Best 16 AI SOP Tools in 2024

Pneumatic, Tootler AI, Policy Pro, ChartX,, SOPbox, Scribe Chrome Extension, Fluency, Castofly, are the best paid / free AI SOP tools.

Pneumatic is a free software that streamlines businesses with workflows and integrations.
AI-powered Tootler helps write exceptional statements of purpose for study, work, and travel visas.
Policy Pro turns SOPs into real-time info, answering policy, procedure, and compliance questions instantly.
Automate SOAP notes and medical bills with ChartX.
Convert video SOPs into interactive guides effortlessly.
116 users
Manage SOPs and Checklists online.
1.0M users
Transforms processes into intuitive guides.
Automate step-by-step documentation
171 users
Create guides, demos, and videos effortlessly.
1 is an AI-powered tool for efficient checklist management.
Simplify and automate recurring checklists & SOPs
Repurpose videos/audio into content
264 users
Automated guide creation for workflows.
60 users
Effortless creation of interactive how-to guides.
1000 users
Chrome Extension for interactive workflow training
On-demand automation services for business growth and cost-cutting.

What is AI SOP?

AI SOP (Artificial Intelligence Standard Operating Procedure) is the application of artificial intelligence in designing, managing, and optimizing standard operating procedures in various sectors. It involves using AI algorithms to analyze data, predict outcomes, and make intelligent decisions that improve efficiency and reduce errors.

AI SOP Insights

United States














16 Tools
AI SOP already has over 16 AI tools.
60.0K Total Monthly Visitors
AI SOP already boasts over 60.0K user visits per month.
0 tools traffic more than 1M
AI SOP already exists at least 0 AI tools with more than one million monthly user visits.

What is the top 10 AI tools for AI SOP?

Core Features
How to use

- AI-driven checklist creation: Utilize the latest GPT AI engine to create customized checklists, processes, and SOPs in seconds.- Task management: Easily create, edit, and share checklists, processes, and SOPs with your team. Track progress and ensure tasks are completed on time.- Workflow management: Manage workflows with an intuitive interface. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in real-time.- Real-time collaboration: Seamlessly collaborate with team members, edit checklists, processes, and SOPs together in real-time.- Integration with other tools: Integrate into existing workflow by connecting with other tools and platforms.- 1000+ Templates: Access a library of pre-built templates covering various industries and use cases, customizable to meet specific needs.

Using is simple and intuitive. Users can create, edit, and share their checklists, processes, and SOPs with their team members. The platform provides a clear and intuitive interface for managing workflows, assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress in real-time. Users can collaborate with their team members in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Additionally, integrates with other tools and platforms, making it easy to fit into existing workflows.

Manifestly Checklists

Conditional Logic
Role Based Assignments
Due Dates & Reminders
Data Collection
Customizable Dashboards

Boost your team's productivity with Manifestly Checklists. Create powerful workflows, assign and automate tasks, track progress, and improve communication and auditing.


On-Demand Automations
One-Stop Automation Hub
Applications Integration

Basic $99/month Access to essential automation features and support.
Pro $199/month Advanced automation features, priority support, and faster project turnaround.
Enterprise Custom Tailored automation solutions for large-scale businesses.

1. Choose a plan and subscribe. 2. Request projects for any business need. 3. Collaborate and revise until satisfied.


Workflow creation and management
Task assignment and tracking
Integration with existing infrastructure and software
Workflow automation
Template generator for customized workflows

Free Plan $0 per month Basic features with limited workflow management capabilities
Unlimited Plan $X per month Full access to all features and unlimited workflow management capabilities
Fractional COO Contact sales for pricing Additional services and consulting for larger organizations

To use Pneumatic, start by signing up for the free trial or creating an account. Once logged in, you can use the Workflow Template Generator to generate custom workflow templates or select from the library of pre-designed templates. Customize the templates by inviting team members, assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and adding conditions and variables. Run and manage multiple workflows, track progress, and ensure efficient collaboration and productivity.

Tootler AI

AI-powered SOP writing
Plagiarism checker
In-built editor for customization
Autofill inputs for quick data entry
Personal library for managing SOPs
Affordable pricing
Instant download in .docx format

To use Tootler AI, simply visit the website and sign up for an account. Once logged in, select the type of SOP you need to write, such as study visa or tourist visa. Then, follow the prompts and provide the necessary information. Tootler AI will generate a personalized and plagiarism-free statement of purpose for you. You can customize your SOP using the built-in editor and download it in .docx format.


Automate SOP, internal guides, and compliance documentation
Centralise processes for insights
AI model for process documentation automation
Secure process vault with AWS integration
Automatic adherence to style guide

Open the Fluency app, hit record, and perform processes as usual to generate automated documentation.

Policy Pro

Real-time answers based on your company's policy
Adaptable AI technology
Extracts information from PDF SOPs
Reduces search time for information
Improves information accuracy for users
Frees up time for complex tasks
Enhances employee satisfaction

To use Policy Pro, an authorized representative from your company needs to upload the PDF version of your Standard Operating Procedures to the platform. Once uploaded, you can login to the chatbot and ask any question related to your company's procedures. The AI responds in real time, using the context from your company's policy to provide accurate answers.


Automated generation of SOAP notes
Creating ready-to-send medical bills
AI-powered algorithms

To use ChartX, simply sign up for an account and log in. Once logged in, you can upload patient encounter data and let the AI-powered algorithms generate SOAP notes and medical bills for you.

AI-powered conversion of video SOPs into interactive guides
Easy-to-follow steps for efficient execution of procedures
Cloud hosting for seamless accessibility

To use Upsop, simply upload your business's video SOPs and let AI convert them into interactive guides. You can then easily follow the steps provided.


Intelligent Video Processing
Content Hierarchy Building
Semantic Interlinking
Rich Text Editing
Chatbot Assistance
Multilingual Understanding

EUR 29 10h 10 hours + UNLIMITED content generation, no subscription fees

Hit the record button, upload a video, or enter a YouTube URL to get summaries, transcripts, and more. Easily convert into blog posts, articles, or social media content.

Newest AI SOP AI Websites

Create guides, demos, and videos effortlessly.
Transforms processes into intuitive guides.
Chrome Extension for interactive workflow training

AI SOP Core Features

AI Analysis

The AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies.

Predictive Modeling

Using historic data, AI SOP can predict future outcomes and suggest optimal procedures.


AI SOP can automatically execute tasks based on the designed procedure, reducing manual intervention.


AI SOP can learn from experience and adapt procedures based on changing conditions.

Who is suitable to use AI SOP?

AI SOP is suitable for businesses and organizations in sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and IT services that have complex procedures. It can also benefit individuals who undertake complex tasks that require standard procedures, such as project managers, engineers, and IT professionals.

How does AI SOP work?

AI SOP works by collecting and analyzing data from various sources, then using this data to create or modify standard operating procedures. Using machine learning algorithms, AI SOP can learn from past performance and adjust the procedures to improve future performance. It can also predict outcomes and make intelligent decisions.

Advantages of AI SOP

AI SOP offers several advantages such as increased efficiency due to automation, reduced errors due to intelligent decision making, improved productivity, and adaptability to changing conditions. It also offers the ability to handle large amounts of data and complex procedures, that would be difficult for humans.

FAQ about AI SOP

What data does AI SOP need to function?
What types of tasks can AI SOP handle?