AMD Relive vs OBS: Performance Comparison

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AMD Relive vs OBS: Performance Comparison

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AMD's Relive Recording Software
  2. Benchmarking Methodology
    • 2.1 Setting Up the Test Environment
    • 2.2 Selection of Games
    • 2.3 Recording Methods
  3. Benchmark Results and Analysis
    • 3.1 Rise of the Tomb Raider
    • 3.2 Hitman 2016
    • 3.3 Battlefield One
    • 3.4 Titanfall 2
    • 3.5 Total War Warhammer
    • 3.6 GTA 5
    • 3.7 DOOM
    • 3.8 Gears of War 4
  4. Comparison of Performance Impact
  5. Conclusion and Recommendations
  6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Introduction to AMD's Relive Recording Software

Hey there, folks! Danny here, and in this comprehensive review, we'll be diving deep into AMD's Relive recording software. AMD recently rolled out their new Crimson drivers 16.12.1, which introduced this recording and streaming tool, much anticipated by the AMD user community.

Benchmarking Methodology

Setting Up the Test Environment

To ensure accurate benchmarking, we meticulously configured our test rig to maintain consistency across all trials. With an Intel Core i5 6600K overclocked to 4.6 GHz, 16GB of G.Skill Ripjaws DDR4 memory, and an MSI RX 480 Gaming X8 GPU, our setup promised robust performance for testing.

Selection of Games

We selected a diverse range of popular titles to gauge the software's performance across various gaming genres. From Rise of the Tomb Raider to Gears of War 4, each Game provided unique insights into Relive's recording capabilities.

Recording Methods

Our benchmarking involved three recording scenarios: no recording, AMD Relive, and OBS with Intel Quick Sync. This allowed us to evaluate the performance impact of each method comprehensively.

Benchmark Results and Analysis

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Analyzing the benchmark results for Rise of the Tomb Raider revealed minimal performance differences between recording methods. Relive demonstrated a slight edge over OBS, maintaining performance levels close to the original.

Hitman 2016

Similarly, Hitman 2016 showcased negligible performance discrepancies between Relive and OBS. Despite minor variations, both recording methods upheld gaming performance admirably.

Battlefield One

In the case of Battlefield One, OBS marginally outperformed Relive, though the variance was within acceptable limits. The negligible performance impact affirmed Relive's lightweight design.

Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2 presented intriguing results, with Relive exhibiting a marginally higher minimum frame rate compared to OBS. While the differences were subtle, they underscored Relive's competitive performance.

Total War Warhammer

Our benchmarking of Total War Warhammer uncovered notable disparities in minimum frame rates between Relive and OBS. However, the overall performance impact remained modest, reaffirming Relive's efficacy.


Recording gameplay in GTA 5 showcased Relive's ability to preserve performance levels akin to non-recording scenarios. Despite slight variations, Relive proved capable of delivering consistent frame rates.


DOOM's Vulkan API posed minimal performance challenges for both recording methods. Relive and OBS exhibited comparable performance, ensuring a seamless gaming experience.

Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4 presented unique performance dynamics, with both Relive and OBS experiencing considerable performance drops. While Relive showcased a slightly larger impact, the overall performance remained satisfactory.

Comparison of Performance Impact

Upon evaluating the cumulative benchmark results, it became evident that AMD Relive and OBS offer comparable performance. While Relive demonstrated a marginal advantage in certain scenarios, both recording methods effectively minimized performance impact.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, AMD's Relive recording software emerges as a commendable solution for gamers seeking hassle-free gameplay recording. With its lightweight design and competitive performance, Relive stands as a viable alternative to OBS.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is AMD Relive compatible with all AMD GPUs?

    • Yes, AMD Relive is compatible with a wide range of AMD GPUs, providing users with versatile recording options.
  2. Does AMD Relive support live streaming?

    • Absolutely! AMD Relive offers seamless integration with popular streaming platforms, enabling users to Broadcast their gameplay effortlessly.
  3. Can I customize recording settings in AMD Relive?

    • Certainly! AMD Relive provides extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor recording settings to their preferences.
  4. Does AMD Relive impact gaming performance significantly?

    • No, AMD Relive is designed to minimize performance impact, ensuring a smooth gaming experience even during recording Sessions.
  5. Is AMD Relive suitable for professional content creators?

    • While AMD Relive caters primarily to gamers, its intuitive interface and robust feature set make it suitable for amateur and professional content creators alike.


  • AMD's Relive recording software offers lightweight and efficient gameplay recording capabilities.
  • Benchmarking across various gaming titles reveals negligible performance impact with Relive compared to traditional recording methods.
  • Relive's user-friendly interface and extensive customization options make it a compelling choice for both casual gamers and content creators.


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