Intel's Journey with OpenBMC: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Goals

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Intel's Journey with OpenBMC: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Goals

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a BMC?
  3. Evolution of BMC at Intel
  4. Why Intel with Open BMC?
  5. Advantages of Open BMC
    • Transparency and Security
    • Shared Efforts and Collaboration
    • Customizability and Freedom of Choice
  6. Challenges in Open Source Development
    • Learning Curve and Time Constraints
    • Alignment of Product Level Requirements
    • Unit testing and Continuous Integration
    • Security and Hardening BMC Firmware
  7. Future Goals and Opportunities
    • Maintaining Common Interfaces
    • Collaboration with Vendors and ODMs
    • Improving Security Measures
    • Hosting Hackathons and Community Involvement
  8. Conclusion

Evolution of BMC at Intel

In the world of IT infrastructure management, the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) plays a crucial role. As technology has advanced, so has the BMC, adapting to the changing needs of the industry. This article will delve into the evolution of BMC at Intel and explore the advantages and challenges of adopting an open source approach.


Before we delve into the intricacies of the BMC, let's begin with a brief introduction. The BMC serves as a management interface to the host, providing essential functionalities such as health monitoring, event logging, and out-of-band access. It is essentially an integrated system consisting of three key components: the BGA controller, the super I/O chip, and the BMC controller itself. Together, they form the heart of the BMC and enable seamless communication and control between the management interface and the host.

What is a BMC?

To fully appreciate the significance of the BMC, let's explore its concept in more detail. A BMC is an interface that connects to the hosts and provides a wide array of critical functionalities. These include health monitoring, eventing, logging, and out-of-band access for remote management. The BMC acts as a bridge between the physical hardware and the software management stack. In other words, it acts as the eyes and ears of the system, continuously monitoring its health and enabling remote access for efficient management.

Evolution of BMC at Intel

Having been in the industry for over 23 years, Intel has witnessed the tremendous evolution of the BMC. Initially, Intel started with add-in cards that required physical connection via cables to the baseboard. As technology progressed, the focus shifted towards integration into Intel silicon. The goal was to embed manageability into Intel's own hardware, which was achieved with the introduction of the Enhanced Serial Bus (ESB) chipset.

However, as time went on, it became evident that this approach may not be the most efficient. In 2006, Intel made the decision to migrate away from integrating into their silicon and instead adopted a discrete BMC controller. This marked a significant shift, as the BMC controller became a separate component in the system. The introduction of the Pilot series and the Management Engine (ME) further enhanced the capabilities of the BMC.

Nevertheless, each generational change brought about its own set of challenges. With every microcontroller and firmware stack change, a significant effort was required to ensure seamless integration. The challenge further intensified when key developers left the team, resulting in the loss of tribal knowledge. It is against this backdrop that the open BMC initiative emerges, offering a solution to these challenges.

Why Intel with Open BMC?

The adoption of the open BMC approach by Intel Stems from the recognition of customers' needs and the need for greater transparency and collaboration in the industry. Customers demand the ability to access the code, debug problems, and ensure efficient management of their data centers. Traditional closed-source solutions pose challenges in reproducing and fixing complex issues that may occur in customer environments. Open source eliminates these barriers, allowing for open conversations and knowledge sharing.

By embracing the open BMC initiative, Intel aims to leverage the shared efforts of the industry. Many vendors and developers are working towards the same goals of sensor monitoring, fan speed control, and other common functionalities. Open source enables these efforts to be consolidated, eliminating duplication of work and promoting collaboration. Additionally, the open BMC initiative benefits Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) by providing them with a toolkit for developing manageability for their devices.

Advantages of Open BMC

The open BMC initiative offers several advantages over traditional closed-source solutions. Let's explore some of these key benefits:

Transparency and Security

Open source allows for transparency, ensuring that customers and vendors can access and review the code. This fosters trust and enables efficient debugging and problem-solving. Security vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed collectively, ensuring a safer and more reliable ecosystem. With open source, there is no need to hide behind closed doors, as everything is open for scrutiny, leading to stronger and more secure products.

Shared Efforts and Collaboration

The open BMC initiative brings together industry experts and stakeholders to collaborate on common goals and challenges. By sharing knowledge, best practices, and experience, the community can achieve faster and more efficient results. Through open discussions and contribution, the duplicated efforts in sensor monitoring, firmware development, and other areas can be minimized. This collaborative approach benefits all parties involved, from vendors to customers.

Customizability and Freedom of Choice

Open source provides customers with the freedom to customize and tailor the firmware to meet their specific needs. Whether it's configuring the embedded web server or adding their own features, customers have the power to Shape their own management solutions. This level of customizability is often limited in closed-source solutions, where customers have to rely on firmware vendors or third-party developers.

Challenges in Open Source Development

While the open BMC initiative brings numerous advantages, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. As Intel embraces the open source approach, the following challenges have been identified and are actively being worked on:

Learning Curve and Time Constraints

For a team transitioning to open source development, there is a learning curve to overcome. The processes and tools are different, and developers must adapt to the community-driven approach. Additionally, developing and open sourcing firmware takes time, often longer than internal development cycles. Balancing internal deadlines and open source commitments requires careful planning and coordination.

Alignment of Product Level Requirements

Aligning product level requirements across different server vendors is crucial for a successful open BMC ecosystem. A roadmap that communicates the desired features and functionalities can help guide the development efforts. Collaborating with server vendors and industry organizations like OCP (Open Compute Project) can streamline the development process and ensure compatibility and interoperability across different platforms.

Unit Testing and Continuous Integration

Ensuring the quality and stability of the codebase is essential in any software development project. Continuous integration and automated unit testing are crucial to catch any issues early on. Open BMC can benefit from a robust testing infrastructure that allows developers to validate their code in an x86 environment automatically. This helps maintain code integrity and prevents regression issues.

Security and Hardening BMC Firmware

Security is of paramount importance in the BMC domain. Hardening the firmware and implementing stringent security measures are vital to protect against potential threats. Collaborative working groups focusing on BMC firmware security and threat modeling can help identify vulnerabilities and develop effective countermeasures. Process isolation and access control lists can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and ensure a secure BMC environment.

Future Goals and Opportunities

As Intel continues its journey with the open BMC initiative, there are several future goals and opportunities that lie ahead. These include:

Maintaining Common Interfaces

The goal is to establish common interfaces across different server vendors for provisioning, firmware updates, and other management tasks. Standardization through open standards like Redfish can help streamline and simplify the management process. By aligning efforts, the community can focus on developing innovative and value-added features, rather than reinventing the wheel.

Collaboration with Vendors and ODMs

Working closely with vendors and ODMs is crucial to the success of the open BMC ecosystem. By providing a toolkit for managing their devices, ODMs can accelerate the development and deployment of manageability features. Collaboration with vendors on reference implementations for open standards like Redfish can ensure compatibility and interoperability across a wide range of hardware.

Improving Security Measures

Security remains a top priority, and efforts should be made to harden the BMC firmware against potential threats. This includes not only securing the firmware itself but also implementing robust measures in the hardware. Features like secure boot and cryptographic TPM functionality enhance the overall security posture of the system. Threat modeling and analysis can help identify potential vulnerabilities and guide the development of effective security measures.

Hosting Hackathons and Community Involvement

Community involvement is vital for the continued growth and success of the open BMC initiative. Hosting hackathons and events where developers can come together to collaborate and innovate can foster a sense of belonging and ownership. These events provide an opportunity for hands-on learning, knowledge sharing, and networking. Increased community participation leads to accelerated development and the evolution of the open BMC ecosystem.


The evolution of BMC at Intel has been marked by the adoption of an open source approach. By embracing the open BMC initiative, Intel aims to address customer needs, leverage shared efforts, and foster collaboration within the industry. While there are challenges in this transition, the benefits of transparency, shared knowledge, and customizability outweigh the obstacles. With a focus on security, collaboration, and future goals, Intel is committed to driving the open BMC initiative forward and revolutionizing the management of IT infrastructure.


  • The Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) serves as a crucial management interface in IT infrastructure.
  • Intel has over 23 years of experience in the BMC field, evolving from add-in cards to discrete BMC controllers.
  • Open BMC enables transparency, security, collaboration, and customized solutions.
  • Challenges in open source development include learning curves, alignment of product requirements, and security measures.
  • Future goals include maintaining common interfaces, collaboration with vendors and ODMs, improving security, and community involvement.
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