Design and Plan Embedded Projects Efficiently with Intel's Embedded Board Planner

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Design and Plan Embedded Projects Efficiently with Intel's Embedded Board Planner

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Intel's Embedded Board Planner?
  3. How to Access the Tool
  4. Navigating the Tool
  5. Selecting the Processor
  6. Choosing the Board Format
  7. Exploring Peripherals and Components
  8. Planning the Board Layout
  9. Power Analysis and Thermal Simulation
  10. Viewing Schematics
  11. Generating Reports
  12. Accessing Design Resources
  13. Conclusion


In today's technological landscape, embedded systems have become an integral part of numerous industries. These systems rely on specialized hardware components, including embedded boards, to function seamlessly. Intel, being a leader in the semiconductor industry, introduces the Embedded Board Planner - a sophisticated tool that allows embedded developers to design and plan their projects efficiently. In this article, we will explore the features and functionalities of Intel's Embedded Board Planner and how it can streamline the embedded design process.

What is Intel's Embedded Board Planner?

Intel's Embedded Board Planner is an interactive tool designed specifically to assist embedded developers in planning and designing their projects effectively. This innovative tool provides an in-depth understanding of a selected processor's platform capabilities and enables users to estimate whether the desired components will fit on the board. By offering a visual representation of the board layout and allowing customization of various parameters, the Embedded Board Planner streamlines the design process and enhances productivity.

How to Access the Tool

To access Intel's Embedded Board Planner, navigate to Intel's main page and select the "Menu" option. From there, click on "Audiences," followed by "Embedded Developers," and finally, "Design Resources" and "Embedded Board Planner." This will take you to the landing page of the Embedded Board Planner, where you can find a brief overview of the tool's capabilities and functionality.

Navigating the Tool

The basic flow of the Embedded Board Planner tool is from left to right, starting with the selection of the desired platform. The tool provides a range of product families, including the E3800, C2000, N2000, D2000, and others. Simply choose the appropriate platform based on your requirements.

Selecting the Processor

Once you have selected the platform, it's time to choose the processor. The tool offers a wide range of processors, and for our example, we will select the Intel Atom Processor D2550. This selection provides specific information and capabilities related to this processor.

Choosing the Board Format

Next, under the "Board" tab, you can choose from three formats: the Eval board, a standard board, or the option to define a custom board. For demonstration purposes, let's select the Cedar Rock Eval Board. This selection enables us to view the board layout and its components.

Exploring Peripherals and Components

Under the "Peripherals" tab, you can explore the graphical representation of the processor's capabilities. This includes digital displays (such as HDMI), DDR3 memory, USB2, SATA, SPI flash, high-definition audio, and PCI Express. You can modify your selections and access additional components by scrolling down on the page.

Planning the Board Layout

Moving on to the "Solution" tab, you can Visualize the selected eval board and the placement of all the components. The board and components are to Scale, allowing you to assess whether your desired circuitry will fit. The tool also provides adjustable blocks for better planning. By double-clicking on a specific component, you can enter parameters, manipulate its position, and ensure that components do not collide.

Power Analysis and Thermal Simulation

The "Power" tab displays various power breakout options and allows you to add a heat sink if necessary. It provides visual representations, such as pie charts, to indicate heat generation. The "Thermal" tab enables you to set environmental settings related to air temperature, airflow, speed, and direction. Additionally, you can simulate these conditions and analyze preliminary thermal data.

Viewing Schematics

Under the "Schematics" tab, you can view a hierarchical list of the schematics on the left side of the window. For a more detailed view, you have the option to open the schematics in a new window. Furthermore, you can download the schematics in Altium format, allowing for easy integration into your design workflow.

Generating Reports

The "Report" tab offers the capability to download a report summarizing your conceptual PCB design. This report provides valuable insights and serves as documentation for your project. Additionally, the tab gives access to design content and available board solutions from the Intel Intelligent Systems Alliance Solutions Directory.

Accessing Design Resources

Intel's Embedded Board Planner goes beyond just the tool itself. By heading to the "Design Resources" section, you can explore the available links that provide additional support for your embedded design journey. It is worth mentioning that registration might be necessary to save or share your work, request design assistance from Intel, or collaborate with colleagues.


Intel's Embedded Board Planner is a powerful resource for embedded developers, offering a comprehensive solution for designing and planning embedded board projects. With its intuitive interface, extensive component library, and advanced features like power analysis and thermal simulation, the tool significantly streamlines the design process. By leveraging Intel's expertise and resources, developers can confidently create custom boards that Align with their specific requirements. Get started with Intel's Embedded Board Planner today and unlock the potential of your embedded designs.


  • Intel's Embedded Board Planner streamlines the process of designing embedded board projects.
  • The tool provides a visual representation of the board layout and component placement.
  • Power analysis and thermal simulation features help optimize board performance.
  • Access to design resources and an extensive component library enhances the design process.
  • Generate reports and collaborate with colleagues for seamless Project Management.


Q: Can I use Intel's Embedded Board Planner for any embedded project? A: Yes, the tool is designed to assist with a wide range of embedded projects, regardless of their complexity or industry.

Q: Is the tool limited to Intel processors only? A: Yes, Intel's Embedded Board Planner focuses on Intel processors and their associated platforms. It provides valuable insights and support specific to Intel's product line.

Q: Can I customize the board layout according to my specific requirements? A: Absolutely! The tool offers customization options, allowing you to define a custom board layout and position components as per your project's needs.

Q: Is the tool suitable for both beginner and advanced users? A: Yes, Intel's Embedded Board Planner caters to users with varying levels of expertise. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it accessible to beginners while offering advanced functionalities for experienced designers.

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