Apply Now for 7 Student Ambassador Programs: Microsoft, Intel, Agora, HackerEarth, Facebook

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Apply Now for 7 Student Ambassador Programs: Microsoft, Intel, Agora, HackerEarth, Facebook

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Student Ambassador Programs
  3. Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program
  4. Facebook Developer Circles
  5. Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program
  6. Agora Student Ambassador Program
  7. GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program
  8. Intel Software Innovator Program
  9. Hacker University Program
  10. Conclusion

Benefits of Student Ambassador Programs

Are you a student looking to enhance your college experience and gain valuable skills? Are you interested in being a part of a tech community and having amazing opportunities? If so, then you should consider applying for student ambassador programs. These programs are specifically designed to provide students with remarkable experiences and numerous benefits. In this article, we will discuss seven major student ambassador programs that are currently open for applications. We will explore the Perks and benefits of each program, as well as why you should join. These programs include the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program, Facebook Developer Circles, Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program, Agora Student Ambassador Program, GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program, Intel Software Innovator Program, and Hacker University Program. Let's dive in and explore how these programs can offer you amazing opportunities and help you develop both personally and professionally.

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program

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The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program is a remarkable opportunity for students who want to grow their skills, build their reputation as tech insiders, make a difference in the tech community, and empower their peers. By becoming a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, you will have the chance to take on responsibilities, learn the art of execution, and impact the lives of many students. This program offers various milestones, such as the alpha, beta, and gold milestones, which come with their own set of perks and benefits. As a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, you will have access to resources, including discounts on courses, software licenses, LinkedIn premium accounts, and LinkedIn learning accounts. You will also have the opportunity to showcase your technical skills, conduct workshops and seminars, and receive swags and goodies from Microsoft. Overall, this program provides an amazing platform to enhance your technical and non-technical skills while being part of a global tech community.

Facebook Developer Circles

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Are you passionate about Facebook technologies and want to connect with like-minded individuals? The Facebook Developer Circles program is the perfect opportunity for you. Joining a Facebook Developer Circle allows you to grow your skills, network with other developers, and contribute to the tech community. With Developer Circles all over the world, you can find a local circle near you to engage with. By becoming a member of a Developer Circle, you will have access to various learning resources, workshops, and events focused on Facebook technologies like React and more. This program provides a platform to enhance your knowledge, collaborate with others, and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry. Join a Developer Circle today and take your Facebook development skills to the next level.

Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program

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Do you have a passion for artificial intelligence and deep learning? The Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program, created by Andrew Ng, offers an incredible opportunity for students Interested In AI and machine learning. As a Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador, you will have the chance to grow your skills, connect with industry experts, and conduct workshops and events focused on AI and deep learning within your campus. This program provides resources, support, and networking opportunities, allowing you to showcase your projects, enhance your leadership skills, and receive swags and goodies. By being a part of this program, you will become a recognized leader in the AI community and have the chance to make a significant impact. Join the Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program and become a part of the future of AI.

Agora Student Ambassador Program

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Are you interested in real-time communication and video interaction technologies? The Agora Student Ambassador Program is an excellent opportunity to explore the world of real-time engagement. As an Agora Student Ambassador, you will have the chance to upskill yourself, learn to integrate Agora SDK into your projects, and make an impact in the tech community. This program offers speaking opportunities, hackathon support, and monetary rewards. You will be able to showcase your projects, network with professionals, and receive exclusive swags and goodies. By becoming an Agora Student Ambassador, you will be seen as a leader in your college, someone who can guide and support fellow students. Join the Agora Student Ambassador Program and dive into the world of real-time communication.

GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program

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GeeksforGeeks is a well-known platform for programming enthusiasts, providing resources, tutorials, and practice problems. The GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program is an exciting opportunity for students who are passionate about coding and want to contribute to the tech community. As a GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador, you will have the chance to conduct workshops, seminars, and events, spreading awareness about Geeksforgeeks and helping fellow students enhance their coding skills. This program offers learning opportunities, career counseling, goodies, and a certificate of leadership. By being a GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador, you will gain valuable experience, build your network, and make a significant impact on your campus. Join the GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program and become a coding leader in your college.

Intel Software Innovator Program

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If you're a software innovator with a passion for cutting-edge technologies, the Intel Software Innovator Program is the perfect fit for you. This program is designed for individuals who have expertise in areas like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, Game development, and rendering. As an Intel Software Innovator, you will have the opportunity to showcase your projects, gain exposure, and network with industry professionals. This program offers various benefits depending on the track you choose, including learning opportunities, career counseling, goodies, and more. By being a part of the Intel Software Innovator Program, you will establish yourself as a leader in the tech community and receive exclusive support from Intel. Join the Intel Software Innovator Program and explore the world of innovative software development.

Hacker University Program

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Hacker University (Hack) aims to inspire students to become technology innovators. The Hack University Program is an excellent opportunity for students who have a passion for coding and want to make an impact in their community. By becoming a Hack University Program student ambassador, you will have the chance to organize events, mentor fellow students, and contribute to the tech ecosystem of your university. This program offers various benefits, including learning opportunities, career counseling, marketing support, and goodies. As a Hack University Program student ambassador, you will be seen as a leader in your college and someone who can guide and support others in their tech journey. Join the Hack University Program and become a part of the next generation of tech innovators.


In conclusion, student ambassador programs provide incredible opportunities for students to enhance their college experience, gain valuable skills, and make a significant impact in the tech community. The programs we discussed, including the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program, Facebook Developer Circles, Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program, Agora Student Ambassador Program, GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program, Intel Software Innovator Program, and Hacker University Program, offer various perks and benefits. By joining these programs, students can upskill themselves, conduct workshops and events, network with professionals, and receive swags and goodies. These programs not only enhance technical skills but also develop leadership, communication, and networking abilities. If you're a student looking for an extraordinary experience and a chance to make a difference, consider applying for these student ambassador programs and embark on an incredible journey.


  • Student ambassador programs offer remarkable experiences and numerous benefits.
  • Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program provides opportunities to grow skills, build reputation, and impact students.
  • Facebook Developer Circles connect students with like-minded developers and offer learning resources.
  • Deep Learning.AI Student Ambassador Program allows students to conduct workshops and events in AI and deep learning.
  • Agora Student Ambassador Program focuses on real-time communication and video interaction technologies.
  • GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador Program allows students to spread awareness and enhance coding skills.
  • Intel Software Innovator Program showcases innovative software projects and connects students with professionals.
  • Hacker University Program inspires students to become technology innovators and contribute to their community.


Q: Are there any eligibility criteria for these programs? A: Each program has its own set of eligibility criteria, which may include being passionate about specific technologies, having prior experience in organizing events, or being in a certain year of college. Please refer to the respective program websites for more information.

Q: Can students from any college apply for these programs? A: Yes, most of these programs are open to students from any college. However, some programs may have a limited number of slots or specific requirements. It is best to check the program details before applying.

Q: What are the responsibilities of a student ambassador? A: Responsibilities may vary depending on the program but generally include conducting workshops and events, spreading awareness about the program or technology, mentoring fellow students, and representing the program in a positive manner.

Q: Do these programs provide any financial benefits? A: Some programs may offer financial rewards or cash prizes for certain activities or achievements. However, the main benefits are usually in the form of learning opportunities, networking, and personal development.

Q: Can students apply for multiple programs simultaneously? A: Yes, students can apply for multiple programs simultaneously. However, it is important to consider the time commitment and responsibilities associated with each program to ensure efficient participation.

Q: How can I improve my chances of getting selected for these programs? A: To increase your chances of getting selected, focus on showcasing your passion for the program's objectives, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences, and demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact in the tech community. Additionally, make sure to carefully follow the application process and provide all required information.


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