Kairos GPT

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Kairos GPT is an AI assistant for finance built by Kairos. It is trained on the NYT best selling book, 'The Psychology of Money', and designed to provide intelligent financial insights and guidance.
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Jun 03 2023
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Kairos GPT Product Information

What is Kairos GPT?

Kairos GPT is an AI assistant for finance built by Kairos. It is trained on the NYT best selling book, 'The Psychology of Money', and designed to provide intelligent financial insights and guidance.

How to use Kairos GPT?

To use Kairos GPT, simply login to the website and start chatting with the bot. It will leverage its knowledge from 'The Psychology of Money' to answer your finance-related questions and provide advice.

Kairos GPT's Core Features

Intelligent finance insights

Guidance based on 'The Psychology of Money'

Chat-based interaction

Personalized recommendations

Real-time market analysis

Kairos GPT's Use Cases


Getting advice on investing


Understanding personal finance concepts


Exploring behavioral psychology in financial decision-making


Gaining insights into managing money and wealth

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