AIflixhub Product Information

What is AIflixhub?

Create AI-Generated Films: Video, Speech, Sound & Music

How to use AIflixhub?

To create AI-generated films with AIflixhub, sign up for an account and access the studio page. You can upload existing assets or generate new ones using AI tools provided by the platform. Combine these elements to produce and export your film masterpiece.

AIflixhub's Core Features

Generate ideas, write scripts, and create storyboards

Generate imagery and video shots with AI

Generate dialogues and unique sound effects

Compose soundtracks tailored for films

Upload assets and movies for projects

Edit films, modify scenes and shots, and export the resulting film

Publish and share your creations on the website

New AI tools and formats for ads, TV, tutorials, social media

AIflixhub's Use Cases


Embark on cinematic journeys with AI-generated films


Step into the director's chair and bring any genre to life


Empower your creative journey with advanced AI tools


Create and showcase your own films on your personal page

FAQ from AIflixhub

What is AIflixhub?

How to watch AI-generated movies?

How do I begin creating a movie?

What can I create on this platform?

What does it cost to generate content?

AIflixhub Reviews (0)

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AIflixhub Pricing

Trial Plan


Try it for free! Watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, no credits, 0s of video, 1 simultaneous AI task, 1GB assets, no support

Basic Plan

$15 per month

Ideal for personal use! Watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 1000 credits per month, ~200s of AI video, 3 simultaneous AI tasks, 25GB assets, priority support

Pro Plan

$45 per month

Ideal for professionals! Commercial use, watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 3000 credits per month, ~600s of AI video, 5 simultaneous AI tasks, 100GB assets, priority support and request feature

Studio Plan

$195 per month

Ideal for studios! Commercial use for 5, watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 15000 credits per month, ~3000s of AI video, 15 simultaneous AI tasks, 500GB assets, priority support and request feature

Basic Plan -20%

$12 per month

Pay $144. Ideal for personal use! Watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 1000 credits per month, ~200s of AI video, 3 simultaneous AI tasks, 25GB assets, priority support

Pro Plan -20%

$36 per month

Pay $432. Ideal for professionals! Commercial use, watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 3000 credits per month, ~600s of AI video, 7 simultaneous AI tasks, 100GB assets, priority support and request feature

Studio Plan -20%

$156 per month

Pay $1872. Ideal for studios! Commercial use for 5, watch unlimited movies, generate and upload assets, 15000 credits per month, ~3000s of AI video, 15 simultaneous AI tasks, 500GB assets, priority support and request feature

Basic Package


For occasional use or when monthly credits have been exceeded. 1000 credits, ~200s of AI video

Advanced Package


For occasional use or when monthly credits have been exceeded. 3000 credits, ~600s of AI video

Premium Package


For occasional use or when monthly credits have been exceeded. 10000 credits, ~2000s of AI video

For the latest pricing, please visit this link:

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