Enhance Your Application with Intel AMT Support

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Enhance Your Application with Intel AMT Support

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using the Terminal Application
  3. Using the IMT Terminal DLL within Visual Studio
  4. Adding Vpro and AMT Support to an Application
  5. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the developer toolkit for Intel AMT and learn how to integrate a terminal and AMT terminal window into your application. There are two methods we will cover: using the terminal application and using the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio. By following these steps, you will be able to add control features and monitor AMT functionality within your application easily. So let's dive in!

💻 Using the Terminal Application

The terminal application is the easiest way to add Vpro and AMT support to your application. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the terminal application included in the Intel Developer Toolkit for AMT.
  2. In the command line, enter the necessary parameters: machine name, port (usually 16992), and password.
  3. Once connected, you will have access to a range of commands and control features, such as IDER commands and remote controls.
  4. When you're finished, simply close the terminal window.

Using the terminal application provides a quick and straightforward method for integrating AMT support into your application. While it may not offer all the functionalities available in the IMT terminal DLL, it allows for efficient control features.

🖥️ Using the IMT Terminal DLL within Visual Studio

By using the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio, you can incorporate AMT support into a .NET application. Let's walk through the process:

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project, preferably a sample Windows application.
  2. Access the toolbox, right-click, and select "Choose Items" to add the necessary items to your toolbar.
  3. Browse through the developer toolkit directory and add the IMT terminal DLL to your toolbox.
  4. Drag and drop the terminal control onto your form.
  5. Customize the properties of the terminal control, such as the hostname, title, and username.
  6. Add a button to your form and code it to show the terminal control when pressed.
  7. To ensure the DLLs are Present, copy the required DLL files (remote stack and redirector library) from the TDK to your project directory.
  8. Build and run your project, and the terminal control will connect to your machine, allowing you to utilize AMT functionalities.

Note that you can Prompt the user for their username and password dynamically to enhance user experience. Additionally, you can customize the terminal window's icon to Align with your application's branding.

Using the IMT Terminal DLL within Visual Studio offers more flexibility for incorporating AMT support into your application, making it an ideal choice for developers.

🚀 Adding Vpro and AMT Support to an Application

By integrating the developer toolkit for Intel AMT into your application, you gain the ability to control and monitor AMT functionalities. Whether you choose the terminal application or the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio, you can enhance your application's capabilities. Adding Vpro and AMT support allows for features like remote control, power management, and custom commands. Provide your users with a seamless experience by incorporating AMT functionalities into your application today!


  • Easy integration with the terminal application.
  • Enhanced control features and monitoring with the IMT Terminal DLL within Visual Studio.
  • Flexibility to customize the terminal window's appearance and behavior.


  • Limited functionalities compared to the IMT Terminal DLL for the terminal application.
  • Additional development effort required for customizing and implementing the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio.


In this article, we explored the developer toolkit for Intel AMT and learned how to integrate a terminal and AMT terminal window into your application. By leveraging the terminal application or the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio, you can add control features and monitor AMT functionality effortlessly. Whether you opt for the simpler integration of the terminal application or the flexibility of the IMT Terminal DLL, adding Vpro and AMT support to your application expands its capabilities. Start enhancing your application today with powerful AMT functionalities!


  • The developer toolkit for Intel AMT offers seamless integration of AMT functionalities into your application.
  • Two methods for integration: using the terminal application and utilizing the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio.
  • The terminal application provides a quick and easy way to add control features to your application.
  • The IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio offers more flexibility and customization options.
  • Integrating AMT support allows for remote control, power management, and custom commands in your application.


Q: How do I choose between the terminal application and the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio? A: It depends on your requirements and preferences. The terminal application is easier to integrate, while the IMT Terminal DLL offers more flexibility and customization options.

Q: Are there any limitations to adding Vpro and AMT support to an application? A: While adding AMT support enhances your application's capabilities, it may require additional development effort and have some limitations in terms of available functionalities.

Q: Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the terminal window in my application? A: Yes, the IMT terminal DLL within Visual Studio allows for customization of the terminal window's appearance and behavior to align with your application's branding and user experience.

Q: Is the developer toolkit for Intel AMT compatible with all .NET applications? A: Yes, the developer toolkit for Intel AMT is compatible with .NET-based applications that support integration of external DLL files.


  • Intel Developer Toolkit for AMT: link
  • Visual Studio: link*

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