Intel Cancels Project Alloy! Discover Microsoft's HMD Tracking and VR Chat Partnership

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Intel Cancels Project Alloy! Discover Microsoft's HMD Tracking and VR Chat Partnership

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Addressing Misconceptions about Raw Data
  3. The Functionality of Tracking in Microsoft's Mixed Reality VR HMDs
  4. Intel's Project Alloy: The End of an Era
  5. HTC Vive's New Partnership with VR Chat
  6. Latest Game Releases for VR Platforms
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will be discussing various topics related to the virtual reality (VR) industry. From addressing misconceptions about a popular VR game to exploring the functionality of tracking in Microsoft's mixed reality VR head-mounted displays (HMDs), we'll delve into the latest developments and partnerships in the VR world. Additionally, we'll cover the unfortunate discontinuation of Intel's Project Alloy and highlight the release of new games for different VR platforms. So, let's jump right in!

Addressing Misconceptions about Raw Data

First and foremost, let's clarify some misconceptions about the game Raw Data. There have been some comments floating around which have led to misunderstandings about the game's operating system requirements and locomotion options. While Windows 10 is the officially supported operating system, it is worth noting that Raw Data also works fine under Windows 7. Though it may not receive patches for potential issues, the game is still enjoyable and worth considering for those who can find it at a discounted price.

Moreover, there is a common misconception that Raw Data only supports teleportation as a form of locomotion. However, this is not the case. The game actually offers smooth locomotion as well, allowing players to customize and adjust it to their preference. The developers have done an excellent job of providing multiple locomotion options, making Raw Data a great example for other developers in the industry. So, if the lack of smooth locomotion has been holding you back from trying out Raw Data, rest assured that this is no longer a limitation.

The Functionality of Tracking in Microsoft's Mixed Reality VR HMDs

One important aspect of Microsoft's Mixed Reality VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) is the functionality of the tracking system. While the basic applications and Oculus Home version seem to work fine, there have been concerns about the tracking performance during gaming. To assess the tracking capabilities, Jamie Feltham of Upload VR tried the game Superhot VR on one of the Dell's mixed reality VR HMD models.

Jamie's feedback after playing three levels of the game was generally positive. He found that the inside-out position tracking of the headset functioned as expected, allowing him to dodge bullets and move smoothly. He compared the tracking performance to that of other well-established VR systems like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. While there were some slight jitters and occasional freezing of the screen, the headset quickly corrected itself.

However, there were some issues with the controllers, which are known to function best when held in front of the user. Jamie had to take extra precautions during gameplay to ensure that the controllers didn't disappear or experience any issues. There was also a slight problem with throwing stars, where they would sometimes be thrown automatically, possibly due to a software bug rather than a tracking issue. Despite these minor setbacks, the general impression was that the tracking system of Microsoft's mixed reality VR HMDs showed promise.

Intel's Project Alloy: The End of an Era

As predicted, there have been casualties within the VR industry. One of the latest casualties is Intel's Project Alloy, which has been officially canceled. Project Alloy was initially unveiled as Intel's answer to the growing VR market, but it seems that doubts about its potential led to this decision. Intel has stated that they will continue investing in the development of technologies for next-generation AR and VR experiences. While Project Alloy served as a proof of concept for Intel and the industry, it seems that its future efforts will be informed by the lessons learned from this venture.

HTC Vive's New Partnership with VR Chat

HTC Vive has recently announced a new partnership with VR Chat, a social VR application. VR Chat, which launched on September 21st, has joined forces with HTC Vive, with the latter becoming a key investor and strategic partner. In fact, HTC Vive was the main investor in VR Chat's recent funding round, investing approximately 4 million dollars. The aim of this partnership is to further develop VR Chat in both the consumer and business enterprise spaces. By enabling users to create their own social VR experiences, HTC Vive and VR Chat hope to drive social experiences in VR forward.

Latest Game Releases for VR Platforms

Now, let's turn our attention to the latest game releases for various VR platforms. For those interested in racing games, the VR version of Project Cars is now available for both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Priced at $59.99, this immersive racing experience promises to deliver heart-pounding action. If adventure games are more your style, the highly anticipated game "Xing: The Land Beyond" is now playable on both the Rift and Vive for $19.99. Embark on a captivating journey through beautifully designed landscapes and intriguing puzzles.

For fans of first-person shooters, "Serious Sam: The Lost Hope" has also been released for both the Rift and Vive, offering intense action and thrilling battles for $29.99. PlayStation VR owners need not feel left out, as they can enjoy the virtual reality Puzzle game "The Solus Project" for $19.99. Additionally, the space shooter game "Holoception" is also compatible with PlayStation VR, providing an immersive experience for the same price.


In conclusion, the VR industry continues to evolve with new partnerships, technological advancements, and game releases. It's important to dispel misconceptions about VR games like Raw Data and explore the functionality of tracking in Microsoft's mixed reality VR HMDs. While Intel's Project Alloy may have met an unfortunate end, there are still exciting developments, such as HTC Vive's partnership with VR Chat, which aims to drive social experiences in VR forward. Lastly, gamers across different VR platforms can enjoy a range of new releases, from the Adrenaline-pumping racing game Project Cars to the mesmerizing adventure of Xing: The Land Beyond. So grab your VR headset and get ready for a fantastic gaming experience!


  • Dispels misconceptions about Raw Data and Microsoft's mixed reality VR HMDs
  • Highlights the promising tracking capabilities of Microsoft's HMDs
  • Addresses the cancellation of Intel's Project Alloy
  • Explores the partnership between HTC Vive and VR Chat
  • Provides an overview of the latest game releases for VR platforms



  • Misconceptions about Raw Data's operating system and locomotion options
  • Functionality of tracking in Microsoft's mixed reality VR HMDs
  • Demise of Intel's Project Alloy
  • HTC Vive's partnership with VR Chat
  • New game releases for various VR platforms


Q: Can I play Raw Data on Windows 7?

A: Yes, Raw Data can be played on Windows 7, although it is officially supported for Windows 10.

Q: Does Raw Data support smooth locomotion?

A: Yes, Raw Data supports both smooth locomotion and teleportation options, allowing players to choose their preferred method of movement.

Q: What is the status of Intel's Project Alloy?

A: Intel has decided to wind down its Project Alloy reference design, but they will continue investing in the development of AR and VR technologies.

Q: What is the partnership between HTC Vive and VR Chat?

A: HTC Vive has become a strategic partner and investor in VR Chat, aiming to expand VR Chat's presence in both the consumer and business enterprise spaces.

Q: What are some new game releases for VR platforms?

A: Some of the recent game releases include Project Cars, Xing: The Land Beyond, Serious Sam: The Lost Hope, The Solus Project, and Holoception, available for various VR platforms.


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