Lonely Boy Creates a Harem of Samurai Beauties

Lonely Boy Creates a Harem of Samurai Beauties

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Yoshiharu's Arrival in Feudal Japan
    1. Meeting Toyotomi Hideyoshi
    2. Saving Oda Nobuna
  3. Yoshiharu's Role in Altering Japanese History
    1. Introducing Female Historical Figures
    2. Becoming Oda Nobuna's Servant
  4. Yoshiharu's Challenges and Achievements
    1. Predicting Oda's Important Meeting
    2. Turning Money into Rice
  5. Oda's Ambition and Yoshiharu's Guidance
    1. Dreaming of Conquering the World
    2. Convincing Dosan to Form an Alliance
  6. Betrayal, Rebellion, and Forgiveness
    1. Yoshitatsu's Rebellion against Oda
    2. Convincing Oda to Spare Nobukatsu
  7. Yoshiharu & Friends' Dangerous Mission
    1. Rescuing Dosan from Rebels
    2. Altering History and Facing Consequences
  8. The Battle of Okehazama
    1. Outnumbered but Strategically Prepared
    2. Yoshiharu's Knowledge and Victory
  9. Oda's Lecture and Promise
    1. Lecturing Yoshiharu for His Solo Plans
    2. A Date with the Most Beautiful Maiden
  10. Recruiting Hanbei and Akechi
    1. Yoshiharu's Encounter with Akechi Mitsuhide
    2. Convincing Hanbei to Join Their Side
  11. Planning the Invasion of Mino
    1. The Difficulty of Invading Mino
    2. Yoshiharu's Knowledge and Oda's Trust
  12. The Battle for Mino Province
    1. Yoshiharu's Decoy and Tactical Fort
    2. Goemon's Sacrifice and Oda's Reinforcements
  13. Conclusion


In the world of "Yoshiharu's Journey," an ordinary high school boy named Yoshiharu is unexpectedly sent back in time to the Sengoku period. Armed with nothing but a low-battery smartphone, Yoshiharu finds himself in feudal Japan, where people are constantly trying to kill him. However, he quickly realizes that his knowledge of Japanese history can be put to use, leading to a series of extraordinary adventures and challenges. As he navigates this alternate timeline and ALTERS Japanese history, Yoshiharu encounters powerful female versions of historically significant figures and becomes a valuable asset to Oda Nobuna, a charismatic leader determined to unify Japan. This article delves into Yoshiharu's remarkable journey, from his first arrival in feudal Japan to his pivotal role in shaping the course of history.

Yoshiharu's Arrival in Feudal Japan

Meeting Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Yoshiharu's saga begins when he first arrives in feudal Japan and is saved by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the man destined to unify Japan after Oda Nobunaga's death. Realizing the significance of the moment, Yoshiharu understands that all of Japanese history is about to change, and he is compelled to take Hideyoshi's place in history. However, his introduction to the unconventional world of feudal Japan takes an interesting turn when he encounters Oda Nobuna, the female version of Oda Nobunaga.

Saving Oda Nobuna

While awestruck by Nobuna's prowess on the battlefield, Yoshiharu leaps into action to protect her when her sword breaks. Using his smartphone, he cleverly plays war sound effects, creating the illusion of sorcery and an army in his possession. This Momentary triumph is short-lived as Yoshiharu's phone battery dies, leaving him with little means of proving his claims to the skeptical Nobuna and her followers. Nonetheless, his heroic act catches Nobuna's Attention, and she rewards him by sparing his life and allowing him to become her servant.

Yoshiharu's Role in Altering Japanese History

Introducing Female Historical Figures

As Yoshiharu settles into his new role, he realizes that in this alternate timeline, many well-known historical Japanese figures, including Hideyoshi and Nobunaga, are now female. This exciting twist provides a unique perspective on Japanese history and sets the stage for Yoshiharu's significant impact on the course of events.

Becoming Oda Nobuna's Servant

As Yoshiharu serves Nobuna, he becomes an invaluable asset due to his knowledge of future events. Despite facing initial skepticism, Yoshiharu's predictions regarding important meetings and strategic decisions slowly earn him the trust and respect of Nobuna and her inner circle. This trust further deepens his involvement in shaping the political landscape of feudal Japan.

Yoshiharu's Challenges and Achievements

Predicting Oda's Important Meeting

One of Yoshiharu's early accomplishments is predicting an important meeting between Nobuna and Dosan, the leader of the Mino Province. Despite doubts about his claims of being a time traveler, Yoshiharu's accurate prediction impresses Nobuna. It becomes clearer that his knowledge of future events holds immense value in shaping the path of Japanese history.

Turning Money into Rice

To prove his worth and secure his place in Nobuna's trusted circle, Yoshiharu faces a daunting challenge. He is tasked with turning three thousand dollars into Sixty thousand dollars worth of rice in just one week. Utilizing his video game knowledge and with the help of his companions, Yoshiharu successfully achieves this seemingly impossible feat. However, his focus on making money leads to a critical oversight that complicates his situation.

Oda's Ambition and Yoshiharu's Guidance

Dreaming of Conquering the World

As Yoshiharu and Nobuna develop a deeper connection, she confides in him about her ambitious dream of conquering not only Japan but the entire world. Yoshiharu, empathizing with her relentless ambition, supports her aspirations and provides guidance as they navigate the complexities of a fractured land.

Convincing Dosan to Form an Alliance

Yoshiharu's guidance extends beyond his relationship with Nobuna as he also plays a vital role in convincing Dosan to join forces with Oda. By forecasting the consequences of unnecessary bloodshed and foreseeing Dosan's plans, Yoshiharu successfully advocates for an alliance that promises a united Japan. However, not everyone welcomes this idea, leading to unforeseen complications.

Betrayal, Rebellion, and Forgiveness

Yoshitatsu's Rebellion against Oda

Dosan's decision to trust Oda as the new heir to the Mino Province triggers rebellion from Yoshitatsu, Dosan's son. Unwilling to accept his father's choice, Yoshitatsu begins plotting a rebellion to seize control. This rebellion threatens the fragile unity that Yoshiharu and Oda have painstakingly built, placing their ambitions and Yoshiharu's life in jeopardy.

Convincing Oda to Spare Nobukatsu

As tensions rise and a full-Scale rebellion seems imminent, Yoshiharu finds himself in a precarious position. He must convince Oda to spare the life of Nobukatsu, Oda's younger brother, who plots against her. Understanding the consequences of a ruthless decision, Yoshiharu appeals to Oda's Sense of compassion and demonstrates the potential of unity and forgiveness.

Yoshiharu & Friends' Dangerous Mission

Rescuing Dosan from Rebels

Yoshiharu's journey takes a dangerous turn as he and his friends embark on a mission to rescue Dosan, who is under attack from rebels. Their determination to save Dosan not only tests their resilience but also highlights the high stakes of altering history. However, their actions have unintended consequences that question the legitimacy of their mission.

Altering History and Facing Consequences

Yoshiharu's involvement in altering the timeline becomes increasingly complex as his actions Shape the course of events. With each victory and challenge, Yoshiharu confronts the risks of bending history to his will. As the consequences of their interference become clear, Yoshiharu must grapple with the ethical implications of his actions.

The Battle of Okehazama

Outnumbered but Strategically Prepared

In one of the most critical moments of the story, Yoshiharu and Oda face the formidable Imagawa clan in the Battle of Okehazama. Despite being heavily outnumbered, Yoshiharu's knowledge of Nobunaga's strategies allows him to devise a plan that offers a Glimmer of hope in the face of overwhelming odds. Together, Yoshiharu and Oda lead their forces into battle, ready to defy history.

Yoshiharu's Knowledge and Victory

Drawing upon his understanding of the real Nobunaga's victories, Yoshiharu guides Oda's forces with strategic brilliance. His knowledge of historical events and battle tactics proves instrumental in securing an unexpected victory. Against all odds, Oda Nobuna emerges victorious, thanks in no small part to Yoshiharu's invaluable contributions.

Oda's Lecture and Promise

Lecturing Yoshiharu for His Solo Plans

Despite the undeniable success at Okehazama, Oda confronts Yoshiharu for his tendency to undertake dangerous plans without consulting her. Their relationship undergoes a tense moment as Oda questions the nature of their alliance. The conversation serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between Yoshiharu's influence and Oda's authority.

A Date with the Most Beautiful Maiden

As a gesture of gratitude for his unwavering support, Yoshiharu requests a reward from Oda: a date with the most beautiful maiden in the land. While Oda initially misunderstands Yoshiharu's intentions, she eventually agrees to fulfill his wish. This light-hearted moment amidst the turmoil highlights the connection between Yoshiharu and Oda, transcending their roles as leader and servant.

Recruiting Hanbei and Akechi

Yoshiharu's Encounter with Akechi Mitsuhide

While planning their invasion of Mino, Yoshiharu encounters Akechi Mitsuhide, a historically fated betrayer of Oda Nobunaga. In a surprising twist, he finds that Akechi looks slightly different in this alternate timeline. Despite the differences, their encounter Prompts Yoshiharu to Seek out Hanbei, a renowned tactician, to strengthen their forces further.

Convincing Hanbei to Join Their Side

Yoshiharu's meeting with Hanbei reveals a shy and incredibly talented young girl who possesses a unique mastery of illusions. Recognizing her potential, Yoshiharu expertly appeals to Hanbei's pure heart, persuading her to join their cause. With her unwavering loyalty, Hanbei becomes an invaluable asset in Yoshiharu's ongoing Quest to shape Japanese history.

Planning the Invasion of Mino

The Difficulty of Invading Mino

The task of invading Mino to reclaim the province from Dosan's son appears nearly insurmountable. The castle, situated atop a mountain, poses a significant obstacle, and a heavily guarded river further complicates their plans. Undeterred by these challenges, Yoshiharu draws upon his vast knowledge of history and devises a plan that could turn the tides in Oda's favor.

Yoshiharu's Knowledge and Oda's Trust

As Yoshiharu reveals his plan to Oda, her trust in his abilities is solidified. She places her faith in his strategic vision, allowing him to take the lead in executing the invasion of Mino. Having proven himself time and again, Yoshiharu demonstrates that his knowledge of history holds the key to victory in this high-stakes endeavor.

The Battle for Mino Province

Yoshiharu's Decoy and Tactical Fort

To Create a diversion, Yoshiharu strategically employs decoy tactics, using Yoshimoto and her army to lure out some of Yoshitatsu's troops. Simultaneously, Yoshiharu instructs his allies to Gather the necessary resources to build a fort opposite the Mino Castle, all while avoiding detection. This calculated move sets the stage for a fierce battle that will determine the fate of Mino Province.

Goemon's Sacrifice and Oda's Reinforcements

In the midst of the battle, tragedy strikes as Goemon valiantly sacrifices herself to protect Yoshiharu from an enemy arrow. Heartbroken by the loss, Yoshiharu is driven to ensure that Goemon's sacrifice was not in vain. Moments later, Oda arrives with her forces, providing much-needed reinforcements to bolster their defenses against Yoshitatsu's advancing troops.


As the battle for Mino Province reaches its climax, Yoshiharu's journey takes on even greater significance. The Altered timeline and the dynamic relationships he has forged with the powerful women of feudal Japan shape his role in history. Through his knowledge, bravery, and unwavering loyalty, Yoshiharu continues to defy the constraints of time, leaving an indelible mark on the tumultuous era of Sengoku Japan.

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