Unlocking the Potential of Tech Teams: Leadership and Coaching Insights from Intel

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Unlocking the Potential of Tech Teams: Leadership and Coaching Insights from Intel

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meet Tom Garrison, VP and Chief Strategy Officer at Intel
  3. Tom's Journey in the Tech Industry
  4. The Challenges of Becoming a Manager
  5. The Importance of Communication in Team Management
  6. The Four Traits of Admired Leaders
  7. Tom's Experience with Improv and Active Listening
  8. Building Effective Technical Teams
  9. The Role of Diversity in Team Building
  10. Using Sports and Chess Analogies in Team Formation
  11. The Power of Open Communication and Feedback
  12. Preventing Pigeonholing and Nurturing Growth
  13. The Impact of Internal Dialogue on Leadership
  14. The Difference Between Leadership and Coaching
  15. The Benefits of Coaching at All Levels

🎯 Introduction

Welcome to "InTechnology," the videocast where you can gain insights into cybersecurity, sustainability, and technology. Today, we have a special guest, Tom Garrison, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer in the Client Group at Intel. In this episode, we will dive into Tom's wealth of experience in the tech industry, his journey as a leader, and his insights on building effective technical teams.

🤝 Meet Tom Garrison, VP and Chief Strategy Officer at Intel

Tom Garrison is a seasoned technology professional with over two decades of experience. As the VP and Chief Strategy Officer at Intel, he focuses on strategy development and partnership deals. Tom has a diverse background, having worked on cybersecurity initiatives, supply chain assurance, product development, sales, and strategic planning. In addition to his technical expertise, he is also a trained and certified leadership coach.

🚀 Tom's Journey in the Tech Industry

Tom shares his early experience in the tech industry, starting as a market researcher at Intel. Within a short period, he was unexpectedly Promoted to a managerial role due to a reorganization. Initially, Tom faced challenges in managing the team and realized the importance of effective communication as a leader. Through his journey, he discovered the value of continuous improvement and the impact of leadership development.

💬 The Challenges of Becoming a Manager

Transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager can be a daunting task. Tom reflects on his own experience and acknowledges that being a good communicator is vital in managing any team, whether technical or non-technical. He shares the importance of Clarity, understanding, and the lessons he learned from vocal team members who helped Shape him into a better leader over time.

🔑 The Importance of Communication in Team Management

Effective communication is a critical aspect of successful team management. Tom emphasizes that leaders need to actively listen, tailor their communication to different audiences, and convey information clearly and concisely. He highlights the significance of formal and informal communication channels, such as presentations, verbal updates, and written emails, in building trust and alignment within a team.

🌟 The Four Traits of Admired Leaders

Drawing from research and personal experience, Tom identifies four key traits that are highly valued in leaders: honesty, competence, forward-looking vision, and inspiration. He emphasizes the importance of demonstrating these traits consistently, as it builds trust, inspires others, and drives organizational success. Tom believes that leadership can be nurtured and developed through practice and frequent demonstration of these traits.

🎭 Tom's Experience with Improv and Active Listening

In a surprising turn of events, Tom shares his transformative experience with an improvisational acting class during his engineering studies. He highlights the invaluable skills he learned, such as active listening, being Present in the moment, and responding effectively to various situations. Tom explains how these skills Translate to real-life scenarios, enabling leaders to become better listeners and engage with others more authentically.

🏢 Building Effective Technical Teams

Building effective technical teams requires careful consideration of various factors. Tom draws analogies from sports and chess, emphasizing the importance of diversity and complementary skills within a team. Just like a successful basketball team, a balance of different skills and strengths is essential to overcome challenges and achieve goals. He also highlights the significance of continuous assessment and adaptation in team formation and development.

🌈 The Power of Open Communication and Feedback

Open communication and regular feedback are essential for fostering a culture of growth and development within teams. Tom encourages leaders to engage in open dialogues with team members, seeking their perspectives, aspirations, and challenges. By understanding individual motivations and constantly aligning expectations, leaders can effectively support and empower team members to reach their full potential.

➰ Preventing Pigeonholing and Nurturing Growth

It is crucial to prevent employees from feeling stuck or pigeonholed in one particular role. Tom explains that individuals should be regularly evaluated for new challenges and opportunities. Leaders must have open conversations with team members to understand their interests, aspirations, and areas where they feel challenged. This ongoing assessment enables leaders to create a conducive environment for personal growth and development.

💭 The Impact of Internal Dialogue on Leadership

Tom explores the concept of internal dialogue - the conversations we have with ourselves that impact our self-Perception and behavior. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and managing this inner voice, which can either empower or hinder personal growth. Tom advocates for building a network of trusted individuals who can provide honest feedback and offer a clear reflection of one's strengths and areas for improvement.

🤝 The Difference Between Leadership and Coaching

Tom sheds light on the distinction between leadership and coaching. While leadership involves guiding and influencing others towards a common goal, coaching focuses on helping individuals uncover and overcome their own challenges. As a certified coach, Tom highlights the power of coaching in empowering individuals to develop their problem-solving skills, expand their perspectives, and enhance their growth potential.

💡 The Benefits of Coaching at All Levels

Coaching is not limited to individuals facing challenges; it has immense value for high performers and high-potential employees as well. Tom explains that coaching can enable individuals to reach their full potential and accelerate their development. By leveraging coaching techniques, leaders can empower individuals to unravel their own solutions, think critically, and continuously improve, ultimately driving personal and organizational success.


  • Effective team management requires strong communication skills and the ability to listen actively.
  • Building diverse teams with complementary skills is crucial for success.
  • Demonstrating honesty, competence, vision, and inspiration are key traits of admired leaders.
  • Improv techniques, such as active listening, can enhance leadership skills.
  • Open communication, feedback, and ongoing assessment support personal and team growth.
  • Coaching empowers individuals to uncover their own solutions and enhances their problem-solving capabilities.
  • Coaching is beneficial for individuals at all levels, providing support for both challenges and high-potential development.


Q: What are the traits of admired leaders? A: Admired leaders possess honesty, competence, forward-looking vision, and inspiration.

Q: How can communication be improved in team management? A: Leaders should actively listen, tailor communication to different audiences, and convey information clearly and concisely.

Q: What is the difference between leadership and coaching? A: Leadership focuses on guiding others, while coaching aims to help individuals uncover their own solutions and overcome challenges.

Q: How can pigeonholing be prevented in a technical field? A: Regular evaluation, open conversations, and providing opportunities for growth and development can prevent pigeonholing.

Q: Who can benefit from coaching? A: Coaching is beneficial for individuals at all skill levels, including high performers and high-potential employees.

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