People Experience Bot (PxBot)

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People Experience Bot (PxBot) is a custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) designed specifically for businesses. It is a fully managed service that builds private chatbots for businesses, providing accurate ChatGPT responses from their own content without making up facts.
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Jul 21 2023
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People Experience Bot (PxBot) Product Information

What is People Experience Bot (PxBot)?

People Experience Bot (PxBot) is a custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) designed specifically for businesses. It is a fully managed service that builds private chatbots for businesses, providing accurate ChatGPT responses from their own content without making up facts.

How to use People Experience Bot (PxBot)?

To use PxBot, customers securely provide their corporate materials such as websites, PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and YouTube videos. The PxBot team of real humans then trains the bot using these materials and guides the customers through every step. Users can query the private bot and receive instant responses in their preferred language along with citations. PxBot can be embedded into websites or intranets, and can also be used to add live chat functionality.

People Experience Bot (PxBot)'s Core Features

The core features of PxBot include: - Custom-built chatbot: PxBot is tailored to each business, utilizing their specific content and data. - Multilingual support: PxBot translates and summarizes materials in 92 languages, allowing users to access information in their preferred language. - 24/7 access: Employees and customers can ask company-related questions anytime, enabling self-service and reducing the need for repetitive inquiries. - Higher level strategy focus: By providing easy access to information, PxBot frees up time for managers to focus on more strategic tasks. - Secure and privacy-first: PxBot ensures that customer data remains safe and secure through encryption and fully self-contained bots.

People Experience Bot (PxBot)'s Use Cases


PxBot can be used in various scenarios such as: 1. Internal knowledge base: Companies can replace standard operating procedure (SOP) binders and FAQ pages by using PxBot to provide employees with easy access to the data they need. 2. Customer support: PxBot can be used for sales and customer support, allowing customers to ask questions and receive instant responses. 3. Learning and development: PxBot can enhance learning and development initiatives by providing employees with quick access to training materials, onboarding documents, and relevant resources. 4. Corporate communications: PxBot can help in quickly writing corporate communications and social media posts in the voice and style of previous announcements.

FAQ from People Experience Bot (PxBot)

What can I use PxBot for?

How long does it take to build a bot with PxBot?

Can PxBot support multiple languages?

Is PxBot secure?

Can I try PxBot before purchasing?

Does PxBot provide customer support?

  • People Experience Bot (PxBot) Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.

    Here is the People Experience Bot (PxBot) support email for customer service: [email protected] .

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People Experience Bot (PxBot) Pricing

Starting Bot

Great for personal use and seeing how it works with your own data

Intranet Bot

Internal bot for company intranets with custom branding and additional AI bot add-ons

Company Website Bot

External-facing bot for company websites with custom data

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People Experience Bot (PxBot) Website Traffic Analysis

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits
Avg.Visit Duration
Page per Visit
Bounce Rate
Jun 2023 - Apr 2024 All Traffic


Top 1 Regions

South Africa
Jun 2023 - Apr 2024 Desktop Only

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People Experience Bot (PxBot) : Reviews, Pricing, Core features, Use cases, alternatives
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