| GPTZero offers several core features, including:
- AI detection for ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa, and other AI models.
- Detailed writing reports with statistics, AI content analysis, and video recording of the writing process.
- API integration for organizations to incorporate GPTZero's AI detection abilities into their own tools and workflows.
- Dashboard for educators, offering a premium model trained specifically for student writing and ed-tech use cases.
- Batch file scans to upload and analyze multiple files at once.
- Chrome extension (Origin) for seamless AI content detection while browsing the internet. | |
To use GPTZero, simply paste the text you want to check into the provided field or upload a file in formats like .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt. GPTZero will analyze the text and provide an overall detection result, as well as highlight specific sentences where AI generation is detected. For larger texts and batch file scans, you can sign up for a free account on their Dashboard or download the Chrome extension, Origin, to scan web pages while browsing.
| Compose with AI anywhere Summarize & chat with any page Write better with confidence Read easier and faster Reply to any text in seconds Ask AI anything in the sidebar | |
Select any text on any website Choose from various AI functions like improving writing, summarizing, explaining, fixing spelling & grammar, changing tone, translating, or generating replies Click one button to apply the selected AI function
| AI-powered Japanese storywriting Access to a large trained corpus Ability to provide seed text for context Option to start with example prompts Support for user-defined text | |
To use the AI, users can start by entering a seed text of at least 5-6 lines to provide context and genre. The AI will then generate a story based on the input. Users can also choose to start with one of the provided example prompts or their own text.
| ChatGPT Sidebar with GPTs integration Supports chats with links, images, PDFs, and GPTs Integration of ChatGPT 3.5/4, Claude Instant/V2, and Gemini One-stop AI assistant for all-in-one chatbot, AI reader, AI writer, and ChatPDF integrated image tool Group AI Chat with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, and Bard support Instant solutions to any question from all available bots | |
Simply install the Sider Chrome/Edge extension and start enjoying its features. It assists in reading, writing, chatting, translating, and more on any webpage.
| Graphic design: Access millions of free images, videos, and audio clips, and use designer templates to create stunning visuals. AI Writer: Create content quickly and easily for blogs, social media, websites, and more with the help of AI. Video Editor & Animation: Collaborate on videos for platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube with a single click. Social Media Management: Grow your business with seamless social media management, including scheduling and publishing posts. AI Presentation Maker: Generate professional presentations quickly using AI. AI Image Generator: Generate images from text using AI. AI Background Remover: Remove backgrounds from images with just a click. Magic Resizer: Resize designs instantly for different platforms and purposes. Animation Maker: Bring designs to life with one-click animations. AI Content Rewriter: Expand and rewrite copy in seconds. AI Blog Writer: Let AI generate blogs, essays, and articles for you in minutes. Instagram Reels: Create engaging content for Instagram Reels. Convert mov to mp4: Convert video files from mov to mp4 format. Convert jpg to png: Convert image files from jpg to png format. Social media post templates: Create eye-catching posts and stories for different social media platforms. Video content for social media platforms: Create videos for platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. Social media hashtag generator: Generate relevant hashtags for social media posts. SEO-driven copywriting: Write copy optimized for search engine optimization. Social media scheduling: Schedule and automate posts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Social media analytics: Analyze post performance and gain insights for better marketing strategies. Unlimited workspaces: Create different workspaces for teams and clients to collaborate effectively. | |
To use Simplified, sign up for a free account. Once logged in, explore the various features available, such as graphic design, video editing, AI content writing, and social media management. Utilize the extensive library of free resources, templates, and AI tools to create your desired content. Collaborate with team members by sharing workspaces and making real-time comments. Use the content calendar to schedule and publish posts across multiple social media platforms. Simplified simplifies the marketing workflow and enhances productivity for your team.
| Transformation of flagged AI-generated content Alignment with brand voice Premium quality writing Indistinguishable from human-written works Flawless text Audience resonance |
Basic $9.99/mo Essential features for small-scale usage.
Professional $29.99/mo Advanced features for medium-scale usage.
Enterprise Contact us for pricing details. Customized solutions for large-scale usage.
Using AI Content Solutions is simple. Just upload your flagged AI-generated content to our platform, and our powerful AI algorithms will process and refine it. The advanced technology carefully adjusts the writing to match your brand voice, resulting in premium quality content. You can then use this revamped content with confidence, knowing it can bypass AI detectors and maintain the human touch.
| AI-powered caption generation One-click captioning Collaboration with top creators | |
To use OpusClip Captions, simply upload your video and click the 'Add Captions' button.
| Grammar Checker Style Editor Writing Mentor Comprehensive Story Critiques Suggestions for Engaging Readers Tools for Finding Inspiration Integration with Multiple Apps | |
Sign up for free in 30 seconds Review our suggestions to improve your story Publish with confidence
| Free ChatGPT Chrome extension AI-powered responses Summarize videos, articles, pdf, and websites Write emails Write content on social media | |
To use Merlin AI, install the Chrome extension, create an account, and press Ctrl + M or Cmd + M to open the AI assistant on any website.
| AI girlfriend and AI boyfriend Romantic AI love chat Uncensored and adult-themed conversations Customizable virtual companions Premium features Unique voices and deep conversations | |
To get the most out of NSFWLover, users can create or import their own AI girlfriend or AI boyfriend. They can engage in romantic and NSFW conversations, customize the attributes of their virtual companions, and enjoy interactive and immersive experiences. Premium subscribers can access additional features such as unique voices and deep conversations.