Securing Firmware and Software: The Power of Root of Trust

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Securing Firmware and Software: The Power of Root of Trust

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • What is Root of Trust?
  • Importance of Root of Trust in Firmware and Software
  • How Attackers Target Firmware and Software
  • Recognizing Firmware Attacks
  • Protecting Against Firmware Attacks
  • Prevalence of Firmware Attacks
  • Protecting Legacy Systems
  • Fun Facts
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will be discussing the concept of Root of Trust and its significance in ensuring the security of firmware and software. We will explore the definition of Root of Trust and its role in establishing trustworthiness in computing systems. Furthermore, we will delve into the importance of Root of Trust in the context of firmware and software, examining the potential threats and vulnerabilities that can be mitigated through its implementation. We will also discuss how attackers target firmware and software and the methods used to recognize and protect against such attacks. Additionally, we will explore the prevalence of firmware attacks and strategies to safeguard both new and legacy systems. To conclude, we will share some interesting fun facts related to the topic.

What is Root of Trust?

Root of Trust, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to the foundational element that establishes trust in a computing system. It provides the basis for verifying the authenticity and integrity of various components, such as firmware and software, within the system. Similar to how trust is established through connections between individuals, Root of Trust acts as the anchor of trust within a computing system.

Importance of Root of Trust in Firmware and Software

Firmware and software play crucial roles in the operation of computing systems. However, they can also be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access or compromise the system's security. This is where Root of Trust becomes instrumental. By ensuring the authenticity of the firmware and software, Root of Trust forms a solid foundation for secure operation.

The importance of Root of Trust in firmware and software lies in its ability to prevent malicious activities at different levels of the system. Starting from the application layer, where initial threats were prominent, attackers have now shifted their focus to deeper levels, such as the operating system and firmware. Firmware, in particular, poses greater challenges for detection and mitigation due to its loading process before the operating system. With Root of Trust in place, the system can verify and attest the authenticity of the firmware and software, reducing the risk of attacks.

How Attackers Target Firmware and Software

Attackers employ various methods to target firmware and software in their attempts to compromise system security. One common approach involves exploiting vulnerabilities in the firmware or software. By taking advantage of programming errors or flaws in the code, attackers can access and manipulate the system, potentially gaining control over critical functionalities.

Another vector for attacks on firmware and software is through the supply chain. At any stage, from the manufacturing process to shipping, attackers can manipulate components or change the code of the system, introducing vulnerabilities or unauthorized modifications. Similarly, remote attacks have become prevalent, especially in data centers, where physical access is restricted. By exploiting system vulnerabilities, attackers can remotely update firmware to their advantage.

Recognizing Firmware Attacks

Detecting firmware attacks can be challenging due to their inherent nature. Firmware is loaded into the system's memory before the operating system and other security tools, such as antivirus software, are loaded. This makes it difficult for traditional security measures to identify malicious firmware. However, Root of Trust offers a solution by verifying the code integrity through techniques like signature verification and encryption.

The Root of Trust maintains a database or manifest consisting of the expected components and configurations of the firmware and software. It compares these with the actual state of the system, ensuring authenticity and preventing unauthorized modifications. Additionally, the Root of Trust safeguards the update process, requiring proper authorization and validation to ensure only authentic firmware updates are applied.

Protecting Against Firmware Attacks

Companies looking to protect their systems against firmware attacks employ various strategies that encompass both hardware and software aspects. Starting from the supply chain, measures are implemented to ensure the integrity of components and prevent unauthorized modifications. These measures include binding the Root of Trust to the motherboard to detect any changes before system initialization.

In terms of software, the Root of Trust plays a pivotal role in verifying the authenticity of firmware and software during the boot process. Encryption, signature verification, and manifest-based checks are employed to validate the components against known authentic configurations. The Root of Trust also enables the protection of the system through protocols that limit unauthorized firmware updates and enable secure update processes.

Prevalence of Firmware Attacks

Firmware attacks, although less common compared to application layer attacks, have been on the rise in recent years. According to a Microsoft article, around 80% of enterprises have experienced firmware attacks within the last two years. The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of systems, combined with evolving attack techniques, have made it more challenging to detect and prevent firmware attacks. Organizations need to be aware of this growing threat and take proactive measures to secure their systems.

Protecting Legacy Systems

Protecting legacy or brownfield systems, which may lack the latest security features, can Present additional challenges. Retrofitting these systems with improved security measures requires a tailored approach that considers their unique characteristics and limitations. While many solutions are designed for new generation systems, custom-made solutions can address the security needs of legacy systems, ensuring the implementation of Root of Trust principles.

Fun Facts

  • Did you know that Root of Trust can be compared to the concept of trust among individuals? Just like how trust is established based on relationships between people, Root of Trust enables systems to verify authenticity by anchoring trust in a component or process.
  • Root of Trust serves as a hardware-based security measure that ensures the authenticity and integrity of firmware and software. It acts as the bedrock on which the system's security is built, preventing attacks from compromising critical functionalities.
  • The majority of the world's freshwater, approximately 68.7%, is stored in ice caps, snow, and glaciers located at the poles. This highlights the importance of careful water resource management and the preservation of these frozen reservoirs.


Root of Trust plays a vital role in ensuring the security and integrity of firmware and software in computing systems. By establishing trust through verification and attestation, Root of Trust prevents malicious activities and unauthorized modifications. It acts as the foundation for secure operation, protecting against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. As firmware attacks continue to increase, organizations must prioritize the implementation of Root of Trust principles in their systems to safeguard sensitive data and maintain the trust of their users.


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