L'échec certain des Ai Prompters! Découvrez pourquoi ils ne peuvent pas remplacer de vrais artistes.

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L'échec certain des Ai Prompters! Découvrez pourquoi ils ne peuvent pas remplacer de vrais artistes.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AI Prompters: Current State and Limitations
    • 2.1 The Clunky Nature of AI Prompting
    • 2.2 Lack of Artistic Skills in AI Users
  3. The Evolution of Art Tools
    • 3.1 From Text-Based Interfaces to Graphical User Interfaces
    • 3.2 AI as an Assistant, Not a Replacement
  4. Adobe: Integrating AI into Art Software
    • 4.1 AI as an Additional Tool in Adobe Software
    • 4.2 Training AI with Your Own Art Style
  5. Other Companies Embracing AI-Assisted Art
    • 5.1 Kaa: Drawing with AI Assistance
  6. The Future of AI in Art
    • 6.1 Artistic Efficiency and productivity Boost
    • 6.2 Overcoming the Challenges of Sketchbooks
  7. Conclusion

Inevitable Doom or Assisted Progress: The Future of AI in Art 🎨

As an aspiring artist, it's natural to have concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the art industry. With the rise of AI prompters and Generative AI tools, questions arise about the role of artists and the future of their careers. In this article, we will delve into the current state of AI prompters, their limitations, and explore how AI is evolving to become an assistant rather than a replacement for human artists. From the integration of AI in software platforms like Adobe to the emergence of other AI-assisted art tools, we will paint a picture of a future where AI and artists coexist harmoniously, leading to increased artistic efficiency and productivity.

AI Prompters: Current State and Limitations

2.1 The Clunky Nature of AI Prompting

Historically, AI prompters have been reminiscent of the archaic text-based interfaces from the late 80s and early 90s. Artists would input specific instructions, hoping the computer would generate the desired result. However, these prompters lack intuitive design and are far from being user-friendly. Just as the development of graphical user interfaces revolutionized the way we interacted with computers, prompting as a skill is gradually becoming obsolete. Writing meticulous instructions to achieve artistic outcomes is clunky and impractical, leading to the realization that AI prompters have no future in the art industry.

2.2 Lack of Artistic Skills in AI Users

Another obstacle faced by AI prompters is the lack of artistic skills among their users. Many AI users are drawn to these tools precisely because they lack knowledge in composition, storytelling, or color theory. The AI software becomes a crutch for producing visually appealing artwork, even if it lacks true artistic merit. Consequently, the images generated by AI prompters often fall short of the users' expectations. If AI companies continue to rely on users who lack artistic skills to showcase their software's capabilities, they will inevitably face a dead-end. True appreciation for AI-assisted art requires a balance between human creativity and the assistance provided by AI.

The Evolution of Art Tools

3.1 From Text-Based Interfaces to Graphical User Interfaces

The evolution of art tools mirrors the progression of human-computer interaction. Text-based interfaces, once the only means of communicating with computers, gave way to graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Similarly, the art industry is undergoing a transition from clunky AI prompters to more visually and user-friendly interfaces. Companies like Adobe are leading the charge by integrating AI as just another tool in their software suite. Artists no longer rely solely on writing text-based prompts; they can now utilize visual buttons, sliders, and intuitive UI elements to achieve their artistic visions. The future of AI in art lies in facilitating, not replacing, the creative process.

3.2 AI as an Assistant, Not a Replacement

Adobe recognizes the potential of AI as an assistant to artists rather than a singular creator. With tools like Firefly, artists can enjoy a streamlined workflow that minimizes the burden of the Prompter. Instead of writing copious amounts of instructions, artists can focus on utilizing predefined visual buttons and sliders to bring their imagination to life. Furthermore, Adobe aims to empower artists by allowing them to train AI with their own art styles. This collaborative approach bridges the gap between human creativity and AI assistance, ensuring that artists retain their unique artistic expression while benefiting from the efficiency AI brings.

Adobe: Integrating AI into Art Software

4.1 AI as an Additional Tool in Adobe Software

As the leading name in creative software, Adobe recognizes that AI is most effective when incorporated as an additional tool rather than a standalone feature. Their software, such as Photoshop, seamlessly integrates AI capabilities, allowing artists to harness the power of AI without losing the traditional art-making experience. By providing AI as just one component among a plethora of tools, Adobe ensures that artists can choose when and how to employ AI assistance based on their artistic needs and preferences.

4.2 Training AI with Your Own Art Style

To further enhance the collaboration between artists and AI, Adobe embarks on the journey of enabling artists to train AI with their unique art styles. This groundbreaking feature allows artists to mold AI capabilities to better Align with their artistic vision. Imagine having an AI assistant that understands your personal artistic style, assists you with consistent character design, and eliminates the tediousness of drawing repetitive elements. With advancements like these, the integration of AI into art processes becomes an asset rather than a threat.

Other Companies Embracing AI-Assisted Art

5.1 Kaa: Drawing with AI Assistance

Adobe is not the sole player in the AI-assisted art arena. Companies like Kaa have also leveraged AI to enhance the artistic process. Kaa's approach requires artists to actively draw while they receive AI assistance. This Blend of manual artistic skills and AI assistance serves as a stepping stone towards a future where AI becomes an indispensable ally, helping artists overcome challenges and unleash their creativity even further.

The Future of AI in Art

6.1 Artistic Efficiency and Productivity Boost

Contrary to popular doomsday perceptions, the future of AI in art is promising. Rather than displacing artists, AI will augment their abilities and enable them to accomplish more in less time. Animated shows might return with shorter intervals, and artists can complete graphic novels faster, all thanks to AI's assistance in maintaining consistent characters and backgrounds. With AI handling certain aspects, artists can focus on honing their core artistic skills and producing more high-quality artwork.

6.2 Overcoming the Challenges of Sketchbooks

While sketchbooks hold a special place in the hearts of many artists, the traditional concept of sketching is not without its flaws. Addressing these challenges, such as overcoming the fear of ruining a sketch or struggling with initial rough concepts, AI can provide a solution. By seamlessly integrating AI assistance with the sketching process, artists can achieve a balance between spontaneity and refinement, resulting in more confident and efficient sketching.


In conclusion, the future of AI in art is not one of inevitable doom but rather an era of assisted progress. AI prompters, with their clunky interfaces and dependence on text-based instructions, will fade into obsolescence. Instead, AI will become a valuable assistant to artists, offering a range of visual and user-friendly tools that integrate seamlessly with their creative processes. Companies like Adobe and the emergence of other AI-assisted art tools indicate a shift towards collaboration between artists and AI, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity, and artistic innovation. Embracing AI as a supportive partner, artists can unlock new horizons and bring their creative visions to life with greater speed and precision.


  • AI prompters, with their clunky nature and reliance on text-based instructions, are destined for obsolescence in the art industry. 🤖
  • Lack of artistic skills among AI users poses a challenge to creating truly Meaningful and aesthetically pleasing artwork. 🎨
  • The evolution of art tools, from text-based interfaces to GUIs, is mirrored in the integration of AI as an assistant for artists. 💻
  • Adobe incorporates AI into their software suite, providing user-friendly tools and the ability to train AI with personal art styles. 💡
  • Kaa and other companies highlight the benefits of AI-assisted drawing, allowing artists to retain control while receiving helpful AI guidance. ✍️
  • AI's future lies in facilitating artistic efficiency and productivity, empowering artists to create more in less time. ⏰
  • The potential of AI extends to overcoming challenges with sketchbooks, enabling more confident and efficient sketching. 📓
  • Rather than threatening job security, AI will enhance the artistic process by collaborating with artists, resulting in a brighter future for the industry. ✨


Q: Will AI replace artists in the future? A: No, AI will not replace artists. Instead, it will enable them to become more efficient and productive by offering assistance in various aspects of the creative process.

Q: Is using AI in art considered cheating? A: No, using AI in art should not be seen as cheating. It is a tool that allows artists to explore new possibilities, enhance their workflow, and overcome certain challenges.

Q: How can AI help artists with sketching? A: AI can assist artists with sketching by providing guidance, helping overcome initial hurdles, and refining rough concepts. It enables artists to strike a balance between spontaneity and refinement in their sketching process.

Q: Will AI-generated art be considered authentic and valuable? A: The value and authenticity of art lie in the artist's intention and creative expression. While AI can contribute to the creation of visually pleasing artwork, it is the artist's unique vision that gives art its true worth.


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