Run PyTorch Docker Container on Ubuntu with Lambda Stack

Run PyTorch Docker Container on Ubuntu with Lambda Stack

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing Lambda Stack
    1. The One-Line Command Install
    2. Installing Nvidia Drivers
    3. Installing Deep Learning Libraries and Frameworks
    4. Keeping Libraries Up-to-Date
    5. Rebooting the System
  3. Installing Docker and Nvidia Container Toolkit
    1. Installing the Latest Version of Docker
    2. Installing the Nvidia Container Toolkit
    3. Checking Docker Service Status
    4. Resolving Docker Service Issues
  4. Downloading and Running Nvidia NGC Containers
    1. Accessing the Nvidia NGC Container Catalog
    2. Downloading the PyTorch Container
    3. Verifying the Downloaded Image
  5. Setting Up a Shared Directory
    1. Creating a Shared Directory
    2. Mounting the Directory into the Container
  6. Running an Interactive Shell in the Container
  7. Moving Data In and Out of the Container
  8. Checking Versions and Dependencies
  9. Managing Running Docker Containers
  10. Conclusion

How to Use Lambda Stack to Install and Run GPU-Accelerated Docker Containers

Lambda Stack is an efficient tool that allows users to install and manage GPU-accelerated Docker containers. With Lambda Stack, You can easily set up the necessary Nvidia drivers, install deep learning libraries, and keep them up to date. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of using Lambda Stack to install GPU-accelerated Docker and run Nvidia NGC containers.

1. Introduction

In this section, we will provide an overview of Lambda Stack and its capabilities. We will explain the benefits of using GPU-accelerated Docker containers and introduce the Nvidia NGC container catalog.

2. Installing Lambda Stack

To get started with Lambda Stack, you need to install it on your system. We will walk you through the installation process step by step. This includes installing Nvidia drivers, deep learning libraries, and frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

2.1 The One-Line Command Install

Lambda Stack offers a convenient, one-line command installation. We will guide you on how to use this command and explain its functionality.

2.2 Installing Nvidia Drivers

Lambda Stack ensures that your system has the necessary Nvidia drivers to run GPU-accelerated containers effectively. We will explain how Lambda Stack handles the installation of these drivers.

2.3 Installing Deep Learning Libraries and Frameworks

In addition to Nvidia drivers, Lambda Stack installs popular deep learning libraries and frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. We will provide detailed instructions on how to install and manage these libraries.

2.4 Keeping Libraries Up-to-Date

Lambda Stack simplifies the process of keeping your deep learning libraries and frameworks up to date. We will Show you how to update these libraries using a simple command.

2.5 Rebooting the System

After installing Lambda Stack and Nvidia drivers, it is recommended to reboot your system. We will explain why this step is necessary and guide you through the reboot process.

3. Installing Docker and Nvidia Container Toolkit

To run GPU-accelerated Docker containers, you need to install Docker and the Nvidia Container Toolkit. In this section, we will provide detailed instructions on how to install these components.

3.1 Installing the Latest Version of Docker

We will guide you through the process of installing the latest version of Docker on your system. This step is crucial for running Nvidia NGC containers.

3.2 Installing the Nvidia Container Toolkit

The Nvidia Container Toolkit enables seamless integration between Docker and Nvidia GPU devices. We will show you how to install this toolkit alongside Docker.

3.3 Checking Docker Service Status

Before proceeding, it is essential to ensure that the Docker service is running correctly. We will teach you how to check the status of the Docker service on your system.

3.4 Resolving Docker Service Issues

If you encounter any issues with the Docker service, we will provide troubleshooting steps to resolve common problems. This includes reloading the daemon and restarting Docker.

4. Downloading and Running Nvidia NGC Containers

Once you have installed Lambda Stack, Nvidia drivers, Docker, and the Nvidia Container Toolkit, you can start downloading and running Nvidia NGC containers. We will walk you through this process step by step.

4.1 Accessing the Nvidia NGC Container Catalog

We will show you how to access the Nvidia NGC container catalog. This catalog offers a wide range of pre-built containers for various deep learning frameworks and applications.

4.2 Downloading the PyTorch Container

We will guide you on how to download a specific Nvidia NGC container, using the PyTorch container as an example. You will learn the necessary commands to download the container into your system.

4.3 Verifying the Downloaded Image

After downloading the Nvidia NGC container, we will show you how to verify the downloaded image. This step ensures that the container is ready for use.

5. Setting Up a Shared Directory

To facilitate data exchange between your local system and the Nvidia NGC container, setting up a shared directory is essential. We will explain how to Create and mount a shared directory.

5.1 Creating a Shared Directory

We will guide you through creating a shared directory on your local system. This directory will serve as the bridge for transferring data in and out of the Nvidia NGC container.

5.2 Mounting the Directory into the Container

Once the shared directory is created, we will show you how to mount it into the Nvidia NGC container. This ensures that the container can access the shared data.

6. Running an Interactive Shell in the Container

To Interact with the Nvidia NGC container, you can run an interactive shell. We will provide you with the necessary commands to launch an interactive shell and explore the container environment.

7. Moving Data In and Out of the Container

In this section, we will teach you how to move data in and out of the Nvidia NGC container. You will learn how to transfer files between your local system and the container, enabling seamless data exchange.

8. Checking Versions and Dependencies

While working with Lambda Stack and Nvidia NGC containers, you may need to check the versions and dependencies of installed libraries and frameworks. We will show you how to do this both inside and outside the container.

9. Managing Running Docker Containers

If you have multiple running Docker containers, it is important to manage them effectively. We will provide you with commands and techniques for managing and monitoring your Docker containers.

10. Conclusion

In this final section, we will summarize the key points covered in the tutorial. We will highlight the benefits of using Lambda Stack and Nvidia NGC containers together and encourage users to explore further possibilities.


  • Lambda Stack provides a streamlined solution for installing and managing GPU-accelerated Docker containers.
  • The one-line command install makes the installation process convenient and efficient.
  • Lambda Stack ensures the installation of necessary Nvidia drivers, deep learning libraries, and frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • The Nvidia Container Toolkit enables seamless integration between Docker and Nvidia GPU devices.
  • The Nvidia NGC container catalog offers a wide range of pre-built containers for various deep learning applications.
  • Setting up a shared directory allows easy data exchange between the local system and Nvidia NGC containers.
  • Running an interactive shell provides a convenient way to interact with the Nvidia NGC container environment.
  • Moving data in and out of the container can be easily done using mount points and file transfer techniques.
  • Checking versions and dependencies is crucial for understanding the environment and ensuring compatibility.
  • Effective management of running Docker containers is essential for optimizing system resources and monitoring performance.


Q: Can I use Lambda Stack without Docker? A: Yes, Lambda Stack provides the option to use GPU-accelerated libraries and frameworks outside of Docker containers.

Q: Are the installed deep learning libraries and frameworks automatically updated? A: Yes, Lambda Stack keeps the installed libraries and frameworks up to date. You can use a simple command to update them.

Q: How do I access the Nvidia NGC container catalog? A: You can access the Nvidia NGC container catalog through the website.

Q: Can I run multiple Nvidia NGC containers simultaneously? A: Yes, you can run multiple containers concurrently. Proper management techniques are covered in this tutorial.

Q: Can I use Lambda Stack on any operating system? A: Lambda Stack is primarily designed for Ubuntu-based Linux distributions.

Q: How do I check the status of the Docker service? A: You can use the systemctl command to check the status of the Docker service.

Q: Can I use Lambda Stack if I don't have an Nvidia GPU? A: Lambda Stack requires an Nvidia GPU for GPU acceleration. Without an Nvidia GPU, you can still use the installed libraries and frameworks but not the GPU-accelerated features.

Q: What are the minimum system requirements for using Lambda Stack? A: The minimum system requirements include an Nvidia GPU compatible with the installed Nvidia drivers and a supported Linux distribution.

Q: Can I customize the Nvidia NGC containers for my specific needs? A: Nvidia NGC containers provide a convenient starting point. You can customize them to suit your specific requirements by modifying the container environment.

Q: Can I use Lambda Stack for other deep learning frameworks, apart from TensorFlow and PyTorch? A: Yes, Lambda Stack supports other popular deep learning frameworks as well. The installation process is covered in this tutorial.

Q: How do I stop a running Docker container? A: You can use the docker stop command followed by the container ID or name to stop a running Docker container.

Q: What is the AdVantage of using Lambda Stack over manual installation of GPU drivers and libraries? A: Lambda Stack simplifies the installation and management process, ensuring compatibility and keeping libraries up to date. It saves time and provides a streamlined experience.

Q: How do I update Lambda Stack itself? A: You can use the apt-get command with the update and upgrade options to update Lambda Stack.

Q: Can I use Lambda Stack for non-deep learning GPU-accelerated applications? A: Lambda Stack is primarily designed for deep learning applications, but it can be used for other GPU-accelerated applications as well.

Q: Are there any additional resources or tutorials available for Lambda Stack and Nvidia NGC? A: Yes, you can find additional resources, tutorials, and documentation on the Lambda Labs and Nvidia NGC websites.

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