FormulaGenerator is a one-stop solution for generating Excel formulas, VBA automations, SQL queries, and more using their free AI toolkit powered by fine-tuned GPT models. It helps users debug formulas and code, offers an intuitive interface for creating complex formulas, and provides explanations for formulas. It also generates VBA, SQL, and Appscript code.
To use FormulaGenerator, you can start by entering text instructions to generate Excel formulas. For example, you can describe a task like 'Split the text in cell A2 where the "/" symbol appears into two columns' and FormulaGenerator will automatically generate the formula for you. The platform also offers an Error Spotter feature to debug formulas and code, an Explain Formula feature to understand formulas, and the ability to generate VBA, SQL, and Appscript code. You can try FormulaGenerator as a web app or a Google Sheets extension.
Here is the FormulaGenerator support email for customer service: [email protected] .
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