The Fascinating Journey of Bringing Anna Music's Pipe Dream to Life

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The Fascinating Journey of Bringing Anna Music's Pipe Dream to Life

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Bringing the Pipe Dream to Life
  3. The Journey from Concept to Reality
  4. The Intel Partnership
  5. Design and Prototyping
  6. The Making of a Masterpiece
  7. How It Works
  8. The Reusable Paintballs
  9. Creating Music with Precision
  10. The Role of Intel Processors
  11. Challenges and Triumphs
  12. Conclusion


🌟 In this special report, we dive into the fascinating world of Sisu CC devices and their collaboration with Intel to bring the pipe dream from Anna music to life. Join us as we explore the journey from concept to reality and delve into the intricate details of this astonishing creation.

Bringing the Pipe Dream to Life

🌟 The pipe dream from Anna music captured the imagination of many when it first surfaced in 2004. Now, after years of anticipation, Sisu CC devices, in partnership with Intel, has made this dream a reality. This article takes you behind the scenes and reveals how they turned animation into a tangible masterpiece.

The Journey from Concept to Reality

🌟 The journey from concept to reality was a remarkable one. It all started with a random email that introduced Russ, the mastermind behind Sisu CC devices, to the video of the pipe dream. While initially thought to be a scam, the idea sparked curiosity and led to discussions with Intel. What began as a smaller demo blossomed into a 12-foot by 12-foot masterpiece that captivates audiences.

The Intel Partnership

🌟 The partnership with Intel was crucial in making this project come to life. Through their collaboration, the team at Sisu CC devices was able to access the resources and technologies needed to bring the pipe dream to fruition. The integration of Intel Atom processors played a vital role in orchestrating the intricate details of this musical marvel.

Design and Prototyping

🌟 As with any ambitious project, design and prototyping played a significant role in the development process. The team meticulously planned and executed their ideas, testing and tweaking every step of the way. The journey was not without its challenges, but the dedication of the team ensured that the design aligned with their vision.

The Making of a Masterpiece

🌟 The creation of this 12-foot by 12-foot masterpiece was a labor of love. From the selection of materials to the assembly process, every detail was carefully considered. The team at Sisu CC devices took pride in bringing the original pipe dream to life and creating a visually stunning experience for all who encounter it.

How It Works

🌟 At the core of this creation are the reusable paintballs that resemble white chocolate malted milk balls. These foam rubber balls are propelled by nozzles attached to pipes, hitting various drums, vibraphones, chimes, and bells. The resulting impact generates music, with each ball hitting a specific note. This unique approach ensures that every note is played individually and not just part of a soundtrack.

The Reusable Paintballs

🌟 While they may resemble delicious treats, it is advisable not to consume these reusable paintballs. Each of these foam rubber balls serves a crucial role in the creation of music. With precision and accuracy, they hit their intended targets, producing the desired sounds. Made to withstand impact, these reusable paintballs contribute to the stunning visual and auditory spectacle that unfolds before the audience.

Creating Music with Precision

🌟 The team at Sisu CC devices has gone to great lengths to meticulously recreate every individual note. With 2,300 unique notes, the synchronization of the paintballs hitting their designated instruments is essential. The Intel Atom processors, integrated into various components of the creation, ensure precise timing and coordination, resulting in a harmonious musical performance.

The Role of Intel Processors

🌟 Intel Atom processors play a crucial role in the seamless functionality of this magnificent creation. Seven of these processors are utilized throughout the installation, each with its own specific task. From controlling the touch panel to real-time control on motors, LEDs, and nozzles, these processors work in harmony to bring the pipe dream to life. The synergy between the processors enables flawless integration and synchronization.

Challenges and Triumphs

🌟 The journey of turning the pipe dream into reality was not without its trials. The transition from the virtual world to the physical realm presented its fair share of challenges. Dust, imperfections, and the unpredictable nature of paintball trajectories required meticulous adjustments and fine-tuning. However, through perseverance and dedication, the team at Sisu CC devices overcame these hurdles, creating a truly extraordinary project.


🌟 In conclusion, the collaboration between Sisu CC devices and Intel has brought the pipe dream from Anna music to life. This 12-foot by 12-foot masterpiece showcases the ingenuity and creativity of the team behind it. The integration of reusable paintballs, precision timing, and the role of Intel Atom processors have all contributed to the creation of a visually stunning and musically captivating experience.


  • Sisu CC devices and Intel collaborate to bring the pipe dream from Anna music to life.
  • The journey from concept to reality spans several years, culminating in a 12-foot by 12-foot masterpiece.
  • Design, prototyping, and the utilization of Intel Atom processors contribute to the seamless functionality of the creation.
  • Reusable paintballs are the driving force behind the creation of music, hitting various instruments with precision.
  • Meticulous attention to detail ensures that each note is played individually, resulting in a harmonious musical performance.


Q: How long did it take to create the pipe dream masterpiece? A: The creation of this masterpiece took three months from start to finish.

Q: How many unique notes are there in the musical composition? A: There are 2,300 unique notes in the musical composition, with each note corresponding to a specific paintball impact.

Q: What role do Intel processors play in this creation? A: Intel Atom processors, with their exceptional integration capabilities, control various aspects of the installation and ensure precise timing and coordination.

Q: Can the reusable paintballs be consumed? A: While the reusable paintballs may resemble chocolate malted milk balls, they are not edible and should not be consumed.

Q: What were the main challenges faced during the creation of this installation? A: The transition from the virtual world to the physical realm presented challenges such as dust, imperfections, and the unpredictable nature of paintball trajectories. Overcoming these hurdles required meticulous adjustments and fine-tuning.

Q: How is the music created in this installation? A: The music is created by the impact of paintballs hitting various instruments, with each paintball corresponding to a specific note.

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