Transforming Medical Customer Engagement with Digital and AI

Transforming Medical Customer Engagement with Digital and AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Role of Digital and AI in Personalized Customer Engagement 2.1 Evolution of HCP Expectations 2.2 Using AI and Digital Tools for Personalization
  3. What Does Personalized Engagement Mean? 3.1 Learning and Agility 3.2 Understanding Stakeholders 3.3 Personalized Experiences in the Digital Age
  4. The Challenges of Personalization 4.1 Technical and Technology Challenges 4.2 Content Challenges 4.3 Mindset Change
  5. The Importance of Collaboration between Medical Affairs and Commercial 5.1 Common Challenges and Pain Points 5.2 Supporting Field Teams with Technology
  6. Adoption of CRM by MSLs and Biomedical Teams 6.1 Challenges and Perceptions 6.2 Effective Change Management and User Experience
  7. Enhancing Personalization through AI 7.1 Boosting Field Productivity 7.2 Getting Insights to the Field 7.3 Transitioning to Hybrid Engagement 7.4 Helping HCPs Find Personalized Insights
  8. The Future of Personalization in Medical Affairs 8.1 Embedding Capabilities and Measuring Impact 8.2 Scaling Personalization Across Field Teams 8.3 Enhancing Capabilities for Personalization
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources

Medical Customer Engagement: The Role of Digital and AI in Personalizing Each Interaction, at Scale

In today's rapidly evolving Healthcare landscape, the expectations of healthcare professionals (HCPs) have significantly changed. They demand personalized interactions and tailored experiences from pharmaceutical companies and medical affairs teams. To meet these expectations, organizations like Novartis have turned to digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI). By leveraging these technologies, they aim to deliver Meaningful customer engagement at Scale.


In this article, we will explore the crucial role of digital and AI in personalizing customer engagement in the medical industry. We will delve into the concept of personalized engagement, its significance in the digital age, and the challenges associated with its implementation. Additionally, we will examine the collaboration between medical affairs and commercial teams in enabling effective engagement. We will also discuss the adoption of customer relationship management (CRM) tools by medical science liaisons (MSLs) and biomedical teams and how it impacts personalized interactions. Furthermore, we will explore how AI can enhance personalization efforts, increase field productivity, and facilitate the transition to hybrid engagement. Lastly, we will look towards the future and discuss the potential enhancements and advancements in personalization in medical affairs.

The Role of Digital and AI in Personalized Customer Engagement

Evolution of HCP Expectations

Over the years, the expectations of HCPs have evolved significantly. They now anticipate customized experiences and interactions with pharmaceutical companies and medical affairs teams. Personalized engagement involves understanding and addressing the specific needs, challenges, aspirations, and preferences of stakeholders. In today's digital age, organizations have ample opportunities to gain insights into stakeholders through conversations, social media, and online activities. With the vast amount of information available, there is no excuse for not personalizing engagements with HCPs.

Using AI and Digital Tools for Personalization

To keep up with the evolving expectations of HCPs, organizations like Novartis have employed AI and digital tools to enhance personalization. These technologies empower companies to Gather valuable data about stakeholders, enabling them to tailor experiences to meet individual needs. By leveraging AI and digital tools, organizations can deliver Relevant content, improve interaction planning, and optimize follow-up practices. However, while the adoption of AI and digital tools holds great promise, organizations must overcome technical, content, and mindset-related challenges to fully leverage their potential.

What Does Personalized Engagement Mean?

Learning and Agility

Personalized engagement requires organizations to prioritize learning and agility. It involves acquiring comprehensive knowledge about stakeholders, including their context, challenges, aspirations, and preferences. This knowledge is then utilized to tailor experiences and interactions to meet their individual needs. The abundance of available data and the innate human desire to discuss topics of interest make personalized engagement imperative for the success of organizations in the medical industry.

Understanding Stakeholders

Personalized engagement necessitates understanding stakeholders on a deeper level. It involves gathering insights through various channels, such as conversations, social media, and online activities. By comprehending stakeholders' unique needs and challenges, organizations can deliver tailored solutions and address their specific pain points. Failure to provide a personalized experience can hinder organizations from effectively engaging with stakeholders and hinder their ability to offer valuable solutions.

Personalized Experiences in the Digital Age

In today's digital age, organizations have access to numerous tools and technologies that enable personalized experiences. They can leverage AI, digital platforms, and data analytics to gain insights into stakeholder preferences and needs. By delivering personalized content and interactions, organizations can foster stronger relationships, encourage loyalty, and optimize the impact of their engagements. Personalization has become a fundamental aspect of effective customer engagement in the medical industry.

The Challenges of Personalization

Implementing personalized customer engagement strategies in the medical industry comes with its own set of challenges. These challenges can range from technical and technology-related obstacles to content and mindset-related barriers.

Technical and Technology Challenges

Implementing personalized engagement strategies often requires significant technological advancements. Organizations need to establish the core infrastructure and data models necessary to achieve personalization effectively. Additionally, integrating new technologies with existing legacy systems can pose difficulties. Overcoming these technical challenges is crucial for ensuring a seamless and efficient personalized engagement process.

Content Challenges

To deliver personalized experiences, organizations need to reevaluate their content creation and management processes. Traditional content creation methods may not Align with the agility required for effective personalization. Organizations must adopt new approaches to content creation and management that allow for flexibility and customization. By addressing content challenges, organizations can enhance their ability to deliver tailored experiences to stakeholders at scale.

Mindset Change

One of the most significant challenges organizations face when implementing personalization strategies is the need for mindset change. Personalization requires changing the way organizations work, including their processes, capabilities, and accountabilities. Accomplishing this mindset change requires time, effort, and effective change management strategies. Organizations must recognize that technology alone is not the sole solution to the personalization Puzzle. Emphasizing the importance of people, processes, and a customer-centric approach is essential for successful personalization implementation.

The Importance of Collaboration between Medical Affairs and Commercial

Collaboration between medical affairs and commercial teams is crucial in fostering effective personalized engagement. While MSLs and commercial representatives have distinct roles, they share common challenges and pain points. Leveraging technology and embracing a customer-centric approach can support both MSLs and commercial representatives in their respective tasks. Collaboration between these teams allows for the identification of solutions that benefit both parties, leading to improved engagement strategies and outcomes.

Common Challenges and Pain Points

Both MSLs and commercial representatives face similar challenges, such as managing multiple platforms and duplicating data entry. To address these challenges effectively, collaboration is essential. By leveraging technology solutions that simplify processes and enhance user experience, organizations can overcome these barriers and improve adoption rates among MSLs and biomedical teams.

Supporting Field Teams with Technology

Technology plays a crucial role in supporting field teams in delivering personalized engagement. Effective change management and user experience are key factors in driving adoption and ensuring successful implementation. By focusing on user-friendly interfaces, seamless integration with existing systems, and ongoing enhancements based on user feedback, organizations can empower field teams to provide personalized interactions.

Adoption of CRM by MSLs and Biomedical Teams

Adopting customer relationship management (CRM) tools can significantly impact personalized interactions in medical affairs. However, the Perception of difficulty and the duplication of efforts often hinder the adoption of CRM among MSLs and biomedical teams. Overcoming these challenges requires effective change management strategies and a focus on improving user experience. Organizations need to ensure that CRM tools address the specific needs of MSLs and biomedical teams and provide value in their daily work.

Challenges and Perceptions

MSLs and biomedical teams often face challenges related to the number of platforms they need to use and the perceived lack of relevance of certain data entry tasks. Additionally, user experience plays a crucial role in adoption rates. Ensuring that CRM tools streamline processes, reduce duplications, and improve productivity can encourage MSLs and biomedical teams to embrace these technologies.

Effective Change Management and User Experience

To drive adoption and overcome resistance, organizations must focus on effective change management and user experience. Change management strategies should involve clear communication, training programs, and ongoing support. Moreover, user experience should be a primary consideration when designing CRM tools for MSLs and biomedical teams. An intuitive and user-friendly interface will enhance adoption rates and facilitate the seamless integration of CRM into daily workflows.

Enhancing Personalization through AI

AI has the potential to enhance personalization efforts in medical affairs, leading to increased field productivity and improved customer engagement. By leveraging AI technology, organizations can benefit from insights-driven decision-making, personalized next best actions, and the ability to provide tailored support and information right at the point of interaction.

Boosting Field Productivity

AI can accelerate field productivity by providing actionable insights and recommendations to field teams. Through AI-powered tools, field representatives can access real-time information, prioritize tasks, and navigate complex engagements more efficiently. By reducing administrative burdens and streamlining workflows, AI enables field teams to focus on building meaningful relationships with stakeholders.

Getting Insights to the Field

AI technology enables the Timely delivery of personalized insights to field teams, supporting their decision-making process during interactions with HCPs. With AI-powered tools, field teams can access relevant information, such as key medical insights or customer-specific data. This ensures they are well-informed and equipped to provide personalized engagements, maximizing the value of each interaction.

Transitioning to Hybrid Engagement

As the world moves towards hybrid engagement, AI can facilitate a seamless transition between virtual and in-person interactions. AI-powered platforms can integrate with popular communication channels like Microsoft Teams, providing field teams with relevant insights during virtual meetings. This ensures that field teams can personalize engagements regardless of the mode of communication, optimizing the overall customer experience.

Helping HCPs Find Personalized Insights

AI can support personalized engagement by helping HCPs access relevant insights specific to their needs. By providing HCPs with targeted, educational content through channels like a customer portal or chat interface, organizations can amplify the voice of the patient and promote efficient communication. This personalized approach increases HCP satisfaction and improves engagement with pharmaceutical companies.

The Future of Personalization in Medical Affairs

As the industry continues to focus on personalization, opportunities for improvement and enhancement emerge.

Embedding Capabilities and Measuring Impact

Organizations need to embed personalization capabilities into their priority areas. By moving from new ways of working to establishing personalization as business as usual, organizations can Collect data, measure impact, and refine their strategies. Effective measurement allows organizations to validate their hypothesis, assess the impact of personalization efforts, and drive continuous improvement.

Scaling Personalization Across Field Teams

Currently, personalization efforts are often limited to specific teams or regions. The future entails scaling personalization to all field teams worldwide. This requires a commitment from the entire organization to ensure consistent engagement and alignment with the shared vision of personalized interactions. Achieving this scale enhances the effectiveness of customer engagement strategies and maximizes the impact on external stakeholders.

Enhancing Capabilities for Personalization

As technology advances and capabilities expand, organizations must continually enhance their personalization efforts. This includes leveraging improved data analytics, developing more agile content creation and management processes, and exploring emerging channels. By embracing advancements in AI and technology, organizations can deliver increasingly personalized experiences that meet the evolving needs of HCPs and other stakeholders.


Personalized customer engagement is vital in the medical industry to meet the evolving expectations of stakeholders. By leveraging digital tools and AI, organizations can deliver tailored experiences, improve field productivity, and enhance collaboration between medical affairs and commercial teams. Overcoming challenges related to technology adoption, content creation, and mindset change is crucial for successful personalization implementation. With a customer-centric approach and a focus on user experience, organizations can effectively drive personalized engagement and maximize the value of each interaction.


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