document comparison project. These strategies act as workflows, orchestrating the Rag approach and ensuring smooth execution.

Workflow for Rag Approach

The Rag approach encompasses various stages, including data retrieval, processing, and enrichment. Cognition provides the necessary tools and functionalities to accomplish these stages effectively. Strategies can be designed to handle different document types and process them accordingly.

Integration of Chatbot with Document Comparison

Integrating chatbot models with the document comparison process adds intelligence and efficiency to the system.

Different Strategies for Different Policies

Document comparison projects often involve multiple policies or document categories. By implementing different strategies within Cognition, each policy can be handled separately, ensuring accuracy and relevancy in the comparison process.

Instructions for Chatbot Models

LLMs like GPT can be instructed differently for each strategy, enabling policy-specific comparisons. This instruction flexibility empowers organizations to tailor the chatbot's responses to the unique requirements of each policy type.

Dynamic Question Enrichment

The question enrichment component in the conversation process automatically detects metadata about incoming questions. This information, including complexity and style, guides the routing of questions to appropriate strategies. Complex queries can be directed to more capable LLM models, while simpler tasks can be handled by more cost-efficient options.

Choosing the Right LLM Model for Document Comparison

Selecting the appropriate LLM model for document comparison projects requires consideration of various factors.

Factors to Consider: Security and Sensitivity

Depending on the organization's requirements, the choice of hosting, be it open AI, Microsoft Azure, or open-source models like Llama 2, can be crucial. Security and sensitivity of the data being handled are essential considerations.

Monitoring and Improving Output Reliability

Monitoring the entire document comparison process provides insights into the data used for each answer. This information helps in further improving the reliability and accuracy of the responses.


Document comparison projects can benefit immensely from the capabilities of LLMs. By leveraging the power of LLMs like GPT and utilizing tools like Cognition, organizations can streamline their comparison processes, save time, and enhance operational efficiency. Embracing the potential of LLMs opens up a wide range of possibilities beyond traditional chat assistance.


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