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AssistGPT is a personal AI chatbot for websites, designed to enhance customer service and engagement through personalized answers.
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May 22 2023
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AssistGPT Product Information

What is AssistGPT?

AssistGPT is a personal AI chatbot for websites, designed to enhance customer service and engagement through personalized answers.

How to use AssistGPT?

To use AssistGPT, simply integrate the chatbot into your website and customize the chatbot's responses based on your content and customer queries.

AssistGPT's Core Features

Personalized answers based on website content

Intuitive chat interface

Seamless integration with any website

Customizable responses

Real-time customer support

AssistGPT's Use Cases


Providing immediate and accurate responses to customer queries


Enhancing user engagement and interaction on websites


Improving customer satisfaction and experience


Reducing customer service workload

FAQ from AssistGPT

Can I integrate AssistGPT into any website?

How does AssistGPT provide personalized answers?

Is real-time customer support available with AssistGPT?

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