Share by ChatGPT

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Summary: "Share by ChatGPT offers easy web page summarization and sharing on social media."
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May 30 2023
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Share by ChatGPT Product Information

What is Share by ChatGPT?

Share by ChatGPT is a browser extension that allows users to summarize web pages using ChatGPT and easily share the summaries on social media platforms.

How to use Share by ChatGPT?

To use Share by ChatGPT, simply add the extension to your Chrome or Firefox browser. When browsing a web page, click on the extension icon to generate a summary using ChatGPT. You can then edit the summary if needed and share it directly on your favorite social media platforms.

Share by ChatGPT's Core Features

Browser extension for summarizing web pages

Integration with ChatGPT for generating summaries

Easy sharing of summaries on social media

Support for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox

Share by ChatGPT's Use Cases


Quickly summarize news articles and share the key points on Twitter


Condense lengthy blog posts into concise summaries for Facebook


Create short, engaging descriptions of web pages to share on LinkedIn


Generate brief summaries of research papers and share them on academic platforms

Share by ChatGPT Reviews (0)

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Feb 2023 - Jul 2024 All Traffic

Share by ChatGPT Launch embeds

Use website badges to drive support from your community for your Toolify Launch. They're easy to embed on your homepage or footer.

Share by ChatGPT: Summary: "Share by ChatGPT offers easy web page summarization and sharing on social media."
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