Watch as AI Robot Sorts LEGO Bricks by Color!

Watch as AI Robot Sorts LEGO Bricks by Color!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  3. Supervised Learning in AI
  4. Building the Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor
  5. Training the Color Sorting Robot
    • a. Initializing the Robot's Brain
    • b. Calibrating the Robot
    • c. Performing the Training Process
  6. The Experience List: Exploring the Robot's Knowledge
  7. Associating Colors and Nests
  8. Feedback and Updating the Experience
  9. Using Exclusion to Speed Up Learning
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to another exciting adventure in robotics! In this guide, we will not only walk You through the process of programming a color sorting robot using Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor but also dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI). Get ready to understand and implement supervised learning techniques to Create a small piece of code that brings your robot to life with its own artificial intelligence. By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully trained robot capable of sorting colored bricks with precision. So, let's get started!

Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence, often referred to as AI, is a vast field that encompasses different aspects of intelligence exhibited by machines. While the term is often misused or misunderstood, in this project, we'll focus on a specific subfield of AI known as supervised learning. Supervised learning is a category of machine learning and artificial intelligence where software is trained using labeled data sets to accurately classify data or predict outcomes.

Supervised Learning in AI

In our case, we will be leveraging supervised learning techniques to train our color sorting robot. Similar to teaching a baby, we will provide the robot with input and feedback to help it learn how to correctly sort colored bricks. Initially, the robot will have no knowledge of where each colored brick should go. Through our guidance and input, the software will gradually learn the associations between colors and the correct nest. Once the training process is complete, the robot will be able to sort bricks by color autonomously.

Building the Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor

Before we dive into the programming aspect, let's first ensure we have the necessary hardware. This project focuses on the Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor set 51515. If you haven't already built the robot, please refer to the printable Lego building instructions available for download on our Website (link included below).

Training the Color Sorting Robot

Now that we have our robot built and ready, it's time to train it to sort colored bricks. The training process involves teaching the robot the correct associations between colors and nests. Let's break down the training steps:

a. Initializing the Robot's Brain

When the program starts, we initialize the robot's brain. This entails setting up the motors, defining the positions, and clearing the brain's table, which holds the associations between colors and nests. Additionally, we calibrate the robot to ensure it starts from the unknown position.

b. Calibrating the Robot

Calibration is a crucial step in getting accurate sorting results. By calibrating the robot, we establish a reliable reference point for picking and placing bricks. This ensures consistent and precise sorting throughout the training process.

c. Performing the Training Process

The Core of the training process lies in the "learning sorter" block within the program. Here's how it works:

  1. We start at a specific point and display the robot's brain, referred to as the "xp" list. This list represents the knowledge base within the robot's mind.
  2. Next, we wait for a brick to be dropped onto the ramp, reading the color of the brick using a color sensor. The colors are coded with numbers, with Blue as 0, yellow as 1, and red as 3.
  3. Using the color as an index, we search for an association within the experience list. If a positive association (element equal to 1) is found, we pick the corresponding nest. If no positive association exists, we randomly pick a nest from one to four.
  4. Once the robot picks and places the brick in the chosen nest, we ask for feedback from the user. This feedback helps us update the experience list.
  5. If the feedback is correct, we update the experience list by setting the association to 1. If the feedback is incorrect, we set the association to -1, indicating a wrong association.
  6. Additionally, we introduced a block that associates colors by exclusion. By determining that a color has been associated with one nest, we automatically consider the other nests as incorrect associations. This speeds up the learning process.

Through this iterative training process, the robot gradually learns to associate colors with the correct nests. Once the associations have been established, the robot can sort bricks by color independently.

The Experience List: Exploring the Robot's Knowledge

As the training progresses, the robot's knowledge base, represented by the experience list, expands. This list contains associations between colors and nests. By displaying the experience list, we can Visualize the robot's understanding of different color-nest associations. Bright dots indicate correct associations, while dim dots represent incorrect or unknown associations.

Associating Colors and Nests

During the training process, the robot tries to determine the correct nest for each color. After picking a brick, the robot relies on feedback from the user to update its associations. With each correct feedback, the robot strengthens the association between a color and a nest. Conversely, incorrect feedback leads to the removal or adjustment of associations.

Feedback and Updating the Experience

User feedback plays a crucial role in training the color sorting robot. By providing prompt feedback on each sorting attempt, we reinforce correct associations and correct any wrong associations. This iterative process allows the robot to learn and improve with each training cycle.

Using Exclusion to Speed Up Learning

To expedite the learning process, we introduced an exclusion-Based association approach. Once an association is made between a color and a nest, we automatically consider the remaining nests as incorrect associations. By excluding these nests, the robot narrows down the possibilities, leading to faster and more accurate learning.


In conclusion, this project not only demonstrates how to build and program a color sorting robot using Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor but also delves into the world of artificial intelligence. Through supervised learning techniques, we trained the robot to identify and sort colored bricks with precision. With each training session, the robot's knowledge base expanded, allowing it to make accurate associations between colors and nests. We hope this guide has sparked your interest in the fascinating field of robotics and AI. Enjoy exploring and experimenting with your color sorting robot!


  • Build and program a color sorting robot using Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor
  • Dive into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and understand supervised learning techniques
  • Train the robot to autonomously sort colored bricks by establishing associations between colors and nests
  • Explore the robot's knowledge base and visualize the associations using the experience list
  • Utilize user feedback to reinforce correct associations and improve the robot's sorting accuracy
  • Speed up the learning process with exclusion-based association techniques


Q: Can I build the color sorting robot using a different Lego set? A: This guide specifically focuses on building the robot using the Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor set 51515. However, you can adapt the principles and programming concepts to other Lego sets or robotics platforms.

Q: How long does it take to train the color sorting robot? A: The training duration can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the sorting task and the number of training cycles. Generally, the robot gradually improves its sorting accuracy with each training session.

Q: Can the color sorting robot be trained to sort objects other than colored bricks? A: While this guide primarily focuses on sorting colored bricks, you can apply similar principles to train the robot for other objects. Simply adjust the program to recognize and sort different objects based on their characteristics.

Q: Is it possible to expand the capabilities of the color sorting robot beyond color-based sorting? A: Absolutely! Once you have a solid foundation in programming and robotics, you can experiment with adding additional sensors and algorithms to enable the robot to sort based on other attributes such as size or shape.

Q: Can the color sorting robot be programmed to adapt to new colors or nests? A: Yes, with some modifications to the program, you can train the robot to sort new colors or associate them with different nests. Simply extend the training process and update the associations accordingly.

Q: What other applications can supervised learning and color sorting robots have? A: The concepts and techniques used in this project extend beyond color sorting. Similar supervised learning approaches can be applied to various fields such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles, among others.

Q: Is it possible to integrate the color sorting robot with other robotic systems? A: Yes, the color sorting robot's programming principles can be adapted to interact and collaborate with other robotic systems or even integrate it into more complex robotic setups.

Q: Can I further enhance the learning capabilities of the color sorting robot? A: Absolutely! The possibilities for enhancing the learning capabilities of the robot are endless. You can experiment with different algorithms, optimization techniques, and real-time learning mechanisms to continuously improve the robot's sorting abilities.

Q: Are there any online resources or forums to connect with other robotics enthusiasts? A: Yes, there are numerous online communities, forums, and resources dedicated to robotics and AI enthusiasts. Joining these communities can provide valuable insights, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration.

Q: How can I inspire others to learn about robotics and artificial intelligence? A: You can share your experiences, projects, and knowledge through social media, YouTube tutorials, or local robotics clubs. Organizing workshops or presentations in schools or community centers can also inspire others to explore the fascinating world of robotics and AI.

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