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JobtitlesAI is an AI-powered API that accurately classifies job titles by field and position.
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Mar 07 2023
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JobtitlesAI Product Information

What is JobtitlesAI?

JobtitlesAI is an AI-powered machine learning API that accurately classifies job titles by field (such as sales, finance, I.T.) and position (such as executive, management, assistant). This helps automate lead qualification, clean CRM data, organize job offers, and more.

How to use JobtitlesAI?

To use JobtitlesAI, you can integrate the machine learning API into your system or use it with CSV files, spreadsheets, or Hubspot. Simply provide the job titles and JobtitlesAI will categorize them into relevant fields and positions. You can also use the API to categorize job titles in multiple languages.

JobtitlesAI's Core Features

Accurate job title classification

Categorization by field and position

Integration with CSV files, spreadsheets, and Hubspot

Support for multiple languages

JobtitlesAI's Use Cases


Automating lead qualification


Cleaning CRM data


Prioritizing LinkedIn profiles


Organizing job offers

FAQ from JobtitlesAI

What does JobtitlesAI do?

How can I use JobtitlesAI?

What languages does JobtitlesAI support?

Can JobtitlesAI handle different variations of job titles?

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JobtitlesAI: JobtitlesAI is an AI-powered API that accurately classifies job titles by field and position.
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