The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch: Recall and Refund

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The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch: Recall and Refund

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch
  3. Recall and Sync Discontinuation
  4. Pros and Cons of the Recall
  5. The Email Notifications
  6. The Hitzeproblem Incident
  7. Updates and Lack Thereof
  8. Returning the Smartwatch
  9. Customer Service and Server Shutdown
  10. Conclusion



In this article, we will be discussing the Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch, its recall, and the discontinuation of device synchronization. If you are an owner of this smartwatch or have been considering purchasing one, it is important to stay informed about these developments. Let's delve into the details.

The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch

The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch was marketed as a Fitness tracker but has now become subject to a recall. Designed by Intel, this smartwatch was intended to track your fitness activities and provide Relevant data to help you achieve your health goals. However, it seems that the device has encountered some unforeseen issues.

Recall and Sync Discontinuation

The unfortunate news is that Intel has decided to initiate a recall for the Basic Peak Smartwatch. This means that the device will no longer be supported and will not be able to sync with your other devices. The complete support for the smartwatch will be discontinued at the end of the year.

Pros and Cons of the Recall

Let's weigh the pros and cons of this recall. On the positive side, if you have purchased the Basic Peak Smartwatch, you will be eligible for a full refund. Intel is taking responsibility for the issue and ensuring that customers are not financially affected by the recall. However, on the downside, this means that the smartwatch will no longer function as intended, and any future software updates to address the problem are unlikely.

The Email Notifications

Intel communicated the recall to registered customers via email. If you had previously registered your email address with Intel during the setup or registration process, you would have received a notification regarding the recall. It is unfortunate that some individuals may have missed these emails or mistaken them for spam due to the requirement of registering an email address.

The Hitzeproblem Incident

In mid-June, Intel sent out an email to inform customers that a small percentage of users (only 0.2%) had reported a heating issue with their Basic Peak Smartwatch. It appears that the heart rate monitor on the device became warm, causing some users to experience mild burns. As a precautionary measure, Intel advised users to stop using the smartwatch for safety reasons.

Updates and Lack Thereof

Intel initially stated that they were working on a software update to address the heating issue. However, by early August, a follow-up email was sent informing customers that unfortunately, they would not be able to resolve the problem through an update. This revelation suggested that the recall was the only viable solution.

Returning the Smartwatch

If you are an owner of the Basic Peak Smartwatch and wish to return it, Intel provides instructions on how to do so. You can visit the mybasic forum or the website for detailed information. Alternatively, you can contact Intel directly through the provided customer support hotline. Rest assured, Intel is committed to facilitating the return process and ensuring that customers receive a full refund for their purchase.

Customer Service and Server Shutdown

While Intel's customer service and refund policy demonstrates excellent support to affected customers, there is one aspect that disappoints. Intel intends to shut down their servers by the end of the year, rendering the Basic Peak Smartwatch unusable even for customers who wish to continue using it at their own risk. While this decision may be a legal precaution for Intel, it is unfortunate for those who would like to keep using the device despite the recall.


In conclusion, the Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch recall and sync discontinuation has stirred mixed emotions among users. While the refund policy is commendable, the device's inability to receive future updates and the impending shutdown of servers is a significant drawback. It is essential for Intel and other technology companies to thoroughly test their products before releasing them to the market to avoid such incidents in the future.


  • The Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch faces a recall and will no longer sync with devices.
  • The recall allows customers to receive a full refund for their purchase.
  • Intel sent out email notifications to inform customers about the recall, but some may have missed them.
  • A small percentage of users reported a heating issue with the smartwatch, prompting Intel to advise against further usage.
  • Despite initially working on a software update, Intel later announced that the issue could not be resolved.
  • Instructions for returning the smartwatch and obtaining a refund can be found on the mybasic forum or website.
  • Intel intends to shut down their servers by the end of the year, rendering the smartwatch unusable for those who wish to continue using it at their own risk.


Q: How do I return my Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch? A: Instructions for returning the smartwatch can be found on the mybasic forum or website. You can also contact Intel's customer support hotline for assistance.

Q: Can I still use the Basic Peak Smartwatch after the recall? A: Unfortunately, Intel will be shutting down their servers, making the smartwatch unusable, even for those who wish to continue using it at their own risk.

Q: Will I receive a refund for my Intel Basic Peak Smartwatch? A: Yes, if you have purchased the smartwatch, you are eligible for a full refund. Intel is committed to ensuring that customers are not financially affected by the recall.

Q: What was the issue with the Basic Peak Smartwatch? A: A small percentage of users reported a heating issue with the smartwatch, specifically related to the heart rate monitor, which caused some users to experience mild burns.

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