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DefiPe is an easy-to-use crypto trading platform that offers an AI Guide for decentralized trading. It provides access to over 2 million cryptocurrencies and a convenient Crypto-Link wallet with Gmail and Twitter login. The platform also integrates with popular crypto wallets like Metamask and TrustWallets.
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Oct 09 2023
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DefiPe Product Information

What is DefiPe?

DefiPe is an easy-to-use crypto trading platform that offers an AI Guide for decentralized trading. It provides access to over 2 million cryptocurrencies and a convenient Crypto-Link wallet with Gmail and Twitter login. The platform also integrates with popular crypto wallets like Metamask and TrustWallets.

How to use DefiPe?

To use DefiPe, simply create an account using your Gmail or Twitter login credentials. Once logged in, you can explore the platform's AI Guide for decentralized trading and access a wide range of cryptocurrencies. You can also manage your funds using the integrated Crypto-Link wallet or connect your existing Metamask or TrustWallets.

FAQ from DefiPe

What is DefiPe?

How do I create an account on DefiPe?

Can I connect my existing Metamask or TrustWallets to DefiPe?

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