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ChromeGPT is a super simple Chrome Extension that lets you send and receive messages with OpenAI's GPT.
Updated Time
Dec 20 2022
Active Users
ChromeGPT AI Chrome Extension Information

What is ChromeGPT ai chrome extension?

ChromeGPT is a super simple Chrome Extension that lets you send and receive messages with OpenAI's GPT.

How to use ChromeGPT ai chrome extension?

To use ChromeGPT, simply install the Chrome Extension and start typing your messages. The extension will generate responses based on the input using OpenAI's GPT.

ChromeGPT ai chrome extension's Core Features

Send and receive messages with GPT

Easy installation and setup

Supports divinci-002 completion model

ChromeGPT ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Enhancing productivity by generating quick responses


Providing entertainment through chat conversations

FAQ from ChromeGPT

What is ChromeGPT?

How does ChromeGPT work?

Which completion model does ChromeGPT support?

What are the use cases for ChromeGPT?

Does ChromeGPT require any special installation?

Analytic of ChromeGPT AI Chrome Extension

ChromeGPT Active Users

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