GeForce GTX 2080 / 1180 Release Date Coming Soon | Find Out Why the Wait Has Been Worth It

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GeForce GTX 2080 / 1180 Release Date Coming Soon | Find Out Why the Wait Has Been Worth It

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Solid Rumors and Hot Chips XXX
  3. Expected Launch Date
  4. Previous Architecture - Pascal
    • Refresh or Tweaks?
    • Persistent Rumors: Turing and Volta
  5. Performance Expectations
  6. Reasons for Delay
    • Market Share Dominance
    • Market Pricing Factors
    • AMD's Competition
    • Alleged Price Fixing by DRAM Companies
    • Ecosystem and Architecture Development
  7. Speculation on Ray Tracing
  8. Advice for Consumers
    • Consider Budget and Need for Upgrade
    • Release Schedule and Price Points
  9. Conclusion

🔥 Next-Generation GeForce Graphics Card: Solid Rumors and Expectations 🔥

The excitement and anticipation for the next-generation GeForce graphics card have reached an all-time high among gaming enthusiasts. After much speculation and rumors, it seems that we finally have some solid information about when the new graphics cards will be released. The long-awaited launch of these powerful GPUs is just around the corner, and in this article, we will delve into the details of what can be expected from these highly anticipated devices.

1. Introduction

With the gaming industry constantly evolving, gamers are always on the lookout for the next big thing that will take their gaming experience to new heights. The next-generation GeForce graphics card promises to bring groundbreaking advancements in performance, visual fidelity, and gaming capabilities. In this article, we will explore the latest rumors and expectations surrounding the release of these powerful GPUs.

2. Solid Rumors and Hot Chips XXX

The upcoming release of the next-generation GeForce graphics card is no longer shrouded in mystery. Scott Ubberman is set to give a key discussion during the Hot Chips XXX event, which is only 80 days away. This significant revelation has confirmed that the launch of these highly anticipated GPUs will take place sooner than expected, possibly in June or July. While the exact details are still unknown, it is highly likely that we will see the release of the Founder's Edition cards, followed by customized versions from manufacturers like MSI and Asus.

3. Expected Launch Date

Based on the timeline provided by the Hot Chips XXX event, it is safe to assume that the next-generation GeForce graphics cards will hit store shelves in the third or fourth quarter of the year. This aligns with previous rumors and speculations, which have hinted at a mid-year release. While the precise launch date is yet to be confirmed, gamers can rest assured that they won't have to wait much longer to get their hands on these cutting-edge GPUs.

4. Previous Architecture - Pascal

The current generation of GeForce graphics cards is based on the Pascal architecture, which has been around for two years. The GTX 1080, launched in 2016, was one of the flagship cards of the Pascal lineup. While it is not uncommon for Nvidia to have a long-lasting architecture, such as with Kepler, there is usually some degree of refresh or tweaks introduced to keep up with evolving technologies. Considering the age of Pascal, it raises questions about which architectural direction the next generation will take.

  • Refresh or Tweaks? There is a possibility that the next-generation GeForce graphics cards may be a refresh of the Pascal architecture. This could involve improvements in the manufacturing process, higher clock speeds, and the introduction of GDDR6 memory for faster data transfer. While the underlying architecture may remain similar, slight enhancements to CUDA cores and caches could provide noticeable performance gains.

  • Persistent Rumors: Turing and Volta Rumors within the industry have revolved around two potential architecture options - Turing and Volta. While the exact details of these architectures remain uncertain, it is important to note that their names do not necessarily reflect the specific features of the GPUs. Nvidia may choose to combine elements from both Turing and Volta to create a GPU specifically tailored for gaming. The goal would be to optimize performance and deliver an exceptional gaming experience.

Pros and Cons: Pros:

  • Familiarity and compatibility with existing Pascal architecture
  • Potentially higher clock speeds and improved memory
  • Incremental performance gains with a refresh


  • Limited architectural advancements compared to a completely new architecture
  • Uncertainty regarding the specific features and capabilities of Turing and Volta

5. Performance Expectations

The performance of the next-generation GeForce graphics cards is a crucial aspect that gamers are eagerly awaiting. While concrete benchmark results are unavailable at this stage, we can make educated guesses based on historical trends. Looking at the previous generation leaps, such as the GTX 780 to GTX 980 or the GTX 1070 to the Maxwell Titan, we can expect a performance increase in line with what Nvidia has traditionally delivered.

Pros and Cons: Pros:

  • Potential for significant performance upgrades, especially with a new architecture
  • Enhanced gaming experiences and improved frame rates
  • Optimal utilization of existing monitor technologies


  • Incremental performance gains with a Pascal refresh
  • Uncertainty regarding the level of improvement compared to previous generations

6. Reasons for Delay

The delayed release of the next-generation GeForce graphics cards has prompted speculation and theories among enthusiasts and industry experts alike. While the exact reasons remain unclear, several factors could have contributed to the delay.

  • Market Share Dominance Nvidia currently holds a significant market share, with around 70% dominance in the discreet GPU market. This level of market control affords Nvidia the luxury of releasing new products when they choose. Unlike Intel, who faced competition from AMD's Ryzen processors, Nvidia does not face immediate pressure to release new graphics cards.

  • Market Pricing Factors The fluctuating prices of graphics cards in the market may have influenced Nvidia's decision to delay the release. While prices have started to stabilize, there was a period when GPU prices were inflated due to high demand and alleged price fixing by DRAM companies. Nvidia, as a customer, had to consider the impact of these pricing factors when planning for the launch of the next-generation GPUs.

  • AMD's Competition AMD's current offerings, such as the Radeon RX 570 and 580, compete with Nvidia's GTX 1060. However, there is a significant price disparity between AMD's Vega 56 and Vega 64 cards. This disparity, coupled with Nvidia's dominance in the market, allows Nvidia to strategically time their releases to counter AMD's offerings effectively.

  • Alleged Price Fixing by DRAM Companies The allegations of price fixing by DRAM companies have undoubtedly affected the overall market. As Nvidia purchases memory for their GPUs, any changes in DRAM prices directly impact the pricing of Nvidia's products. This factor may have contributed to the delay as Nvidia sought to find the most economically viable options for their next-generation GPUs.

  • Ecosystem and Architecture Development Nvidia is known to work closely with developers to understand their requirements for the next generation of GPUs. It is possible that Nvidia took additional time to refine and optimize aspects of the architecture based on feedback from game developers. This extra development time would ensure that the GPUs have the necessary capabilities to meet the needs of both gamers and developers.

7. Speculation on Ray Tracing

One intriguing possibility for the next-generation GeForce graphics cards is the inclusion of hardware-accelerated ray tracing capabilities. Nvidia has been a strong advocate for ray tracing and has implemented it in their Volta architecture. It is conceivable that the next generation of GeForce GPUs, whether based on Turing, Volta, or a Pascal refresh, may offer improved ray tracing performance. While this is purely speculative, it is not unreasonable to expect Nvidia to continue pushing boundaries in rendering technologies.

8. Advice for Consumers

With so many uncertainties surrounding the release of the next-generation GeForce graphics cards, it can be challenging for consumers to decide whether to upgrade their current GPUs or wait for the new release. Here are a few factors to consider when making this decision:

  • Consider Budget and Need for Upgrade If your current graphics card meets your gaming needs and budget, it may be advisable to hold off on an upgrade until the next-generation GPUs are released. However, if you have a smaller budget or are in dire need of an upgrade, the current generation of GPUs, such as the GTX 1070, still provides excellent performance and value.

  • Release Schedule and Price Points The release schedule and price points are crucial factors to consider. The high-end SKUs are typically released first, followed by mid-range and budget options in subsequent months. If you can wait a little longer and are looking for a more affordable option, it may be worth considering the mid-range or budget offerings of the next-generation series.

9. Conclusion

The forthcoming release of the next-generation GeForce graphics card has generated immense excitement among gamers and technology enthusiasts. While the exact details of the architecture and performance remain unknown, the solid rumors and expectations surrounding these GPUs have created a Wave of anticipation. Whether it is a Pascal refresh, Turing, or Volta, Nvidia's new offerings are poised to deliver improved performance, cutting-edge features, and an enhanced gaming experience. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates as we approach the highly anticipated launch of these powerful graphics cards.


  • Solid rumors indicate the imminent release of the next-generation GeForce graphics cards.
  • The architecture of the GPUs remains uncertain, with possibilities ranging from a Pascal refresh to new architectures like Turing or Volta.
  • Performance expectations suggest incremental gains with a refresh and more substantial improvements with a new architecture.
  • Factors contributing to the delay include Nvidia's dominant market share, market pricing fluctuations, competition from AMD, alleged price fixing by DRAM companies, and necessary ecosystem and architecture development.
  • Speculation points towards the inclusion of hardware-accelerated ray tracing in the next-generation GPUs.
  • Consumers are advised to consider their budget, need for an upgrade, release schedule, and price points when deciding whether to wait for the next-generation GPUs.


Q: When will the next-generation GeForce graphics cards be released? A: The exact release date is still unknown, but based on rumors and information from the industry, it is expected to be in the third or fourth quarter of the year.

Q: Should I wait for the next-generation GPUs or buy the current generation? A: If your current graphics card meets your needs and budget, it may be worth waiting for the next-generation GPUs. However, if you have a smaller budget or are in need of an upgrade, the current generation still provides excellent performance.

Q: What are the potential architectures for the next-generation GPUs? A: The possibilities range from a refresh of the Pascal architecture to new architectures like Turing or Volta. The exact details are yet to be confirmed.

Q: Will the next-generation GPUs have hardware-accelerated ray tracing? A: While it is not confirmed, there is a possibility that the next-generation GPUs may include hardware acceleration for ray tracing, based on Nvidia's focus on the technology in their Volta architecture.

Q: Why has the release of the next-generation GPUs been delayed? A: Several factors could have contributed to the delay, including Nvidia's dominant market share, market pricing fluctuations, competition from AMD, alleged price fixing by DRAM companies, and necessary ecosystem and architecture development.

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