ChatGPT Voice

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ChatGPT Voice is a chrome extension that enhances ChatGPT with voice capabilities.
Updated Time
Apr 20 2023
Active Users
ChatGPT Voice AI Chrome Extension Information

What is ChatGPT Voice ai chrome extension?

ChatGPT Voice is a chrome extension that enhances ChatGPT with voice capabilities.

How to use ChatGPT Voice ai chrome extension?

To use ChatGPT Voice, simply install the chrome extension and activate it while using ChatGPT. Once activated, you can select from 100+ different voices and even customize the pitch and rate of the voice.

ChatGPT Voice ai chrome extension's Core Features

Adds voice to ChatGPT

Ability to change voice of the AI

Select from 100+ different voices

Customize pitch and rate of the voice

FAQ from ChatGPT Voice

How do I install the chrome extension?

Can I change the voice and customize its properties?

Is ChatGPT Voice free to use?

Does ChatGPT Voice work on other browsers?

How much storage space does the extension require?

Analytic of ChatGPT Voice AI Chrome Extension

ChatGPT Voice Active Users

Total Installed User


Alternative of ChatGPT Voice AI Chrome Extension