Build an Arduino-Powered Robot with Intel Curie

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Build an Arduino-Powered Robot with Intel Curie

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Hardware
    • The Chassis
    • Motors and Motor Shield
    • Assembly Process
    • Wiring Diagram
  3. The Software
    • Overview
    • Installing Arduino IDE and Firmata
    • Using Node.js and Johnny-Five
    • Controlling the Robot with Keyboard Commands
  4. Advanced Applications
    • ROS Control System
    • Object Recognition and Autonomous Driving
  5. Conclusion

Building a Robot with Arduino 101 and Intel Curie

🤖 Introduction

In this article, we will explore how to build a small robot using the Arduino 101 powered by the Intel Curie system-on-chip. The aim is to showcase a simple remote-controlled robot and discuss its potential for more advanced projects. We will cover both the hardware and software aspects, providing step-by-step instructions and code examples to guide you through the process.

🔧 The Hardware

To build the robot, we will need a few components. First, we will use a multi-chassis four-wheel drive as the robot's base. This chassis is made of sturdy aluminum and provides slots for installing sensors and other accessories. We will also need a motor shield to control the motors. We will use the Adafruit DC Motor and Stepper Motor Shield, which runs over I2C. Additionally, an extra battery pack is required to provide enough voltage for the Arduino 101 and the motors.

To assemble the robot, follow the instructions provided with the kit. Make sure to install the standoffs for the Arduino 101 before finishing the assembly. Once assembled, wire the motors according to the specified wiring diagram. It is crucial to get the polarities correct. To simplify the wiring, you can pair the positive and negative leads from each motor together. Finally, solder the barrel Jack of the Second battery pack to ensure sufficient power supply.

👨‍💻 The Software

The software for the robot consists of two main components: the code running on the Arduino board and the code running on your laptop. The idea is to control the robot's movements through the laptop, sending commands via Bluetooth to the board. By offloading the processing to the laptop, we can implement more complex control systems.

To establish the connection between the Arduino board and the laptop, we use Firmata. Firmata virtualizes the GPIO pins on the Arduino board, allowing your computer to interact with them via the Firmata client running in Node.js. We also need the Johnny-Five framework, which provides pre-configured components for controlling the Adafruit motor shield. Additionally, we use the Keypress library to capture keyboard commands.

To set up the software, install Arduino IDE and load the standard Firmata BLE sketch onto the board. On the laptop, install Node.js and the required packages: Johnny-Five, Keypress, and Ble-Serial. Once everything is set up, download the control code and run it. The laptop will connect to the Arduino 101 over Bluetooth, enabling control of the robot using the WASD keys.

💡 Advanced Applications

While the remote-controlled robot is a fun project in itself, there are more advanced applications that can be built upon this foundation. One such application is the integration of a ROS (Robot Operating System) control system. ROS provides a standardized API for robotics and enables complex control systems by linking different processes, such as motor control, computer vision, and mapping.

Another exciting application is object recognition and autonomous driving. By incorporating a webcam and implementing object recognition algorithms, the robot can navigate through obstacles or even map its surroundings. These advanced applications are made possible by offloading the processing to a laptop or computer, leveraging its computational power.

🔚 Conclusion

Building a robot with Arduino 101 and Intel Curie is a rewarding project that showcases the potential of IoT and robotics. By following the step-by-step instructions and understanding the software components, you can create a functional remote-controlled robot. Moreover, by exploring advanced applications, such as ROS integration and autonomous driving, you can push the boundaries of what the robot can achieve.

Good luck and have fun building your own Arduino-powered robot!


  • Build a small robot with Arduino 101 and Intel Curie powered by the Curie system-on-chip
  • Showcase a simple remote-controlled robot with potential for advanced applications
  • Explore the hardware components, including the chassis, motors, and motor shield
  • Step-by-step instructions for assembly and wiring
  • Overview of the software components, including Firmata, Johnny-Five, and Keypress
  • Control the robot using keyboard commands through a laptop
  • Discuss advanced applications such as ROS integration and object recognition
  • Offloading processing to a laptop for more complex control systems
  • Push the boundaries of robotics by implementing autonomous driving and mapping
  • Create a functional and versatile robot that can be expanded upon


Q: Can I use a different motor shield with the Arduino 101? A: While the Adafruit motor shield is recommended, you can use a different motor shield as long as it is compatible with the Arduino Uno and supports I2C communication.

Q: Is it possible to add additional sensors to the robot? A: Yes, the chassis provides slots for installing sensors. By integrating additional sensors, you can expand the capabilities and functionality of the robot.

Q: Can I control the robot wirelessly using a smartphone instead of a laptop? A: While the tutorial focuses on laptop control, it is possible to control the robot wirelessly using a smartphone by developing a mobile app that communicates with the Arduino board over Bluetooth.

Q: Are there any resources for learning more about ROS and its integration with Arduino? A: Yes, there are numerous online resources and tutorials available for learning ROS and integrating it with Arduino. Some recommended resources include the ROS Wiki, official ROS tutorials, and community forums.

Q: What programming language is used for writing the control code? A: The control code provided in this tutorial is written in Node.js, a JavaScript runtime. Node.js is popular for IoT and robotics projects due to its ease of use and extensive package ecosystem.

Q: Can I use the Arduino 101 for other robotics projects? A: Absolutely! The Arduino 101 with Intel Curie is a versatile board that can be used for various robotics projects. Its Bluetooth capabilities, machine learning features, and compatibility with Arduino Uno shields make it suitable for a wide range of applications.


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