Step-by-Step Guide: Build Your Own Ryzen 5 Desktop P.C.

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Step-by-Step Guide: Build Your Own Ryzen 5 Desktop P.C.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Removing the Side Panel and Power Supply Basement
  3. Step 2: Installing the Power Supply
  4. Step 3: Installing the Motherboard
  5. Step 4: Installing the CPU
  6. Step 5: Installing Memory
  7. Step 6: Installing the Nvme SSD
  8. Step 7: Installing the Motherboard Standoffs
  9. Step 8: Installing the Graphics Card
  10. Step 9: Connecting Cables and Components
  11. Step 10: testing the System
  12. Conclusion

Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Computer 💻

Building your own computer can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. Not only do you get to handpick and customize the components, but you also gain a deeper understanding of how the computer works. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of building a computer from scratch. So, let's Roll up our sleeves, put on our antistatic wristbands, and get started!

Step 1: Removing the Side Panel and Power Supply Basement

To begin with, we need to remove the side panel of the computer case. This will give us access to the internals of the case for easy installation of components. Simply undo the two thumb screws located on the side panel and pull it off. If your case has a power supply basement, remove it as well.

Step 2: Installing the Power Supply

Now that we have the access, it's time to install the power supply. Begin by securing the power supply with four screws in the designated locations. Remember to ground yourself by touching the power supply to avoid any static discharge. Once secured, plug in the power cable to the power supply.


  • Allows you to choose a power supply that meets your specific needs
  • Provides better control over cable management


  • Requires additional time and effort for installation
  • Warranty on individual components might be affected

Step 3: Installing the Motherboard

Next up, it's time to install the motherboard. To prevent any static damage, place the motherboard on top of the cardboard box it came in. Remove the AM-3 mounting plates on the motherboard by unscrewing the four screws. Carefully unbox the CPU, ensuring not to touch the top or bottom to avoid any damage. Gently install the CPU by lifting the retention bracket on the motherboard, aligning the notches, and applying firm, even pressure. Secure it with alternate corner tightening.

Step 4: Installing the Memory

Now let's install the memory modules. Check the motherboard manual for the recommended DIMM slots and open them. Line up the notch on the memory module with the notch on the motherboard, apply firm, even pressure, and make sure they lock in place. Repeat the process for the Second DIMM.


  • Allows for customization and performance optimization
  • Provides a better understanding of the computer's internal architecture


  • Requires technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills
  • May void warranties if components are mishandled or improperly installed

Step 5: Installing the Nvme SSD

The next step is installing the Nvme SSD for lightning-fast storage. Unscrew the bracket hiding the slot, Align the SSD with the notch, and push it down. Secure it with the tiny screw provided. Be cautious with the screw, as it can easily be misplaced.

Step 6: Installing the Motherboard Standoffs

To properly install the motherboard, we need to install the motherboard standoffs. Check that you have the correct standoffs and screws for the motherboard by threading them into the standoffs. Place the standoffs in the case, line them up, and tighten them. Be careful not to overtighten.

Step 7: Installing the Graphics Card

Now it's time to install the graphics card. Unscrew the slots in the case and gently lower the graphics card into the PCIe slot. Ensure the PCIe slot tension bracket is open and listen for the audible click. Secure the graphics card with the thumb screws.

Step 8: Connecting Cables and Components

Connect the various cables and components to their respective slots. Start with the 24-Pin and 8-pin connectors for the motherboard. Connect the fans using the appropriate cables, ensuring they are properly aligned. Install the SATA cables, being mindful of the l-shaped plug orientation. Finally, connect the front panel IO connectors and G connector.

Step 9: Testing the System

Before installing the operating system, it's crucial to test if the system is working correctly. Press the power button, and all the fans should spin up. Check the LED indicators on the motherboard for any faults. If everything looks good and the lights turn off, your system is ready.

Step 10: Installing the Operating System

Now that your system is up and running, it's time to install the operating system. You can use a DVD, a USB flash drive, or an ISO file to install Windows 10. Make sure to have a valid license key to activate Windows. Follow the installation prompts and enjoy your newly built computer.


Congratulations on successfully building your own computer! Building a computer from scratch not only saves you money but also provides a sense of accomplishment and customization. With your new computer, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're a gamer, content creator, or simply a technology enthusiast, this DIY project will serve you well for years to come.


  • Building your own computer offers customization and enhanced performance.
  • Installing components requires careful handling and attention to detail.
  • Testing the system before installing the operating system is crucial.
  • Proper cable management and grounding are essential for optimal functionality.
  • Remember to consult component manuals and guides for specific instructions.


Q: What are the benefits of building your own computer? A: Building your own computer allows for customization, better performance, and a deeper understanding of the internal workings of a computer.

Q: Do I need any specific tools to build a computer? A: Basic tools like a screwdriver, pliers, and antistatic wristbands are recommended for a smooth assembly process.

Q: Can I install any operating system on my newly built computer? A: Yes, you can install any operating system of your choice, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux, as long as it is compatible with the hardware.

Q: How long does it take to build a computer? A: The time required to build a computer can vary depending on experience and complexity. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.

Q: Is building a computer cost-effective? A: Building your own computer can be cost-effective, as you have the freedom to choose components that suit your budget and needs. However, it's essential to compare prices and consider any additional tools or software licenses that may be required.

Q: What happens if I encounter problems during the build process? A: If you encounter difficulties during the build, consult the component manuals, online resources, or Seek assistance from knowledgeable individuals or forums.


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