Unleash the Power of Ryzen 9 3900X & Radeon 5700XT for Ultimate Gaming Experience

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Unleash the Power of Ryzen 9 3900X & Radeon 5700XT for Ultimate Gaming Experience

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rison 3,100 EX and the Radeon 5700 XT
  3. The Rise in Line of Processors
  4. The Radian 5700 XT - A Beautiful Card
  5. The New Architecture: Navi
  6. The Build: Components and Specifications
  7. Gaming Performance and Benchmarks
  8. AMD Software Improvements
  9. Division 2: An AMD Optimized Game
  10. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Impressive Performance
  11. Conclusion

Is the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radeon 5700 XT Worth the Hype?

The gaming world is abuzz with excitement over the release of the Rison 3,100 EX processor and the Radeon 5700 XT graphics card from AMD. In this article, we will delve into whether these products live up to the hype and if they are worth the investment. Join us as we explore the features, performance, and gaming capabilities of these powerful components. Strap in for an exciting ride as we uncover the truth behind the buzz surrounding the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radeon 5700 XT.


When it comes to gaming hardware, there's nothing quite like the thrill of experiencing the latest and greatest components. The Rison 3,100 EX processor and the Radeon 5700 XT graphics card have become the talk of the town, promising unparalleled performance and cutting-edge technology. But are they truly worth the excitement? Let's dive in and find out.

The Rise in Line of Processors

Before we delve into the specifics of the Rison 3,100 EX, let's take a moment to appreciate the impressive lineage of AMD processors. The Rise in line has been revolutionizing the market with its powerful processors, including the Rise in One, Rise in Two Thread Ripper, and now the Rise in 3. With each new iteration, AMD has been raising the bar for performance and efficiency.

The Radian 5700 XT - A Beautiful Card

While the Rise in processors have been making waves, it's the Radian 5700 XT graphics card that has caught our attention. AMD's graphics cards have had a mixed reputation in the past, but the Radian 5700 XT seems to be a game-changer. With a sleek design and impressive performance, this card has the potential to flip the script on AMD's graphics card narrative.

The New Architecture: Navi

One of the most exciting aspects of both the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT is the introduction of AMD's new architecture, Navi. This new architecture is set to power the next generation of gaming consoles, including the Xbox Next and the Playstation 5. With Navi at the helm, gamers can expect enhanced performance and stunning visuals.

The Build: Components and Specifications

To truly put the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT to the test, we decided to build a gaming rig using these components. We were fortunate to receive the processors and graphics cards from AMD, as well as a lovely SSD from Aorus. Our build features a Thermaltake case, a powerful ASUS ROG motherboard, G.Skill RAM, and multiple SSDs. The overall aesthetic of the build is sleek and eye-catching, with the RGB lighting tying everything together.

Gaming Performance and Benchmarks

Now, let's get to what really matters - gaming performance. We tested the gaming capabilities of our build by playing two popular games: Division 2 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Division 2 is an AMD-optimized game, while Tomb Raider boasts impressive visual fidelity. Our benchmarks reveal the true potential of the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT when put to the test in these demanding titles.

AMD Software Improvements

To enhance the gaming experience, AMD has made significant improvements to its software suite. With AMD Ryzen Master, users can easily overclock their processors and optimize performance. The Adrenalin software for graphics cards allows for fine-tuning and optimization of in-game settings. Lastly, the inclusion of ReLive allows for seamless gameplay capture and streaming.

Division 2: An AMD Optimized Game

In our gaming experience, Division 2 proved to be a testament to the optimization between AMD hardware and AMD-optimized games. With high settings and a resolution of 1440p, we achieved impressive frame rates and smooth gameplay. The combination of the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT truly excelled in this AMD masterpiece.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Impressive Performance

Moving on to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, a visually stunning game, our build held its ground admirably. With frame rates reaching near 100 frames per Second at 1080p, gaming on this setup was an absolute delight. Even at a higher resolution of 1440p, the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT maintained solid performance, further solidifying their capabilities.


After thoroughly exploring the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT, it's safe to say that these components have exceeded our expectations. The Rison 3,100 EX showcases AMD's prowess in processor technology, delivering outstanding performance in both gaming and productivity tasks. The Radian 5700 XT, on the other HAND, proves that AMD's graphics cards are no longer playing catch-up, providing impressive visuals and fluid gameplay. For gamers and enthusiasts looking for an exceptional gaming experience, the combination of the Rison 3,100 EX and the Radian 5700 XT is a winning choice. Embrace the power of AMD and elevate your gaming to new heights.


Q: Can I use the Rison 3,100 EX with an NVIDIA graphics card? A: Absolutely! The Rison 3,100 EX is compatible with both AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards, allowing you to choose the best GPU for your needs.

Q: Is the Radian 5700 XT suitable for 4K gaming? A: While the Radian 5700 XT performs admirably in 1440p gaming, it might struggle to maintain high frame rates in 4K gaming. For 4K gaming, consider a higher-end graphics card or opt for a multi-GPU setup.

Q: Does the Rison 3,100 EX support PCIe 4.0? A: Unfortunately, the Rison 3,100 EX does not support PCIe 4.0. However, it still offers exceptional performance and capabilities.

Q: Can I upgrade my existing Rison motherboard to support the Rison 3? A: Yes, one of the advantages of the Rison lineup is its compatibility with previous generation Rison motherboards. You can simply switch out your old processor for the Rison 3,100 EX without needing to change your motherboard.

Q: How does the Rison 3,100 EX compare to its predecessor, the Rison 2? A: The Rison 3,100 EX offers noticeable performance improvements over the Rison 2, especially in gaming and multi-threaded tasks. The increased core count and clock speeds make it a worthy upgrade for enthusiasts and professionals alike.


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