Optimize Genshin Impact for a Smooth Experience on Low-End Systems

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Optimize Genshin Impact for a Smooth Experience on Low-End Systems

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. System Requirements
  3. Optimizing Settings for Performance
  4. Adjusting Resolution and Frame Rate
  5. Understanding Anti-Aliasing and Filtering
  6. Motion Blur Preferences
  7. Other Graphics Settings
  8. Recording Gameplay with OBS
  9. Showcasing FPS Performance
  10. Conclusion

How to Run Genshin Impact on a Weak System



Genshin Impact is a popular open-world action role-playing Game that offers stunning visuals and immersive gameplay. However, running the game smoothly on a weak system, especially one without a dedicated graphics card, can be a challenge. This article will guide you through the process of optimizing your settings to achieve a playable FPS on a dual-core system with integrated graphics.

System Requirements

Before delving into the settings, it's essential to understand the system requirements for Genshin Impact. While the game is known for its beautiful graphics and detailed environments, it is surprisingly well-optimized to run on a range of hardware configurations. The minimum requirement includes a dual-core processor, 4GB of RAM, and Intel HD Graphics or its AMD equivalent.

Optimizing Settings for Performance

To achieve a playable FPS on a weak system, it is crucial to tweak the in-game graphics settings. Start by accessing the settings menu and adjusting various options to reduce the graphical load on your system. Lowering settings such as texture quality, shadows, and effects can significantly improve performance without compromising the overall visual experience. Experiment with different combinations until you find a balance between performance and visuals that suits your preferences.

Adjusting Resolution and Frame Rate

Lowering the resolution is one of the most effective ways to boost FPS on a weak system. Genshin Impact allows you to adjust the render resolution, offering flexibility based on your system's capabilities. Keep in mind that decreasing the resolution will result in a loss of visual Clarity, but it is a necessary trade-off for smoother gameplay. Additionally, setting a lower frame rate, such as 30 FPS, can prevent overheating issues on older systems.

Understanding Anti-Aliasing and Filtering

Anti-aliasing refers to the technique used to smooth out jagged edges in games, enhancing visual quality. In Genshin Impact, choosing the right anti-aliasing option is crucial for balancing performance and image sharpness. While options like FXAA and SMAA are less demanding, more advanced techniques like TAA and MSAA can significantly impact performance. Experiment with different anti-aliasing methods to find the one that suits your preferences and system capabilities.

Motion Blur Preferences

Motion blur is an effect that simulates the blurring of fast-moving objects in real life. However, it is largely a personal preference, as it doesn't directly affect FPS. Enabling motion blur can add a cinematic touch to the game, but some players prefer to disable it for a sharper and more responsive visual experience. It's worth trying both options to determine which one enhances your gameplay.

Other Graphics Settings

Apart from the settings Mentioned above, the Graphics menu in Genshin Impact offers additional options that you can experiment with. Anisotropic filtering can improve texture quality at the cost of performance, while subsurface scattering enhances the realism of materials. Consider the performance impact of these settings and adjust accordingly based on your system's capabilities.

Recording Gameplay with OBS

If you want to Record gameplay footage while playing Genshin Impact, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is a popular choice. However, it is important to note that OBS can have a significant impact on performance, causing choppy frame rates. Alternatively, you can utilize the game's built-in recording feature or explore other screen recording software that has minimal performance impact.

Showcasing FPS Performance

To demonstrate the actual FPS performance of Genshin Impact on a weak system, a brief showcase was captured. Despite the choppiness observed while recording with OBS, the gameplay itself remains relatively smooth and playable. This clip serves as evidence that the game can run above 40 FPS, even in demanding weather effects, making it an enjoyable experience on a modest setup.


Running Genshin Impact on a weak system without a dedicated graphics card may seem impossible, but with the right settings adjustments, it can be a reality. By optimizing graphics settings, adjusting resolution and frame rate, understanding anti-aliasing options, and considering personal preferences for motion blur and other settings, you can achieve a playable FPS. Don't let hardware limitations hold you back from exploring the beautiful world of Genshin Impact.


  • Learn how to optimize Genshin Impact settings for a weak system 🎮
  • Adjust resolution and frame rate for smoother gameplay ⚙️
  • Understand anti-aliasing options and their impact on performance 🖥️
  • Choose between motion blur preferences for a personalized experience 🌪️
  • Explore additional graphics settings and their performance impact 🎚️
  • Record gameplay using OBS or alternative screen recording software 🎥
  • Showcase actual FPS performance on a weak system 📸


Q: Can I run Genshin Impact on a dual-core system without a dedicated graphics card?

A: Yes, Genshin Impact is optimized to run on a range of hardware configurations, including dual-core systems with integrated graphics. By adjusting settings and optimizing performance, you can play the game on a weak system.

Q: How can I boost FPS in Genshin Impact?

A: To boost FPS, try lowering settings such as texture quality, shadows, and effects. Additionally, adjust the resolution and frame rate to match your system's capabilities. Experiment with different options to find the right balance between performance and visuals.

Q: Can I record gameplay while playing Genshin Impact?

A: Yes, you can record gameplay in Genshin Impact using OBS or other screen recording software. However, keep in mind that recording software can impact performance and result in choppy frame rates. Consider alternative recording methods or optimize OBS settings for better performance.

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