Unlocking Cybersecurity: AWS & Intel Summit Insights

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Unlocking Cybersecurity: AWS & Intel Summit Insights

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AWS Summit
  2. Meet the Speakers
    • A.M. Grebelny: Solutions Architect at AWS
    • Brian: ASL Interpreter
    • Kevin Fisto: Managing Director for Intel Federal
  3. Importance of Encryption in Security
    • Why Encryption Matters
    • Compliance Standards and Guidelines
  4. Total Memory Encryption (TME)
    • Definition and Importance
    • Collaboration between AWS and Intel
  5. Encryption in Processing
    • Intel's Chipset-Level Encryption
    • Random Number Generator (RNG)
  6. Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) and New Instruction Set
    • Introduction to AES and NI
    • Enhancements in Ice Lake Processors
  7. Utilization of Ice Lake by Federal Government
    • Security Priorities in the Federal Sector
    • Performance Benefits with Ice Lake
  8. Application in Workloads
    • SAP Workloads
    • SQL Environments
  9. Acceleration of Workloads
    • Improving Performance with Encryption
    • Success Stories and Performance Gains
  10. Resources for Further Information
    • AWS and Intel Collaboration
    • Intel Newsroom and Success Stories
    • National Cyber Center of Excellence

Introduction to AWS Summit

Welcome to another enlightening session here at AWS Summit. In this gathering, we delve into the core of technological advancements, particularly focusing on the pivotal role of encryption in fortifying security measures.

Meet the Speakers

🎤 A.M. Grebelny: Solutions Architect at AWS

A seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in architecting solutions at AWS, A.M. Grebelny serves as a guiding force in our exploration today.

🎤 Brian: ASL Interpreter

Ensuring inclusivity and accessibility, Brian graciously interprets our dialogue, bridging communication barriers effortlessly.

🎤 Kevin Fisto: Managing Director for Intel Federal

Kevin Fisto, the dynamic Managing Director for Intel Federal, brings invaluable insights from the realm of cybersecurity and government partnerships, enriching our discussion.

Importance of Encryption in Security

🛡️ Why Encryption Matters

Encryption stands as the cornerstone of modern security protocols, safeguarding sensitive data against unauthorized access and malicious threats.

🛡️ Compliance Standards and Guidelines

Compliance with stringent standards, such as the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), underscores the paramount importance of encryption in regulatory environments.

Total Memory Encryption (TME)

📜 Definition and Importance

Total Memory Encryption (TME) emerges as a groundbreaking advancement, offering end-to-end encryption across diverse computing environments, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

📜 Collaboration between AWS and Intel

The collaborative efforts between AWS and Intel in developing and implementing TME highlight a synergy aimed at fortifying security infrastructure.

Encryption in Processing

🔒 Intel's Chipset-Level Encryption

Intel's innovative chipset-level encryption, coupled with robust random number generation (RNG), establishes a formidable defense mechanism against evolving cyber threats.

🔒 Random Number Generator (RNG)

The reliability of encryption hinges on the efficacy of RNG, ensuring the generation of cryptographically secure keys essential for data protection.

Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) and New Instruction Set

🗝️ Introduction to AES and NI

The adoption of Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) and the integration of New Instruction Set (NI) in Ice Lake processors herald a new era of encryption capabilities, enhancing performance and security synergistically.

🗝️ Enhancements in Ice Lake Processors

Ice Lake processors boast significant enhancements, empowering organizations with accelerated encryption capabilities, thereby augmenting their security posture comprehensively.

Utilization of Ice Lake by Federal Government

🏛️ Security Priorities in the Federal Sector

The federal government's unwavering commitment to security underscores the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like Ice Lake, ensuring robust encryption across mission-critical workloads.

🏛️ Performance Benefits with Ice Lake

Ice Lake's prowess in delivering unparalleled performance gains, particularly in SAP and SQL environments, underscores its indispensability in meeting the demanding requirements of government agencies.

Application in Workloads

💼 SAP Workloads

The integration of Ice Lake translates into substantial performance enhancements in SAP workloads, driving operational efficiency and resilience in demanding enterprise environments.

💼 SQL Environments

In SQL environments, Ice Lake's advanced encryption capabilities catalyze performance gains, facilitating seamless data operations and bolstering data protection measures.

Acceleration of Workloads

⚡ Improving Performance with Encryption

Contrary to conventional beliefs, encryption emerges as a catalyst for performance optimization, as evidenced by the remarkable acceleration achieved in various workloads through the adoption of Ice Lake.

⚡ Success Stories and Performance Gains

Real-world success stories underscore the transformative impact of Ice Lake, with organizations experiencing unprecedented performance gains and fortified security postures.

Resources for Further Information

For comprehensive insights and success stories pertaining to Ice Lake adoption, explore the AWS and Intel collaboration, Intel Newsroom, and the National Cyber Center of Excellence. Delve into a wealth of resources that illuminate the transformative potential of encryption in reshaping the cybersecurity landscape.


  • Innovative Collaboration: AWS and Intel's collaborative efforts in advancing encryption technologies underscore a shared commitment to fortifying cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Performance Enhancement: Ice Lake's integration heralds a new era of performance optimization, empowering organizations with accelerated computing capabilities without compromising on security.
  • Government Partnerships: The federal government's adoption of Ice Lake exemplifies a strategic investment in cutting-edge technologies to bolster national security and operational resilience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does encryption contribute to data security in the federal sector?

A: Encryption serves as a fundamental Pillar of data security in the federal sector, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and resilience against cyber threats. By adopting advanced encryption technologies like Ice Lake, government agencies bolster their security posture and regulatory compliance.

Q: What are the performance benefits associated with Ice Lake adoption?

A: Ice Lake's integration translates into significant performance gains across diverse workloads, particularly in SAP and SQL environments. Organizations witness accelerated data processing capabilities and enhanced operational efficiency, thereby driving transformative outcomes in their digital endeavors.

Q: Where can I find more information about successful implementations of Ice Lake on AWS?

A: For comprehensive insights and success stories pertaining to Ice Lake adoption, explore the AWS and Intel collaboration, Intel Newsroom, and the National Cyber Center of Excellence. Delve into a wealth of resources that illuminate the transformative potential of encryption in reshaping the cybersecurity landscape.

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