Learn FPGA Programming with Altera MAX 10 Intel

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Learn FPGA Programming with Altera MAX 10 Intel

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In this article, we will learn how to program and modulate basic logical circuits using the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) development board from Intel, specifically the Altera 10M50DAF484C7G. We will be using the Quartus Prime Light Edition software for programming.

Setting up the Hardware

Before we start programming, we need to connect the FPGA development board to our computer. Once connected, we can proceed with the software setup.

Creating the Project

To start programming, we can either create a new project or open a recent project that we have previously worked on. Once the project is opened, we need to select the logic gate option in the Navigator panel. This option refers to the name of our project. If the project has a different name, we need to select the appropriate file in the navigation panel on the left.

Writing the VHDL Code

In order to write the VHDL code for our logical circuits, we first need to introduce the necessary libraries. These libraries include the std_logic_1164 library for logical and arithmetic processes, as well as the unsigned variable for enabling the use of unsigned variables in the logic. We then create an entity with the same name as our project and declare the input and output ports for the logic gates we will be using. This is followed by the architecture section, where we use a behavioral architecture to describe the behavior of the logic gates. We assign the logical or arithmetic operations to the respective input and output ports.

Compiling and Simulating

After finishing the VHDL code, we need to compile and simulate the design. We select the processing options in the toolbar and start the compilation process. Once The Simulation is finished, we can validate the correctness of our code by visualizing the logic operations in the RTL (Register Transfer Level) viewer. This allows us to verify that the logic operations are implemented correctly.

Assigning Pins and Testing

To test our design on the FPGA, we need to assign pins to the input and output ports. This is done using the Assignments -> Pin Planner option. We assign the pins for the logical outputs and inputs to the appropriate peripheral components such as LEDs and switches. Once the pins are assigned, we can program the FPGA and validate the design by toggling the inputs and observing the corresponding outputs.


In this article, we have learned how to program and modulate basic logical circuits using the FPGA development board and Quartus Prime software. We have explored the process of creating a project, writing VHDL code, compiling and simulating the design, assigning pins, and testing the design on the FPGA. By following these steps, you can create and implement your own logical circuits on an FPGA.



Q: What is an FPGA? A: FPGA stands for Field Programmable Gate Array. It is an integrated circuit that can be programmed and configured to perform specific logical operations.

Q: What is VHDL? A: VHDL stands for VHSIC (Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language. It is a programming language used to describe the behavior of digital systems.

Q: Can I use a different FPGA development board for these projects? A: Yes, you can use a different FPGA development board as long as it is compatible with the Quartus Prime software.

Q: Can I program the FPGA using a different software other than Quartus Prime? A: Quartus Prime is the recommended software for programming Intel FPGAs. However, other software tools may also be compatible depending on the FPGA manufacturer.

Q: Are there any limitations when using the Quartus Prime Light Edition? A: The Quartus Prime Light Edition has some limitations compared to the full version, such as limited device support and fewer features. However, for basic logic circuits, the Light Edition should be sufficient.

Q: Can I use the same VHDL code for other programming languages or platforms? A: VHDL is specific to hardware description languages and is not directly compatible with other programming languages. However, the concepts and logic operations can be applied to other programming languages or platforms.

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