
1 Reviews
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ReTime is a free online appointment scheduling software that allows users to easily schedule and manage their meetings, appointments, and team discussions. It provides a fundamentally different scheduling experience, redefining your routine for meetings.
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Aug 12 2023
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Retime Product Information

What is Retime?

ReTime is a free online appointment scheduling software that allows users to easily schedule and manage their meetings, appointments, and team discussions. It provides a fundamentally different scheduling experience, redefining your routine for meetings.

How to use Retime?

To use ReTime, follow these simple steps: 1. Define your own schedule by connecting the synchronizer to Google Calendar or manually setting your availabilities. 2. Share your booking page link or embed it on your website to invite guests. 3. Guests can pick a time from your available slots, and the event is automatically added to your calendar.

Retime's Core Features

Agenda: Write discussion points and keep track of team meetings.

Action Items: Easily assign and track tasks for action.

Define Availabilities: Set your preferred schedule or sync with Google Calendar.

Advanced Options: Customize meeting preferences and settings.

Date Override: Override default availability for specific dates.

Calendar sync: Integrate with Google Calendar, Zoho, Office365 Calendar, and more.

Time zone scheduling: Manage meetings across different time zones.

Retime's Use Cases


Businesses and professionals looking for a simple and powerful scheduling tool for their meetings and appointments.


Teams and remote workers wanting to streamline their collaboration and communication processes.


Organizations and individuals wanting to eliminate last-minute and conflicting meetings.


Companies and individuals desiring a consolidated view of their schedule across different calendars and platforms.

FAQ from Retime

How to sync ReTime with Google Calendar?

Can I customize the meeting preferences and settings in ReTime?

Which calendar platforms does ReTime integrate with?

Can ReTime be used by remote teams?

What are the main benefits of using ReTime for scheduling meetings?

Retime Reviews (1)

5 point out of 5 point
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Hadi Farnoud

May 16 2024

Retime has truly transformed the way our team approaches meetings. As someone who used to dread the endless back-and-forth emails to schedule meetings and the chaos of disorganized agendas, Retime has been a game-changer. The intuitive interface makes it easy to schedule meetings, and the ability to create and share agendas in advance ensures that everyone comes prepared and on the same page. Plus, the meeting notes feature has been a lifesaver for capturing key takeaways and action items, eliminating the need for manual note-taking and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. Overall, Retime has streamlined our meeting processes and helped us reclaim valuable time that we can now dedicate to more meaningful work. Highly recommended!

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