Discovering Materials in NVIDIA Omniverse

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Discovering Materials in NVIDIA Omniverse

Table of Contents

  1. 🌟 Introduction to Omniverse
    • 1.1 What is Omniverse?
    • 1.2 Importance of Materials in Omniverse
  2. 🎨 Finding and Accessing Materials
    • 2.1 Material Libraries in Omniverse
    • 2.2 Base Materials
    • 2.3 V-Materials
  3. 🖌️ Applying and Editing Materials
    • 3.1 Assigning Materials to Objects
    • 3.2 Editing Materials
    • 3.3 Applying Textures
  4. 🏗️ Using Material Templates
    • 4.1 Core Material Templates
    • 4.2 Omni Glass
    • 4.3 OmniPBR
    • 4.4 OmniPR Clear Coat
  5. 💻 Customizing Materials with MDL Files
    • 5.1 Importing MDL Files
    • 5.2 Supported Content Creation Tools
  6. 🛠️ Transforming Native Materials
    • 6.1 Mapping Native Materials to Templates
    • 6.2 Generating MDL Equivalents
  7. 🌐 Exporting Scenes to USD
    • 7.1 Loading Scenes in Create or View
  8. 🎥 Additional Resources
    • 8.1 Connect Plugins
    • 8.2 Application-Specific Guides

Introduction to Omniverse

1.1 What is Omniverse? Omniverse is a revolutionary platform that provides a collaborative environment for virtual production and real-time simulation. It seamlessly integrates various tools and technologies, empowering creators to bring their ideas to life with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

1.2 Importance of Materials in Omniverse Materials play a crucial role in Omniverse as they define the visual appearance and properties of virtual objects. Understanding how to work with materials is essential for creating realistic and immersive virtual experiences.

Finding and Accessing Materials

2.1 Material Libraries in Omniverse Omniverse offers comprehensive material libraries that contain a diverse range of textures and shaders. These libraries serve as valuable resources for artists and designers looking to enhance their projects with high-quality materials.

2.2 Base Materials The Base Materials library in Omniverse comprises a collection of materials based on OmniPBR (Physically Based Rendering). It covers a wide range of surfaces, including organics, textiles, construction materials, and architectural elements.

2.3 V-Materials V-Materials is Nvidia's curated collection of real-world materials designed to mimic common surfaces found in the physical environment. Version 2.0 introduces high-resolution, updated physical materials tailored for design and architectural workflows.

Applying and Editing Materials

3.1 Assigning Materials to Objects Applying materials to objects in Omniverse is a straightforward process. Users can simply navigate to the desired material in the content window and drag it onto the object in the viewport or stage window. Alternatively, materials can be assigned through the right-click menu.

3.2 Editing Materials Editing materials in Omniverse allows users to customize their appearance and properties. By selecting a material in the stage window, users can access its parameters in the property window and make adjustments as needed. Changes are immediately reflected in the viewport, providing real-time feedback.

3.3 Applying Textures Textures play a vital role in enhancing the realism of materials. In Omniverse, users can apply textures to objects by setting the texture map parameter to the desired texture name. Textures can be dragged from the content window onto the parameter or selected using the asset browser.

Using Material Templates

4.1 Core Material Templates Omniverse offers a variety of core material templates designed to achieve specific looks and effects. These templates serve as starting points for creating materials and include options for glass, metals, dielectrics, transparent surfaces, and multi-lobe specular materials.

4.2 Omni Glass Omni Glass is a template used for creating transmissive glass or clear plastic materials. It provides the necessary parameters to control transparency, refraction, and other optical properties, allowing users to achieve realistic glass effects.

4.3 OmniPBR OmniPBR is a versatile material template suitable for a wide range of surfaces, including metals and dielectrics. By adjusting the metallic parameter, users can seamlessly blend between metal and non-metal materials, giving them flexibility in material creation.

4.4 OmniPR Clear Coat OmniPR Clear Coat is similar to OmniPBR but includes a secondary specular lobe for simulating surfaces with thin clear coatings or varnishes, such as car paint. This template adds an extra level of realism to materials with clear surface finishes.

Customizing Materials with MDL Files

5.1 Importing MDL Files Omniverse supports the import of custom MDL (Material Definition Language) files, allowing users to incorporate materials created in external software tools like Adobe Substance. After exporting an MDL file, users can simply drag it onto objects in Omniverse to assign the material.

5.2 Supported Content Creation Tools Omniverse is compatible with a range of digital content creation tools, including 3ds Max, Maya, V-Ray, and Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). Users can leverage these tools to create content with native materials and seamlessly integrate them into Omniverse projects.

Transforming Native Materials

6.1 Mapping Native Materials to Templates In applications like Maya, users can map native materials to Omniverse templates during export, allowing for seamless conversion and compatibility. This process ensures that materials created in native software retain their visual properties when transferred to Omniverse.

6.2 Generating MDL Equivalents For content created in 3ds Max, V-Ray, or UE4, Omniverse provides tools to generate MDL equivalents of native materials. This enables users to maintain consistency across different platforms and take full advantage of Omniverse's rendering capabilities.

Exporting Scenes to USD

7.1 Loading Scenes in Create or View Once materials and scenes are finalized, users can export them to the USD (Universal Scene Description) format for further processing or sharing. USD files can be loaded into Omniverse Create or View for visualization, editing, or rendering purposes.

Additional Resources

8.1 Connect Plugins For users working with specific software applications like 3ds Max, Maya, or UE4, Omniverse offers connect plugins that streamline the workflow and facilitate seamless integration. These plugins provide additional features and functionalities tailored to each application's requirements.

8.2 Application-Specific Guides To further assist users in their creative endeavors, Omniverse provides application-specific guides and tutorials for software like 3ds Max, Maya, and UE4. These resources cover various topics ranging from basic workflows to advanced techniques, empowering users to unleash their creativity.


  • Omniverse offers a wide range of material libraries, including base materials and curated real-world materials.
  • Applying and editing materials in Omniverse is intuitive, with real-time feedback provided for seamless adjustments.
  • Material templates and MDL files enable users to create custom materials tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Omniverse supports integration with popular content creation tools, ensuring compatibility and flexibility in workflows.
  • Connect plugins and application-specific guides enhance the user experience, providing additional support and resources for optimal workflow efficiency.


Q: Can I import materials created in external software into Omniverse? A: Yes,

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