The Latest Language Industry Updates: ChatGPT, DeepL, and More

The Latest Language Industry Updates: ChatGPT, DeepL, and More

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Splitting the Pod Format
  3. The Rise of ChatGPT
  4. DeepL's Funding Confirmation
  5. The Translator CV Scam
  6. Best and Worst Performing LSPs
  7. The Amazon Dubbing Study
  8. Decline of Scammer IDs
  9. Performance of Listed Language Service Providers
  10. Retirement of the Job Index


Welcome to SlatorPod, where we bring you the latest news and trends in the language industry. In this episode, we have a quick news roundup show to kick off the new year. Stay tuned as we discuss the latest developments in the language technology sector, including the emergence of ChatGPT, the funding confirmation for DeepL, the ongoing translator CV scam, and much more. Let's dive in!

Splitting the Pod Format

As some of you may have noticed, we have decided to split the pod format into two segments. We will now have a dedicated guest segment and a separate news roundup towards the end of the week. This new format will allow us to give more time to our guests while also focusing on the latest news in the industry. We hope you find this change beneficial and exciting as we strive to provide you with the best content possible.

The Rise of ChatGPT

One of the most talked-about topics in the language technology field is the emergence of ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a large language model with various capabilities, including translation. It has gained significant popularity and has become a favorite topic on platforms like YouTube. Many software engineers and writers are now utilizing ChatGPT's capabilities, with some even integrating its responses into their browsers. While ChatGPT shows promise, it is still not a direct threat to specialized translation models used in expert-in-the-loop workflows.

DeepL's Funding Confirmation

Another major development in the language industry is the funding confirmation for DeepL. This language service provider has recently raised a substantial amount of money in a fundraise. With a valuation of over one billion euros, DeepL is making waves in the market. This funding will enable DeepL to continue expanding its offerings and potentially launch new products. The industry sees this as a significant vote of confidence in the language technology sector.

The Translator CV Scam

Unfortunately, there are individuals within the industry who resort to dishonest practices to make quick money. The translator CV scam has been an ongoing issue for many years, where scammers steal CVs and try to pass themselves off as professional translators. However, there is some good news. According to the Translator Scammers Directory, the number of new scammer IDs has decreased, indicating that the CV scam is becoming less profitable. It is essential for language service providers to remain vigilant and implement measures to vet translators effectively, including video calls to verify identity.

Best and Worst Performing LSPs

Tracking the performance of listed language service providers (LSPs) provides valuable insights into the market. However, 2022 was a challenging year for most LSPs, with only two out of a dozen delivering a positive performance. Companies like ZOO Digital and Honyaku Services showcased their resilience by achieving modest returns. On the other HAND, companies like Appen faced significant decline. Despite the tough market conditions, these performance indicators help gauge investor confidence in the language industry.

The Amazon Dubbing Study

Amazon recently conducted a large-Scale study on human localization and its implications for automatic dubbing. The study analyzed 674 episodes of 54 shows, totaling 319 hours of content and involving 9,215 distinct speakers. The findings revealed how human dubbers prioritize semantic fidelity and natural speech over lip-sync accuracy. While this may not come as a surprise to industry specialists, it provides valuable data to enhance automatic dubbing technology. The study aligns with Amazon's ambitions to improve its dubbing capabilities, given the vast amount of content the company produces.

Decline of Scammer IDs

Efforts to combat translator scams appear to be paying off, as there has been a decrease in the number of new scammer profiles. The Translator Scammers Directory noted that scammers have had limited success in obtaining payments in 2022. This decline indicates that individuals are becoming more aware of these fraudulent practices. Maintaining caution and implementing effective vetting procedures, such as video calls, can help prevent scammers from infiltrating the translation industry.

Performance of Listed Language Service Providers

The language service provider market experienced mixed results in 2022. Only a few companies managed to achieve positive returns, with ZOO Digital and Honyaku Services standing out. On the other end of the spectrum, Appen faced a significant decline in its stock value. Investor sentiment plays a crucial role in shaping the industry's future, and these performance indicators provide insight into market dynamics.

Retirement of the Job Index

After four years of tracking and analyzing the job index, we regret to announce its retirement. Due to changes in data availability from underlying sources, we can no longer provide a rich and Meaningful index. We would rather retire the index than Present less meaningful information to our audience. However, we will continue to explore other ways to gauge the strength of hiring and employment in the language industry.

Thank you for tuning into this episode of SlatorPod. We hope you found the discussions on ChatGPT, DeepL, the translator CV scam, and other industry updates informative and engaging. Stay updated with the latest news and trends in the language industry by subscribing to our Podcast. See you in the next episode!


  • The emergence of ChatGPT and its capabilities in the translation field.
  • DeepL's recent funding confirmation and its significance for the language technology sector.
  • The decrease in scammer IDs and the efforts to combat translator CV scams.
  • Performance analysis of listed language service providers, indicating market trends.
  • The Amazon dubbing study and its insights for automatic dubbing technology.
  • Retirement of the job index due to changes in underlying data availability.


Q: Is ChatGPT a direct threat to specialized translation models? A: No, ChatGPT is still not a direct threat to specialized translation models used in expert-in-the-loop workflows. While it has various capabilities, including translation, it lacks the same level of quality and specialization as dedicated translation models.

Q: How does the decline in scammer IDs impact the translation industry? A: The decline in scammer IDs is a positive development, indicating that individuals are becoming more aware of translator CV scams. This reduces the risk of scammers infiltrating the industry and stealing work and money from professional translators.

Q: Which language service providers performed well in 2022? A: ZOO Digital and Honyaku Services were among the few language service providers that delivered positive performances in 2022. Despite the challenging market conditions, these companies showcased resilience and generated modest returns.

Q: What implications does the Amazon dubbing study have for automatic dubbing technology? A: The study provides valuable insights into how human dubbers prioritize semantic fidelity and natural speech over lip-sync accuracy. This data can contribute to the development and improvement of automatic dubbing technology, aligning with Amazon's ambitions in the dubbing space.

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