Building a Budget ITX Raven Ridge PC: Almost a Failure!

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Building a Budget ITX Raven Ridge PC: Almost a Failure!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing the APU: Ryzen 5 2400G vs Ryzen 3 2200G
  3. Motherboard Troubleshooting and Alternatives
  4. Memory Considerations and Pricing
  5. Storage Options: SSD or HDD
  6. Power Supply and Case Selection
  7. Building the PC: Step-by-Step Guide
  8. Overclocking the APU: Benefits and Performance Results
  9. Gaming Performance Benchmarks
  10. Conclusion

🖥️ Building a High-Performance Budget Gaming PC with AMD's Raven Ridge APUs 🎮


Building a gaming PC on a tight budget can be a challenging task, especially with the soaring component prices in the current market. However, AMD's Raven Ridge APUs offer a cost-effective solution by combining a powerful processor with integrated Vega graphics. In this article, we will explore the process of building a gaming PC featuring one of these APUs, discussing component choices, troubleshooting steps, and performance outcomes. Whether you're a casual gamer or an enthusiast, this guide aims to provide you with valuable insights for creating a high-performance budget gaming setup.

Choosing the APU: Ryzen 5 2400G vs Ryzen 3 2200G

The first crucial decision when building a gaming PC with AMD's Raven Ridge APUs is selecting the right APU for your needs. The Ryzen 5 2400G and Ryzen 3 2200G are two popular options, both offering impressive performance at their price points. The Ryzen 5 2400G, priced around $170, features four cores and eight Threads, with a base clock of 3.6 GHz and a boost up to 3.9 GHz. It also boasts integrated Vega graphics, making it suitable for not only gaming but also light content creation tasks. On the other HAND, the Ryzen 3 2200G, priced at $99, offers slightly lower clock speeds and lacks the support for simultaneous multithreading. However, it still provides a viable alternative for budget-conscious builders.

Motherboard Troubleshooting and Alternatives

Selecting the right motherboard is crucial to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. However, when building with Raven Ridge APUs, compatibility issues may arise due to outdated BIOS versions on some motherboards. It is essential to check if the motherboard you choose supports the Raven Ridge APUs out of the box. In cases where support is not available, you may need to update the BIOS using a previous-generation Ryzen CPU before switching to the APU. This process can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Alternatively, you can opt for motherboards that have recently stocked up on retail channels, as they are more likely to come with the latest BIOS supporting Raven Ridge APUs.

Memory Considerations and Pricing

The next component to consider is RAM, which plays a crucial role in system performance. Modern applications, especially memory-intensive ones like web browsers, necessitate a good amount of system resources. It is recommended to choose at least 16 gigabytes of RAM to ensure smooth multitasking and future-proof your system. Memory kits with clock speeds of 3200 MHz are ideal for maximizing gaming performance with Raven Ridge APUs. However, it is essential to note that memory prices have escalated in recent times, making them the most expensive component in the current market. Careful consideration of budget and performance requirements is necessary when choosing the appropriate RAM kit for your build.

Storage Options: SSD or HDD

Storage is another critical aspect to consider when building a gaming PC. While traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) offer larger capacities at lower costs, solid-state drives (SSDs) provide significantly faster boot times and quicker application loading. It is recommended to use an SSD as the main boot drive for quick access to applications, with a typical capacity of at least 240 gigabytes. To store your Game library and other files, a secondary HDD is an affordable choice. Striking the right balance between speed and capacity is essential while adhering to your budget constraints.

Power Supply and Case Selection

Selecting a reliable power supply unit (PSU) and a suitable case for your build ensures proper functionality and adequate cooling. The Silverstone ST45SF small form-factor PSU, certified with 80 Plus Bronze efficiency, offers ample power for the Ryzen 5 2400G APU. With a price tag of approximately $60, this PSU remains quiet even during heavy loads. For the case, the Silverstone SG13 Mini-ITX enclosure is an excellent choice. Priced at $50, it optimizes ITX design while providing sufficient airflow for cooling. However, it does not include Dust filters, and the hard drive bracket supports only one 3.5-inch or two 2.5-inch drives. Consider these factors when deciding on the appropriate case for your build.

Building the PC: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have chosen the components for your budget gaming PC, it's time to put them together. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth assembly process and proper installation of each component. First, prepare your workspace and Gather the necessary tools. Then, install the CPU in the motherboard socket, apply thermal paste, and mount the cooler. Next, insert the RAM modules, connect the storage drives, and secure the PSU in the case. Finally, connect all necessary cables, ensure proper airflow, and power up your PC for the first boot. This guide will walk you through each step to help you build your gaming rig with ease.

Overclocking the APU: Benefits and Performance Results

Overclocking your Ryzen APU can provide a significant performance boost, allowing you to squeeze out more power from your budget build. To achieve optimal overclock settings, we recommend using AMD's Ryzen Master software, specifically the beta version that supports Ryzen APUs until the official release is updated. Proper overclocking requires trial and error, as the Raven Ridge APUs have limitations in terms of stability and power consumption. With careful tweaking, you can achieve higher CPU and GPU clock speeds, translating into improved performance across various tasks and, notably, gaming. We'll delve deeper into the overclocking process and its impact on performance in this section.

Gaming Performance Benchmarks

When building a gaming PC, assessing the actual in-game performance is of utmost importance. We've tested the Ryzen 5 2400G APU in various gaming scenarios to give you a clear picture of its capabilities. Using benchmarks such as 3DMark Fire Strike and gaming titles like DOOM and Battlefield 1, we measured frame rates and average performance in different settings. These benchmarks will help you understand the real-world gaming performance you can expect from your budget build.


In conclusion, building a high-performance budget gaming PC with AMD's Raven Ridge APUs is an excellent choice for gamers seeking affordability without compromising on performance. By carefully selecting the right components, troubleshooting compatibility issues, and considering overclocking possibilities, you can create a gaming rig that delivers impressive results within your budget constraints. Keep in mind the current component pricing challenges and fluctuating availability, and always explore alternative options to ensure you get the best value for your money. With AMD's Raven Ridge APUs, gaming on a budget has never been more accessible.


  • Building a gaming PC on a tight budget? Consider AMD's Raven Ridge APUs!
  • Choosing the right APU: Ryzen 5 2400G or Ryzen 3 2200G? Weigh the options.
  • Compatible motherboard troubles? Explore alternatives to ensure smooth functionality.
  • Memory pricing got you down? Opt for 16GB at 3200MHz for optimal gaming performance.
  • SSD or HDD for storage? Strike the right balance between speed and capacity.
  • Power supply and case selection: Essential for system stability and cooling.
  • Step-by-step guide: Build your budget gaming rig with ease!
  • Overclocking the APU: Unlock extra performance for gaming and more.
  • Benchmarking gaming performance: Real-world results for popular titles.
  • Conclusion: AMD's Raven Ridge APUs offer affordability without compromising on performance.


Q: Can I upgrade the APU in the future? A: Yes, the chosen motherboard supports future Ryzen CPUs, allowing for easy upgrades down the line.

Q: Should I invest in a dedicated graphics card with the Ryzen APUs? A: While the integrated Vega graphics in the Ryzen APUs are capable of handling 1080p gaming at medium to low settings, adding a dedicated graphics card like the GTX 1050 can significantly improve gaming performance.

Q: How important is RAM speed for gaming performance with Raven Ridge APUs? A: RAM speed plays a crucial role in maximizing gaming performance with Raven Ridge APUs, as it impacts both CPU and GPU performance. Aim for at least a 3200MHz RAM speed for optimal results.

Q: Do I need an aftermarket cooler for overclocking the APU? A: No, the stock cooler provided with the APU is sufficient for overclocking purposes and does a good job of keeping temperatures under control.


  • [Link to Full Review](provide the link to the review here)
  • [Link to AMD's Ryzen Master software](provide the link to AMD's Ryzen Master software here)
  • [Link to Silverstone ST45SF PSU](provide the link to the Silverstone ST45SF PSU here)
  • [Link to Silverstone SG13 Mini-ITX case](provide the link to the Silverstone SG13 Mini-ITX case here)
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