2021 PC Build: Price and Stock Updates for Nvidia GPUs

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2021 PC Build: Price and Stock Updates for Nvidia GPUs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Issue of Price Increases
  3. The Scarcity and Availability of GPUs and CPUs
  4. GPU Pricing and Recommendations
  5. CPU Options and Considerations
  6. The Impact on Other PC Components
  7. The Importance of Acting Now
  8. The Future Outlook for Pricing and Availability
  9. Tips for Finding Components
  10. Conclusion

Is Now the Time to Build Your PC? An In-Depth Look at Component Pricing and Availability in 2021

If you're considering building your own PC, there are two major developments in 2021 regarding component pricing as well as availability that you need to be aware of. In this article, we will delve into the challenges and considerations of building a PC in the current market. We'll discuss the increase in component pricing, the continued scarcity of GPUs and CPUs, and provide recommendations on how to navigate these challenges. So, let's dive in and find out if now is the right time to build your PC.


We're right at the beginning of 2021, and it's safe to say that the year has not gotten off to a great start for those looking to build or upgrade their PCs. Two main factors are impacting the market: price increases for components and the ongoing scarcity and out-of-stock status of GPUs and CPUs. In this article, we'll explore these issues and provide insights into the best Course of action for PC builders.

The Issue of Price Increases

The first challenge to consider is the increase in component pricing, especially for GPUs. An ASUS representative confirmed that most components, including motherboards, power supplies, and GPUs, will experience significant price hikes. These increases are already taking place in the first quarter of 2021, making it a critical time for PC builders to make their purchases.

The Scarcity and Availability of GPUs and CPUs

In addition to rising prices, the scarcity and availability of GPUs and CPUs are major concerns. Both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs are in high demand, and their limited supply has been further impacted by the resurgence of cryptocurrency mining. As a result, finding the latest GPUs and CPUs has become increasingly difficult, with most models being out of stock or facing long waiting periods.

GPU Pricing and Recommendations

Considering the current market conditions, it is advisable to act promptly if you can find the components you desire. GPU availability is particularly challenging, with models like the NVIDIA 3080 and 3070 being the hardest to find. If you come across a GPU within your budget, such as a 3080 or 3070, it is recommended to purchase it now rather than wait for future releases. The prices of upcoming models are projected to be significantly higher than the current offerings.

CPU Options and Considerations

While CPUs are relatively more available than GPUs, the market is still affected by scarcity and increased pricing. The AMD Ryzen 5000 series is highly sought after but difficult to find at MSRP. In this situation, considering Intel CPUs may be a viable option for some builders. Intel processors, such as the 10850K, offer competitive performance at lower prices, making them an attractive alternative. However, if you prefer AMD, it is worth waiting for restocks or exploring the Ryzen 3000 series, keeping in mind that prices for these older models have also increased due to scarcity and demand.

The Impact on Other PC Components

It's important not to overlook the impact of these market conditions on other PC components. Items like cases, power supplies, motherboards, RAM, and storage devices are also experiencing price increases and potential supply issues. While these components are currently more readily available, it is expected that their prices will rise in the coming months. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase these parts sooner rather than later, as prices are likely to increase significantly.

The Importance of Acting Now

Considering the rising prices and limited availability of components, the time to build or upgrade your PC is now. Waiting for future releases or expecting a decrease in prices may not be a viable strategy. PC builders should be prepared to adapt and secure the components they need as soon as possible. Prices are not expected to decrease significantly, and availability is likely to remain a challenge for the majority of 2021.

The Future Outlook for Pricing and Availability

While there is a possibility that pricing may stabilize and availability may improve by the third or fourth quarter of 2021, it is important to note that demand for components is still exceptionally high. Factors such as increased cryptocurrency mining and the continuous influx of new gamers contribute to the ongoing scarcity issue. While some fluctuations in the market can be expected, the overall situation is unlikely to change drastically.

Tips for Finding Components

To navigate the challenging PC building market, it is crucial to stay informed and actively search for available components. Keep an eye on reliable websites, join notification groups, and stay up to date with the latest information. While it may require extra effort and patience, it is possible to secure the components you need at fair prices if you remain diligent and proactive in your search.


In conclusion, building a PC in 2021 comes with its challenges. The increase in component prices and the ongoing scarcity of GPUs and CPUs make it a competitive and unpredictable market. However, by understanding the current market conditions and acting swiftly, you can still find the components you need at reasonable prices. Stay informed, be proactive, and consider your options carefully. Happy building!


  • Increase in component pricing, especially for GPUs
  • Scarcity and availability challenges for GPUs and CPUs
  • Recommendation to purchase GPUs and CPUs now to avoid higher prices later
  • Consideration of alternative CPU options from Intel
  • Impact of market conditions on other PC components
  • Importance of taking action now to secure desired components
  • Limited prospects for price decreases and improved availability
  • Tips for navigating the challenging PC building market


Q: Are GPU and CPU prices expected to decrease in the future? A: Prices for GPUs and CPUs are not expected to decrease significantly in the near future. The current market conditions, including high demand and supply chain challenges, make it unlikely that prices will decrease substantially.

Q: Should I wait for future GPU releases? A: It is not advisable to wait for future GPU releases if you can find a suitable GPU within your budget now. Prices for upcoming models are projected to be considerably higher, and availability may still be limited.

Q: Are there any alternative options for CPUs? A: Yes, considering Intel CPUs can be a viable alternative. Intel processors, such as the 10850K, offer competitive performance at lower prices compared to AMD Ryzen CPUs. However, if you prefer AMD, waiting for restocks or exploring older Ryzen models may be worth considering.

Q: What should I do if I can't find the components I need? A: If you cannot find the desired components at the moment, it is recommended to keep checking different websites, join notification groups, and stay informed about restocks. The market is constantly changing, and opportunities to secure the components may arise.

Q: Will availability and pricing improve in the later quarters of 2021? A: While there is a possibility of some improvement in availability and pricing later in the year, demand for components remains high. It is essential to stay informed and proactive in your search, as the market is expected to remain competitive and unpredictable throughout 2021.

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