Optimizing Widget Experience: Updates & Enhancements

Optimizing Widget Experience: Updates & Enhancements

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Improving Agent Response Time
    • Mimicking Human Behavior
    • Streaming Responses
  3. Customizable Status Messages
    • Setting Default Status Messages
    • Customization Options
  4. Enhancing User Experience
    • Refreshing Conversation Starters
    • Addressing Horizontal Scroll Issue
    • Introducing Pagination
    • Data Saving Prompt
  5. Fixes and Updates
    • iOS Chat Widget Issue
    • Feedback Utilization
    • Scheduling Email Notifications
  6. Chat Widget Optimization
    • Size Adjustment
    • Lead and Scheduling Prompts
  7. Future Developments
    • Speed and Reliability Focus
    • New Integrations
    • Database Functionality
  8. Community Engagement
    • Feedback Encouragement
    • Discord Community
  9. Conclusion


Welcome to the latest release notes for Stammer Version 1.21lbs! In this update, we'll delve into various enhancements aimed at optimizing user experience and addressing feedback received from our valued users.

Improving Agent Response Time

In our continuous efforts to enhance user satisfaction, we've focused on reducing agent response time. Mimicking human behavior, we've implemented status messages to signify ongoing processes, ensuring users remain engaged during brief wait times.

Customizable Status Messages

Users now have the flexibility to customize status messages according to their preferences. By accessing the Notifier dashboard, individuals can tailor messages to Align with their brand voice, fostering a personalized interaction with customers.

Enhancing User Experience

To streamline user interaction, we've introduced several enhancements. Conversation starters now reappear upon widget refresh, eliminating the need for page reloads. Additionally, we're addressing usability concerns such as horizontal scroll issues by exploring stacking options for questions.

Fixes and Updates

Our team has diligently worked on resolving various issues reported by users. From fixing iOS chat widget glitches to encouraging comprehensive feedback utilization, every effort has been made to ensure a seamless user experience.

Chat Widget Optimization

In response to user feedback, we've optimized the chat widget's size for improved visibility and accessibility across desktop and mobile devices. Furthermore, prompts for Lead Generation and scheduling have been refined, facilitating smoother interactions.

Future Developments

Looking ahead, our focus remains on enhancing platform speed and reliability. We're excited to introduce new integrations, including Facebook Messenger, and explore database functionality to empower users with comprehensive product information.

Community Engagement

We value the input of our community immensely. By actively encouraging feedback and fostering community engagement through platforms like Discord, we aim to cultivate a collaborative environment focused on Continual improvement.


As we embark on this journey of innovation and improvement, we extend our gratitude to our users for their invaluable feedback and support. Together, we're shaping the future of conversational AI, one update at a time.


  • Improved Agent Response Time: Mimicking human behavior to reduce wait times.
  • Customizable Status Messages: Personalize interactions with tailored messages.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Streamlined interaction and usability enhancements.
  • Fixes and Updates: Addressing reported issues for a seamless experience.
  • Chat Widget Optimization: Improved visibility and refined interaction prompts.
  • Future Developments: Exciting integrations and database functionality on the horizon.
  • Community Engagement: Fostering collaboration and feedback-driven improvement.


Q: Can I customize the status messages? A: Yes, users have the flexibility to customize status messages according to their preferences via the Notifier dashboard.

Q: What improvements have been made to the chat widget? A: The chat widget's size has been optimized for improved visibility, and prompts for lead generation and scheduling have been refined for smoother interactions.

Q: How can I contribute feedback or engage with the community? A: We encourage users to join our Discord community and actively participate in discussions to share feedback and insights.

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